Saturday, October 15, 2022

Al Qaeda Post in Idlib Countryside Destroyed by Russian and Syrian Armies Bombing

A coordinated aerial bombing by the Russian fighter jets and artillery shelling by the Syrian Arab Army destroyed an important command center for Al Qaeda Levant in the western countryside of Idlib on Tuesday, 11 October, multiple terrorists were eliminated in the bombing.

Al Qaeda Post in Idlib Countryside Destroyed by Russian and Syrian Armies Bombing

An immediate media blackout was imposed by the Al Qaeda Levant's propagandists, aka White Helmets, who apparently blew up a small poultry farm near the targeted site to alter the narrative and claim the Russian and Syrian armies pinpointed strikes were after some chicken owned by a poor farmer.

Multiple local sources confirmed that a number of ambulances and other Al Qaeda pickup trucks and mini-buses were seen rushing to the site and from there toward the nearby hospital in the Jisr Shoghour, maybe to save the injured chicken [sic].

Al Qaeda Levant aka Nusra Front (Jabhat Nusra) - HTS, among many other names operates freely in Idlib under the protection of NATO's second-largest army, the Turkish army. Keep in mind that NATO is a defensive alliance that protects its North Atlantic member countries from being invaded or attacked by terrorist groups!

It has been a pattern used by the fanatics of the White Helmets, a British PR MI6-founded propaganda firm for Al Qaeda, to conceal the names of the killed and injured terrorists when they're foreigners of high importance for the US proxy terrorist group unless locals were faster in circulating their media contents.

More in this report: Russian Fighter Jets Destroy Al Qaeda’s Post in Idlib Countryside.

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