Saturday, October 12, 2024

US/Israel Murders 9 Syrian Civilians Bombing Apartment Building in Damascus

Nine civilians including the entire family of a professor of medicine and his wife and 3 daughters, were murdered by the US Israeli satanic alliance bombing of an apartment building in the dense neighborhood of Al Mazzeh in the Syrian capital Damascus, nobody heard any condemnation by the self-described 'international community' or by any western politician or journalist.

US/Israel Murders 9 Syrian Civilians Bombing Apartment Building in Damascus

Video is available on RumbleBitChute, and YouTube.

On the eve of last Tuesday, 8th of October, the Israeli air force fired a guided missile from over the occupied Syrian Golan at 3 floors of an apartment building in the Syrian capital Damascus, a brazen escalation in the Israeli genocide on Gaza and then Lebanon, and a war crime by all standards.

Nine civilians including children and women, Israel's favorite bank of targets, were murdered by the heinous bombing, an entire family, a mother and her son, and a lady intern physician were among the victims.

Israel's continuous efforts to widen its one-sided genocide of the Palestinian people within the Gaza concentration camp is clearly obvious even to the blind that it's trying to drag in state armies so it can employ its controlled Western mainstream media to picture it as a victim attacked by its neighbors after it systematically murdered over 45,000 civilians in Gaza in the most conservative statistics.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Apartment House, Murders Nine.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Friday, September 6, 2024

US-sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists Murder 3 Syrian Security Agents

The junta of demented Joseph Biden continues wreaking havoc across the world with its endless wars and the newly invented wars, the continuation of the war on the Syrian people is just one of the chapters the anti-Christian Zionists is a main objective of these genocidal maniacs and their armed groups and armies, three Syrian security agents were the latest victims of this terror, outside the Gaza Holocaust.

Three security agents working at the Nassib border crossing with Jordan were ambushed and murdered by a group of armed terrorists to the east of the city of Daraa in southern Syria and a few kilometers to the north of their post.

The Syrian Ministry of Interior mourned the martyrs and granted them an honorary lieutenant rank in the Syrian Interior officials cadre.

More in this report: Daraa: US-sponsored Terrorism Murders 3 Syrian Security Agents.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Israel Murders Syrian Little Girl in 'Self-Defense'

Another day, another war crime by Israel against humanity, God's 'Most Disgraced People' continue to commit massacres targeting mainly children and women under the guise of 'self-defense' and acting as the victims.

Israel Bombs Syria: Murders Child, Wounds Several in Baniyas

Watch the video on Rumble and BitChute, I can't load it on YouTube for obvious reasons.

Not belittling the major genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza, Israel's bombing of its neighbors was never related to self-defense, but rather to land grab by Western imported anti-Jewish Zionist settlers who serve as the forefront footsoldiers of the Western evil empire's hegemonic goals, one of those repeated bombings killed a little Syrian girl in her house on May 29, two days ago.

The video above contains a graphic picture taken of the slain victim so the Western citizens will be 'satisfied' with their tax money spent by their 'freely democratically elected leaders.'

Their refusal of Western citizens to hold any of their Western leaders responsible for any of the previous heinous war crimes committed across the globe emboldens those Western politicians to continue committing more crimes.

Westerners should keep in mind the Golden Rule, Karma, and history lessons: you will pay for the crimes committed in your name with your money by your leaders, whether you're actively supporting these crimes or passively acting as if you can do nothing about it yet re-electing the same war criminals time and again.

More of the latest war crime by the Western world's footsoldier Israel in this report: Israel Bombs Syria: Murders Child, Wounds Several in Baniyas.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

China Blasts at Israel's Bombing of Iranian Embassy Premise in Damascus

China blasts Israel at the UN: "This is a grave violation of the UN Charter and international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both Syria and Iran. This attack is of an extremely vicious nature... 25 years ago, China's embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by a US-led NATO airstrike... we feel the grief and pain of the Iranian government and people...

The video is also available on Rumble and BitChute.

To allow impunity for such reckless acts would send a seriously wrong signal and would encourage even more risky acts... the red line of international law and the basic norms of international relations has been breached time and again, and the moral bottom line of human conscience has been crushed time and again."

About the Israeli war crime: Israel Assassinates IRGC Commander in Syria, Russian Consent!

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Monday, April 1, 2024

With Russia's Consent, Israel Bombs Iranian Consulate Building Assassinates IRGC Generals

The US-sponsored Israel delivered a severe blow to the Iranian IRGC 'Quds Force' in Damascus by committing a double war crime, bombing an apartment building with offices under the protection of the Geneva Convention, the Israeli war crime could not be carried out without the Russian explicit consent.

The video is also available on Rumble and BitChute.

At 5 pm, Monday 1 April, Damascus local time, Israel fired a barrage of missiles from over the occupied Syrian Golan targeting a mix-used multi-story building in one of Damascus's artery highways, the building is adjacent to the Iranian embassy in the Syrian capital and houses offices of some Syrian businesses.

The Israeli bombing targeted an office where at least 3 Iranian senior commanders of the Al Quds Force, the military arm of the Iranian Ministry of Defense under the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps command, the head of the Al Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, and two of his companions of senior military ranks were killed along with 3 Syrian officers, in addition to the total destruction of the concrete building.

This is not the first time Israel has assassinated senior Iranian IRGC officials, and not the first time in Syria, however, this is an escalation beyond containing as it targeted a building protected by the Geneva Convention for its diplomatic status.

Iranian IRGC officers are in Syria to advise the Syrian armed forces in combating Al Qaeda, ISIS (ISIL - Daesh), and the host of the terrorist groups created, funded, trained, armed, and commanded by the various member states of the NATO 'defensive' alliance to overthrow the Syrian government and divide the country.

Israel, its US and other NATO handlers, and some of the Gulfies have suicidal tendencies creating terrorist groups and sponsoring them, it's a proven fact throughout history that whenever you raise a ghoul, the ghoul will eventually shred you to pieces, only fools would repeat the same thing multiple times and expect different results.

Russia's role? Russia has signed agreements with both the USA and Israel to avoid incidents while they 'operate' in Syria's skies, with the latter two illegally breaching Syria's sovereignty.

In addition, Syria is the only loyal ally to Russia which keeps paying the price for its loyalty to the country and some of its top officials have strange relations with their Israeli brethren, Russia's foreign minister Lavrov is one of them.

More in this report: Israel Assassinates IRGC Commander in Syria, Russian Consent!

Your objective comments are always welcome.


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