Thursday, June 24, 2021

NATO Terrorists Preparing a New Chemical Attack False Flag in Idlib

NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists are preparing for a new chemical attack false flag from their posts in northern Idlib countryside to blame the Syrian army for it, we've seen this several times before and it doesn't stop.

GRAPHIC: Al Qaeda in Idlib Plots New False Flag Chemical Attack

We report these attempts in order to deprive the terrorists and their sponsors of the opportunity to carry out these false flags by exposing them.

A Syrian Army military operation to clean Al-Qaeda's last stronghold in Syria of its tens of thousands of terrorists is imminent, thus the need for these terrorists to impede this military operation and their best hope is by a new chemical attack false flag that they think will bring in NATO bombers on their side to help them from their confirmed fate, it worked for them before and NATO bombed Syria based on their lies, they think this will be done again, even if they perish or go back to their Erdogan, the NATO bombing will still cause damage to Syria, they hope.

The latest is the receiving and moving of chemical containers from Turkey through Bab Al Hawa border crossing into the city of Sarmada in Idlib countryside then moved again to Aqrabat then to the village of Atimah where they have their workshop ready, as per information gathered by the Syrian and Russian intelligence agencies.

Details about this heinous cheap attempt and the experiments carried out by Al Qaeda on rabbits, threats to pollute the main river providing drinking water to the people of Latakia in this report: GRAPHIC: Al Qaeda in Idlib Plots New False Flag Chemical Attack.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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