Friday, December 31, 2021

Syria's First Lady Annual Reception to Honor Top Students and their Parents

In her annual reception honoring the country's students who achieved the full mark (100% marks), Syria's First Lady Asmaa Assad received 111 students and their families in the presidential palace in Damascus.

First Lady Asmaa Assad Receives Top Marks Students and their Families

Her heartwarming encouraging messages to the students took the attendees were received very well by the attendees and the Syrians, in general, all over the country, especially it comes a couple of days after an Israeli heinous and cheap attack against Syria's Latakia commercial seaport, the country's main lung to breathe from during the past 10 years of US/ NATO/ Al Qaeda war of terror and war of attrition against the country.

You are our hope for a better future.
You are the generation that Syria is preparing to shake off the dust of war.

Mrs. Assad told the students and to the parents, she said: 'I want to congratulate the parents from my heart, you are the national treasure that sprouts such distinguished sons, and because I, as a mother, know what the role of parents is to excel, I want to tell you more congratulations than what I said to the students, because today, the harvest is the result of the years that you have been tired in.'

The 8 minutes speech and the English transcript of the speech in this report: First Lady Asmaa Assad Receives Top Marks Students and their Families.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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