Thursday, September 23, 2021

Did You Know that the US and EU Imposed Sanctions are Illegal?

The United States of America in its capacity as the country borrowing the US Dollars from the Federal Reserves private group of banksters, and the EU in its capacity as the issuer of the Euros being a conglomerate created to promote homosexuality, vice, and destabilization of societies, in addition to helping the USA in invading and destroying countries around the world to spread 'freedoms' and 'democracies' are both committing war crimes under the guise of imposing sanctions.

sanctioned terrorism unilateral coercive economic measures

The United States and its mini the EU has no legal right as per the United Nations Charter and by International Law to impose sanctions on any other country, especially sovereign independent countries, the UN Charter and International Law both the USA and EU wrote. Imposing sanctions on a sovereign country is only limited to the United Nations Security Council which must pass the relevant resolution and which in the same resolution must ensure that no collective punishment against the ordinary public is a result of these sanctions.

And of course, we know that all the sanctions imposed by the UNSC have not only caused harm to tens of millions of people like in the case of Iraq where half a million children died in starvation and lack of medicine due to the sanctions the UNSC imposed, let alone the suffering of the millions of its people, the previous sanctions on Iran, and other countries. This falls within the hypocrisy of the NATO P3 'humanitarian bastards' in the UNSC.

However, the USA and its EU proxies have excessively used sanctions as a war tool to punish entire populations hoping to push them to surrender their countries' sovereignty to these already enslaved entities.

Fortunately, the sanctions are now backfiring and instead of pushing the people against their governments, the targeted governments and their people are shifting away from the US Dollar and the Euros into deals using bilateral national currencies which in turn exposed the reality of the inflated values of the US dollar and the EU's Euro.

The legal definition of the US and EU imposed sanctions as defined by International Law is: 'Unilateral Coercive Economic Measures'.

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on US foreign policy rightly calls the sanctions imposed by the US and EU as 'Sanctioned Terrorism' in this important article: Sanctioned Terrorism.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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