Monday, August 21, 2023

Syrian and Russian Army Eliminate a Dozen of Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib

Syrian Army's artillery and the Russian fighter jets pummelled overnight the quarters of the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists in Idlib and Hama countrysides, at least 10 terrorists were confirmed killed.

NATO Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists infest large areas in northern Syria, especially in Idlib province alongside the Turkish Army, the second-largest army in the NATO 'defensive' alliance.

The Russian Aerospace fighter jets from the Hmeimim air base carried out 6 sorties and destroyed a main quarter for Al Qaeda Levant (aka Nusra Front - HTS) in Idlib countryside while the Syrian Arab Army's artillery was bombing other quarters for Al Qaeda in Idlib and Western Hama countryside.

Local sources confirmed the killing of at least 10 terrorists and the injury of dozens of others in addition to destroying several quarters and vehicles used by the terrorists.

The Turkish madman Erdogan was supposed to dismantle and withdraw his terrorist groups from northern Syria within the framework of the Idlib Agreement signed in September 2018, instead, he beefed up these terrorists and supported them with Turkish Army soldiers who act as their human shields.

More in this report: Syrian and Russian Armies Bomb NATO Forces in Idlib and Hama.

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