Tuesday, June 21, 2022

US-sponsored Kurds Turn Down Russian Proposal for Peace in Northern Syria

Emboldened by their US, NATO, and Israeli sponsors, the Kurdish SDF separatists in northern Syria turned down a Russian proposal to mend their relations with the Syrian state and the Syrian people, avert new Turkish aggression, and a major step forward to achieving peace in Syria.

Kurdish Separatists Reject Russia’s Proposal for Solution in Northern Syria

Under the pressure of the threats of the Turkish madman Erdogan, NATO's second strongest leader, the Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists asked for help from Syria through Russia, once they felt the heat off them again, for the 3rd time in the past couple of years turned back to their hostilities against Syria and rejected a Russian proposal offered by the Kremlin's envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrantiev to find a solution to their problems.

The rejection of the Russian offer was announced by one of the main leaders of the Kurdish separatists Ilham Ahmed in a gathering yesterday in Raqqa vowing to use the Kurdish SDF forces against the Syrian people and to continue plundering the Syrian oil, wheat, barley, and even water with the help of their US and Israeli direct sponsors.

More about this latest development in my report to Syria News: Kurdish Separatists Reject Russia’s Proposal for Solution in Northern Syria.

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