Sunday, October 27, 2013

التباعد السعودي - الأميركي

محور الشر الحقيقي: الولايات المتحدة الأميركية  ومن في فلكها من أوروبيون وغيرهم، الصهيونية العالمية ومن في فلكها من أصحاب النفوذ المالي والإعلامي، الوهابية العالمية ومن فيها فلكها من تنظيمات ومدارس تكفيرية وعلى عكس القناعة السائدة لدى العديد من المراقبين والمحللين، مرتبطين عضوياً بشكل لا يستطيع أي من هؤلاء الأطراف الاستمرار بدون أي من الأطراف الأخرى جميعها. النظام العالمي الجديد الذين يعملون منذ عقود لتحقيقه يقوم على هذا الارتباط الوجودي العضوي.

يستطيع هذا المحور أن يقوم ببعض التنازلات، ولا يضره أن تهتز صورته لدى الرأي العام، فأولاً وأخيراً هؤلاء مجرمين والمجرم يغتر ويتباهى كلما ساءت صورته، لذلك نجد أن لا مشكلة لديه بالتضحية بعشرات، لا بل بمئات، لا حتى بالآلاف من أبناء شعوبهم أنفسهم لتحقيق هدفهم الأكبر، وما هجمات الحادي عشر من سبتمبر 2001 إلا مثال بسيط على درجة الدناءة التي يمكن أن يصل لها هذا المحور للوصول لغاياته، ألا يكفي غزو أفغانستان والعراق وتدمير البلدين منذ ذاك الوقت وحتى الآن وتشويه صورة الإسلام كمثال؟

لاحظنا مؤخراً وبعد فشل العدوان المنظم الذي قاده رؤوس محور الشر الحقيقي هذا ضد سورية ومحاولة تدميرها بكل الوسائل من الداخل ومن الخارج لدرجة أن هذا أعضاء هذا المحور لم يجدوا أي مشكلة بإظهار وجوههم الإجرامية الحقيقية وفضح ازدواجية المعايير التي ينتهجونها، لاحظنا كيف ظهر للعلن بعض التصريحات والأفعال التي أقل ما يمكن أن يقال عنها أنها صبيانية تدل بطريقة أو بأخرى على وجود تباين وربما تباعد وتباغض بين بعض أركان محور الشر هذا ولا سيما الوهابية السعودية ونظام أوباما في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية.

هل نصدق مثلاً أن دولة تعيش في العصور الوسطى من الناحية الاجتماعية وتصل نسبة البطالة فيها لأكثر من الثلث ونسبة الفقر لأرقام مخيفة تتجاوز ثلاثة ملايين عائلة، تقمع بوحشية أي حراك داخلي أو حتى مجاور، تحزن لسقوط عميل لأميركا كحسني مبارك وتقيم الاحتفالات لسقوط عميل آخر صدام حسين، تتدخل في جارتها الجنوبية وبقية جيرانها، لم تقم بأي جهد يذكر لمساعدة الشعب الفلسطيني على مدى عقود، هكذا كيان مسمى زوراً بدولة يريد أي خير أو إصلاح أو دعم حركة إصلاحية سياسية في سورية؟

هل نصدق مثلاً أن دولة قائمة على صناعة الموت والأسلحة والمخدرات ومشهورة بالتجسس على كافة حلفائها وحتى على مواطنيها، حجم الدين العام لديها تجاوز حجم الانتاج المحلي، تطبع عملتها بدون أي رصيد وتهدد بتدمير أي دولة تنتقدها، هكذا دولة دمرت حتى الآن العشرات من دول العالم بحجة نشر الديمقراطية ومحاربة الإرهاب، قامت بتجويع الصومال والعراق وتسببت بقتل مئات الآلاف بسبب الجوع من دون أن يرف لها عين، لا بل تبجحت بأن سعر قتل نصف مليون طفل عراقي مقابل تدمير الجيش العراقي كان سعراً مقبولاً، هل نصدق سعيها الحثيث لمساعدة الشعب العربي في سورية على تحقيق الديمقراطية في بلده؟

