Tuesday, August 29, 2023

NATO Forces Stealing Syrian Rail and Stations

NATO forces of the US Army and its proxy Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists are dismantling and stealing the railway and railway stations in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor.

NATO Forces Stealing Syrian Railway

A statement by the Public Syria Railways Company said:

“The SDF militia continues to steal railways with its infrastructure, facilities, and equipment, in addition to locomotives, trucks, and machinery in the areas in which it is deployed in the governorates of Deir Ezzor and Al-Hasakah, including what was recently monitored.
The dismantling of the railway stations, starting with the passenger transport station in Al-Husseiniyah neighborhood and the freight station near the grain silos, all the way to Al-Tabiyah station, which was designated for transporting Conoco plant gas and was dismantled in November of 2021, and it stole materials, equipment, and railway stations under construction between Deir Ezzor and Al-Bukamal to connect with Iraq.”

The theft has been ongoing for a couple of years and continues in broad daylight, as if stealing Syrian oil, and food, and imposing strangling sanctions on the Syrian people is not enough for the 'Western Value' exporters.

We do know what the tasks assigned by the US consecutive juntas of Obama, Trump, and Biden to their forces illegally operating in Syria are, but we do not understand what benefit or interest their citizens and taxpayers gain from their criminal acts against the people of the world's oldest civilizations who never did any harm to the United States or any of its people?

A reminder for those who claim that the US policies on Syria are of any good:

More about these crimes in this report: NATO Forces Stealing Syrian Railway

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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