Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Syrian Main Gasoline Refinery Resumes Work after Delayed Maintenance

 Baniyas Refinery on the Syrian coast is back to work, it took the engineers and technicians two long weeks of massive hard work to carry out the much-needed maintenance and overhaul delayed because of the US-led war of Terror on Syria.

The refinery is the largest of two refineries in Syria and produces up to 80% of Syria's needs for gasoline (cars petrol), the work on its maintenance led to a severe shortage of gasoline in the country as the technicians struggled to repair and overhaul most of the parts from zero with their own efforts and expertise instead of simply procuring the needed parts from the international market.

Syria is under a fierce blockade by the USA, the EU, and most of their regional and minions, and the Syrian people are suffering from draconian sanctions imposed by the regime of Donald Trump, Elizabeth the Second, their European ilk and enforced on the rest of the world.

More details in this report: Baniyas Refinery Maintenance Completed, the Gasoline Crisis to Ease.

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