Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Syria’s Jaafari to UNSC NATO Klan: Let My People Breathe

The UNSC held its anti-Syria meeting via webcam, 16 June, and, despite the massive anti-racism demonstrations in western countries, the NATO clique had not a single moral scruple when it came to flouting its klansmanship in its ongoing imperial plot to recolonize the Levantine republic.

Dr. Bashar Jaafari Addresses NATO Members at UNSC: Let my people breathe

One day later, the UN website has not yet found the Council meeting worthy of a press release; at this time, the only full statement available if by the UN offshoot of the Geopolitical & Peacedestroying Affairs. The UN Speck Envoy Geir O. Pedersen re-regurgitated his speeches of the last several months: Lying concern for COVID-19 in Syria; fictitious concern for humanitarianism in Syria; demand for Syria to empty its prisons; demand for Syria to stop fighting NATO-funded terrorists within its borders; demand for al Qaeda to run Idlib; demand for the imposition of fascist UNSCR 2254 only by Syria not by the other parties involved in it; demand for Syria to relinquish all control of its borders.

In short, the unindicted war criminals of the UNSC demand the racist right to run Syria like a NATO colony... Continue reading:

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