Saturday, January 2, 2021

Trump Forces Shot Dead a 12 Years Old Child in Hasakah

Forces loyal to the US lunatic Donald Trump shot dead a young boy of 12 years old near his house in a suburb of Shaddadi city, Hasakah southern countryside.

Trump Forces in Syria - Oil Thieves Regiment

Muhaidi Hussein Falah was playing with his friends when armed uniformed personnel of the Trump Forces - Oil Thieves Regiment shot him dead on the spot on the morning of the last day of 2020, Thursday, 31st of December.

Muhaidi's crime was playing near his house with his friends, as usual, Trump's crime and the war crime of his troops in Syria is, first of all, being in Syria, then stealing Syria's oil, and then establishing illegal bases on occupied Syrian land and killing Syrians nearby.

The Trump troops got emboldened with the pardoning of their brethren in the infamous BlackWaters mercenary corporation who were indicted for killing 14 innocent unarmed Iraqi civilians in broad daylight in a main square in Baghdad in 2007, worth noting that the owner of the Blackwaters mercenary corporation is a friend of the already war criminal Donald Trump.

Details of this latest heinous crime by the USA in Syria in this report: Trump Forces Shot Dead a Child with Cold Blood in Hasakah Countryside.

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