Monday, July 5, 2021

New Attack against the Kurdish SDF Terrorists in Hasakah Province Kill Several of Them

A motorbike explosion killed and injured several US-sponsored Kurdish SDF terrorists in the city of Ash Shaddadi in the southern countryside of Hasakah, northeast of Syria earlier today.

Explosion in Ash Shaddadi Kills and Injures Kurdish SDF Terrorists

The explosion also injured several civilians who were on the street at the time of the explosion and caused material damage in the surrounding.

This explosion comes amid growing tensions between the US forces and their Kurdish SDF terrorists both illegally in Syria on one hand and the Syrians living in the region, on the other hand, the Syrians are having it with the US oil thieves and their proxy terrorists.

Nobody claimed responsibility for this attack yet, it could be by the Syrian resistance or by terrorists working for other NATO member states, mainly the regime of the Turkish madman Erdogan.

More in this report: Explosion in Ash Shaddadi Kills and Injures Kurdish SDF Terrorists.

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