Monday, December 5, 2022

Deadly Riots Erupt in Southern Syria


The building of the Sweida Governorate 'City Hall' was stormed, looted, then set ablaze by dozens of 'peaceful protesters' who torched police vehicles outside the building then marched toward the police headquarters nearby, killed a policeman but failed to storm the building.

The label is protesting against poverty and corruption, the real motive is another US-sponsored color revolution after failing in their initial more than a decade-long bloodiest costliest color revolution in the world.

It's no coincidence that the riots in the relatively calm Sweida province come as the riots in Iran are becoming under control especially after exposing the foreign hands behind the rioters in Iran and after the foreign hands behind the war on the Syrian people are shouting to disclose themselves.

Local notables and heads of the Druze community, the largest minority in the region, convened, discussed, condemned the riots, and called on cooperating with the authorities to identify and arrest the agitators.

This is not a protest, it's a riot, protesters do not shoot at policemen, they don't attempt to storm the police headquarters, protesters do not steal official documents from the local administration building, documents that concern the people of the province and their properties, and protesters do not carry weapons in the first place.

As I asked in my report to Syria News the US readers, I'm asking the readers of this post to compare these riots to the US January 06 riots where the protesters were not armed, they did not steal documents, and they did not burn the Capitol building, on top of all of that, there were no foreign players supporting them: Rioters Kill Syrian Policeman, Burn the Governorate Building in Sweida.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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