Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Syria Combating COVID 19 Measurements and Implications in Addition to the Blockade and Terrorism

It's not enough that Syria has to fight terrorists in unmarked black uniforms, in NATO uniforms, and underground suicide bombers, it also has to struggle to maintain the health of the 16.5 million Syrian people in government-controlled areas while under a complete blockade by the USA, EU, UK, and their regional lackeys, top it with the measurements coming from the COVID19.

COVID 19: Whether you believe this is a pandemic or ‘scamdemic’ support the Syrian people face its measures, terrorism, and the sanctions.

The latest stats of patients with cases designated as related to COVID 19 as of the end of 26 of April provided by the Syrian Ministry of Health show a slight improvement in the number of recoveries compared with new cases recorded, but we need to keep in mind the inability of the authorities to carry out countrywide testings while fighting all sorts of terrorists and prioritizing food and oil to compensate the food and oil stolen by the USA and its Kurdish and ISIS terrorists.

Coronavirus COVID 19 cases in Syria stats - Syria News

In the past 24 hours 130 new cases were recorded, 184 recovered, and 11 deaths, the Syrian Ministry of Health reported.

More in this report: COVID 19 in Syria: 130 New Cases in 24 Hours, 11 Deaths, 184 Recoveries.

Remark: We're just conveying the stats here, if you have an issue with the virus, vaccine, Bill Gates, Soros, and the rest of them please address it with your more capable governments.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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