Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Russian Military Operation in Ukraine to End on 9th of May

Western mainstream media, their 'strategic analysts', Pentagon and NATO officials, and simple-brained people are repeating a mantra set at the first days of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine to de-Nazify and de-arm the country, the mantra is: the operation should have finished in 2 to 3 days and Kiev (Kyiv) should have fallen back then.

Russian Military Operation in Ukraine is Not Slow, It’s Planned to End on 9 May, Victory Day

Failing to do so, as they claim, the Russian army is incompetent, unprofessional, Putin was surprised with the Ukrainian resistance - the most hilarious claim, and facing logistical issues.

But who said that a military operation must end in 2 to 3 days? Definitely, it was not any Russian official, the word 'rapid' was added by an 'unknown source' to Putin's first speech declaring the beginning of the military operation in Ukraine, he only stated the reasons and goals of the operation and did not set any time limit or say it will be a rapid operation, nevertheless, the word has spread instantly throughout the media and was then used by every 'analyst' suddenly an expert on Ukraine and miliary operations there and repeated by all western officials.

We don't care about who the unknown source was, it's an established fact that in wars the first casualty is truth, and each side of the wars will resort to lies, exaggerations, and fabrications to help them win the war or at least justify their wars or failures, it's been the case in every single battle fought since the first lie man used on this planet.

What we care about is recent information released by top officials in the Russian leadership to a number of real analysts and I'm quoting one of them in my recent post about this military operation in which they said that the timeframe for the operation was set for 10 weeks at a maximum which should end by the 9th of May achieving all its goals, the officials added that the first two weeks will be intensified military strikes targeting the Ukrainian army's command and control centers, its air defense and air forces, weapons depots, the radical Nazi armed groups quarters, securing the US-sponsored biological weapons research labs, and securing the country's nuclear plants, and circling major Ukrainian cities, especially those to the east of the Dnieper River. After the first two weeks, if the regime in Kiev does not accept the goals set for this operation, a major Ukrainian city will be taken every week.

As far as we see, there's no delay at all in the operation, on the contrary, it's ahead of time taking note that the Sea of Azov is a Russian lake already, and now Russia is adding more conditions to its initial ones and will continue to add more conditions as long as the US and its allies want to prolong this military operation and turn it into what they vowed to Europe's Afghanistan.

I've written previously about the justifications of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, you can refer to my previous posts here, but just to highlight the significance of the 10 weeks period the operation was planned to take: 10 weeks from 24th of February will end by 9th of May, the day the Russians commemorate the victory over Nazism in 1945 in which they celebrate what is termed Victory Day.

Details and references in this report: Russian Military Operation in Ukraine is Not Slow, It’s Planned to End on 9 May, Victory Day.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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