Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Syrian President Solidify Relations with Iran in a Visit to Tehran

Syrian President Bashar Assad paid a 'working visit' to Iran and met the Iranian supreme leader and president, the meetings discussed elevating the cooperation between the two countries, mainly the bilateral economic relations to grow to reach the level of the cooperation and coordination on all other levels especially the military and security which resulted in combating and breaking the US-sponsored terrorism backbone in Syria and Iraq.

Ever since the US-sponsored and later dropped Iranian Shah was removed by the Islamists in Iran, the two countries have found a joint path against the US hegemony which was chewing up the rest of the world one country at a time by direct invasions, by regime change plots, and by its proxies like Israel, the other NATO members, and by terrorist groups.

The relations between Syria and Iran have stood strong through the biggest challenges each country has faced and together they managed to foil the US and British invasion of Iraq, and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and both had to flee with their tails between their legs.

The USA did not give up its projects in the region and tried to regime change Iran in the spring of 2009, it failed, it moved to the so-called Arab Spring, it succeeded until it reached the Syrian chapter, it failed despite the astronomical investments in all these interventions, Donald Trump said that his country's wars in the 'Middle East' has cost the USA 7 trillion dollars, I personally believe this is the principal amount for the now spiraling out of control US public debt. Yes, the USA managed to destroy and kill and uproot people in their hundreds of thousands, that's an additional genocide on the shoulders of those who committed them, the price that the US started to pay and will accelerate now is worth it.

This visit to Iran comes as Syria, Iran and the other members of the Resistance Axis have upped their challenge to combat US-led NATO interventions in West Asia and the war crimes of NATO proxies.

More in this report including the transcript of the above video report in English if you prefer to text here: President Assad Visits Iran, Meets Iranian Leaders Khamenei and Raisi.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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