Tuesday, November 16, 2021

ISIS, the Richest Terrorist Organization with 1.25 Billion US Dollars in Annual Revenues!

The title is an understatement, the 1.25 billion US dollars were only the annual revenues from the sale of stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil with the help of at least 3 NATO countries: the USA, Britain, and Turkey, and a host of other countries, states, and organizations, and those are: 1,250,000,000 US dollars, a year, from only one source of income!

For comparison, ISIS's revenue from selling Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil ALONE in 2016 was 2.5 times more than the entire defense budget of the country of Armenia for that year!

And to understand further, one terrorist wounded and armed with a gun put the entire city of Chicago on alert over an entire day with all the available law enforcement hunting him down door to door after he and his brother blew up a cooking pot in the Chicago Marathon in 2013, his brother was already killed and they didn't have missiles, tanks, drones, hundreds of 4x4 machine gun mounted Toyota pickups or advanced sniper rifles remotely controlled, each piece is worth over 25,000 dollars.

$1.25 Billion, ISIS Annual Revenue from Stolen Syrian and Iraqi Oil

When I was appointed as the financial controller of ISIS (ISIL, IS, Daesh), and moved to Raqqa from Iraq, we had 250 million US dollars in cash and 3000 kilos of gold hidden in homes and tunnels in the city at our disposal.
~from the confessions of Sami Al-Jabouri, the Deputy Commander of ISIS

Add to the above figures the money ISIS received from lootings, ransoms, racketeering, drug trafficking, human organs trafficking, white slavery, and all of that is not comparable to the billions in the form of direct funding by the Gulfies and their NATO sponsors, mainly the US taxpayers, most of which were funneled by dropping weapons and other parcels ‘by mistake’ by the Pentagon to areas under ISIS control, programs to train ‘moderate terrorists’ who would join ISIS or fight on its side, and humanitarian aid sent by the different countries to areas under the control of ISIS and its brethren.

Sami Al-Jabouri, Deputy ISIS Commander was arrested by the Iraqi Security Forces in a 'complex external operation' last month, and his confessions were stated by the Iraqi official News Agency.

The entire world, all of humanity, every normal person on this planet, including the citizens of the countries who created ISIS and its affiliates and funded them with their tax money, is forever indebted to the sacrifices and steadfastness of the Syrian people who not only stood up to the global threat these terrorists posed, the Syrian people fought back and won the unwinnable battle against ISIS and its affiliates, all 350,000 of them with their sponsors. The whole world would have been a mess had NATO taken over Syria with the help of these terrorists. Our allies did help though they came later on, they only came in when they saw our resilience and the existential threat these terrorists pose against their own countries.

The former prime minister of Qatar Hamad Bin Jassim said in a TV interview that Qatar and Saudi Arabia alone spent 137 billion US dollars to finance the war on Syria, and that was until May 2017!

Putin repeatedly argued that 'if Russia didn't enter the war on terror in Syria on the side of the Syrian state, they would have to fight the same terrorists on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersberg,' and he's right especially after seeing that more than 14,000 of those terrorists came from former republics of the USSR.

More in this report: $1.25 Billion, ISIS Annual Revenue from Stolen Syrian and Iraqi Oil.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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