Friday, October 29, 2021

Russia Expands its Fighter Jets Bases to the Borders of NATO Turkey in Northeast of Syria

The Turkish madman, NATO leader, and Israel's stooge Erdogan thinks he's smart fingering Russia in Ukraine and elsewhere, Russia gave him the impression he can by naively accepting some bargains in the early days of its involvement in the war on terror in Syria instead of from the very beginning drawing the lines, now Russia is encircling Turkey, slowly but surely, first by its radar systems and now by its own air forces.

Russia Deploys a Sukhoy at Qamishli Airport in the Northeast of Syria

For the first time since it started helping the Syrian army eliminate the terrorists in Syria, many of who came from USSR former republics as well, a Russian Sukhoy is deployed in the Qamishli airport right on the borders with Turkey in the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah.

The move is part of Russia's plans to expand the airport to accommodate larger and more planes after expanding it to include a military airbase.

The plane immediately carried out a number of reconnaissance flights over the area, this was only carried out by Russian helicopters in the past and it shows seriousness in targeting the terrorists loyal to the Turkish war criminal Erdogan.

More in this report: Russia Deploys a Sukhoy at Qamishli Airport in the Northeast of Syria.

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