Friday, July 14, 2023

NATO's Al Qaeda Massive Weapons Depot Destroyed by the Syrian Army

Blessed artillery shells of the Syrian Arab Army turned what seems to have been multi-hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons and munition into rubble in the southern countryside of Idlib, northwest of Syria.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery fired Krasnopol precision shells at a depot on the outskirts of the city of Jisr Shoghour in the southwestern countryside of Idlib, Idlib is defined by US officials as the last stronghold of Al Qaeda in Syria!

Local sources reported that the targeted depot, now destroyed was for the so-called Turkestan Islamist Party, comprising mostly Chinese Uighur fanatic terrorists with strong loyalty to NATO's second-strongest leader, the Turkish madman Erdogan.

The sources from Jisr Shoghour also confirmed the news of numerous casualties among the terrorists without being able to specify how many of them were killed and how many were injured.

Syria continues to fight back against the US-led war of terror and war of attrition for the past 12.5 years, despite the horrific cost inflicted on the Syrian people by the NATO 'defensive' alliance sponsoring dozens of Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist groups across the country with hundreds of US troops and thousands of Turkish troops illegally occupying large parts of Syria.

More in this report: Syrian Army Destroys Large al Qaeda Munition Depot in Idlib.

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