Sunday, October 24, 2021

Biden and Erdogan Droned CIA and NATO Commanders in Northern Syria!

Both committed a war crime, a breach of international law, and a violation of the United Nations Charter when both continue to operate in Syria, their latest drone killing is a sheer example that these disregard international law and both of them will face consequences, if not personally, if not immediately, for sure their countries will and soon enough.

NATO Liquidating their Terrorists in Syria: One Al Qaeda Commander, Two SDF Commanders Droned

Biden forces illegally operating in Syria droned what they said is a commander of Al Qaeda in northern Raqqa countryside, the Biden forces did not inform the Syrian authorities, did not obtain the approval of the Syrian authorities, and carried out an arbitrary execution in another country.

Biden forces claimed they don't have indications there were civilian casualties in the attack, they said the same thing when they slaughtered 7 civilians including 3 children in Kabul last month.

What information the droned person has that the Pentagon wants to be buried instead of informing the Syrian authorities, through the Russians if they want, and capture him alive? Would the taxpayers who pay the cost of these very expensive drone attacks answer?

Erdogan, the Turkish madman also carried out a drone attack breaching Syria's sovereignty, he didn't attack a commander of Al Qaeda, on the contrary, he protects and uses Al Qaeda terrorists against the Syrian people openly and with no shame, he instead bombed a car with NATO-sponsored Kurdish SDF terrorist commanders in it killing 3 of them.

Both Biden and Erdogan by their acts have given other countries the justification to carry out similar attacks inside their countries to target terrorists without informing their US or Turkish regimes, if not Syria it could be any other country using their acts in Syria to justify the bombing, and they can't complain later on. Both think they're powerful, for now, all indications tell us that both countries are losing power much faster than thought before with their collapsing economies.

Details in this report: NATO Liquidating their Terrorists in Syria: One Al Qaeda Commander, Two SDF Commanders Droned.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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