Monday, August 28, 2023

Israel Bombs Aleppo International Airport to Aid Al Qaeda in Syria's Idlib

Israel bombed Aleppo International Airport at dawn today as the pressure of the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian Army is increasing on NATO-sponsored al Qaeda terrorists in Idlib.

Israel Bombs Aleppo International Airport to Aid Al Qaeda in Syria's Idlib

At dawn, Israeli US-made, fueled, armed, paid-for fighter jets fired a barrage of missiles from the Mediterranean at Aleppo International Airport, Syria's second-main CIVILIAN COMMERCIAL airport.

The Israeli war crime aggression destroyed parts of the airport's runways and main facilities taking the airport out of service.

This is still a developing story at the time of this report, there's not much further information coming from the site except the timing of this Israeli aggression, like each previous one, coincides with the heavy beating of the NATO proxy forces of the Turkey-sponsored al Qaeda in Idlib and Aleppo countryside.

There are no coincidences in politics especially in the Levant.

More about Israel's latest war crime amidst the deafening silence of the so-called 'international community' and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council in this report: Israel Avenges Attacks on Al Qaeda, Bombs Aleppo Int’l Airport.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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