Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Syrian President Assad Prays Eid in Homs, the 'Revolution's Capital' as MSM Claimed for Years

Syrian President Bashar Assad chose the main Khalid Ibn Al Walid Mosque in the city of Homs as his mosque to perform Eid Adha prayers, Eid Adha is one of the only two main holidays in Islam and it's arguably the most important as it marks the Muslims pilgrimage to Mecca.

President Bashar Assad Performs Eid Adha Prayers at Khalid Ibn Al Walid Mosque in Homs

All leaders in the Muslim world are seen performing Eid prayers, whether the Adha or Fitr which marks the end of the month-long fasting of Ramadan, this is a tradition ever since the days of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the significance of this prayer is the billions of dollars western countries and their regional stooges spent to demonize the Syrian president and show main Syrian cities as revolting against him, Homs was called by many as the 'capital of the revolution' and was the second to 'revolt' in 2011.

The mosque itself, called after Khalid ibn Al Walid, the companion of the prophet whose body is buried in the same place, was said to be destroyed by the Syrian army and that the 'rebels' are there to protect it, just like how NATO propagandists wanted their Sheeple to believe that Al Qaeda terrorists coming from all sides of the planet are in Syria to protect the Syrian people from their own sons and fathers and brothers and even sisters serving in the Syrian armed forces! The sad part is that many western audiences actually believed that nonsense.

President Assad was coming back from a short tour to the coastal province of Tartous with his family where they crashed into a wedding photoshoot on their way and was welcomed by the Syrians throughout his journey with joy and respect, after all, he led them during the most difficult and vicious war the whole world waged against them for more than a decade.

More about this news, additional pictures and background about the mosque in this report: President Bashar Assad Performs Eid Adha Prayers at Khalid Ibn Al Walid Mosque in Homs.

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