هل نصدق أن دولة استعمارية نجا من شر احتلالها 23 دولة فقط بالعالم، التي تم احتلالها من دول استعمارية أخرى، قامت بإحلال شعب بدل شعب في فلسطين بوعد من وزير خارجيتها مقابل بعض الأموال، ساهمت بإنشاء كافة الحركات المناهضة لدولها في العالم ومنها الحركات الأكثر تشدداً بينما قامت بقمع أي تحرك سياسي هدد طريقة حكمها وملكيتها 'الدستورية' حيث تعيش العائلة الحاكمة فيها على حساب الشعب وتفرض التقشف على شعبها نفسه، هكذا دولة تريد أي خير لسورية وشعبها؟

وبعد هذا كله، يحاول الإعلام الغربي ومن يدور في فلكه من الإعلام العربي تظهير خلافات قائمة بين إحدى محاور الشر الحقيقي هذا ومحور آخر وللأسف وقع العديد من المحللين في الفخ.

كيف يمكن أن تعيش مملكة آل سعود يوماً واحداً بدون الحماية والوصاية الأميركية؟ كيف يستطيع الجيش السعودي أن يحرك أي من قطعه الحربية أو استخدام أي من أسلحته بدون موافقة أميركية وحتى بدون خبراء عسكريين أميركان يشغلون تلك الأسحلة؟ كيف يمكن أن يستخرج السعوديون نفطهم بأنفسهم وشركة أرامكو الأميركية دولة قائمة ضمن الدولة السعودية لا يستطيع السعوديون أنفسهم دخولها دون تصريح مسبق وضمن أسوارها من التحرر ما لا يحلم به أي مواطن أو مواطنة سعودية لأنفسهم؟ 

قال أحد صقور الجمهوريين والمستمر مع الديمقراطيين جيفري فيلتمان والذي رشحه نظام أوباما الديمقراطي، فلنقل فرضه على بقية الدول، ليشغل  منصب وكيل الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة للشؤون السياسية، أنه 'لم يرَ أوقح وأسوأ من الحكومة السعودية' كما نقل عنه بعض زواره، ولدرجة أنه فتح بعض الدفاتر القديمة والتي عمرها سنوات ولكن تذكرها فجأة عندما ذكر بخلاف السعوديين مع العراق وكيف ساهموا بتدميره وإلى الآن يساهمون بتدميره دون أي مراجعة بناءً على حقد قديم، وكيف 'جن جنون السعوديين من التقارب الأميركي الإيراني'. فيلتمان هذا والذي يرتبط بأزلام السعودية في لبنان بشكل وثيق جداً، فتح الباب لما قام الإعلام بتظهيره على أنه تباعد سعودي - أميركي.

استطاع فيلتمان بحكم عمله جاسوساً أميركياً برتبة دبلوماسية في الأمم المتحدة دون أي منصب رسمي له في الإدارة الأميركية، أن يمهّد لخدعة جديدة تقوم على تلميع صورة النظام السعودي الوهابي لدى الرأي العام العربي والمسلم بعد أن افتضح دوره هذا النظام في معركته ضد الإسلام والمسلمين وخاصةً رعايته للحركات الوهابية التكفيرية التي تنشط في سورية وأكثر ضحاياها من المسلمين أنفسهم من غير الوهابيين، وحتى من الوهابيين الذين لا يتبعون بشكل مطلق للحركة الوهابية السعودية، وهو ما شهدناه من تقاتل بين بعض فصائل الإرهاب الوهابي على الأرض السورية كدولة العراق والشام الإسلاموية مثلاً مع تنظيم جبهة النصرة، أو الكره الفجائي ومحاربة تنظيم الإخوان المسلمين بعد شهور طويلة جداً من العسل.

بعد تصريحات فيلتمان خرج وزير الخارجية السعودي الأزلي ليعتذر عن قبول السعودية أكبر فرصة لخدمة قضايا الأمة ويرفض قبول كرسي غير دائم في مجلس الأمن الدولي بحجة فشل المجلس في حل المشاكل العربية وعلى رأسها فشله في التدخل العسكري لقتل المزيد من السوريين مباشرةً وتدمير سورية بشكل كامل. ثم جاء اجتماع غريب من نوعه بين رئيس الاستخبارات السعودية المدعو بندر بوش مع وسائل إعلام أجنبية ليشرح التباعد السعودي الأميركي..

لهذه الخديعة الإعلامية بمجملها عدة أهداف كبيرة جداً، فبالإضافة لمحاولة تلميع صورة آل سعود لدى المسلمين، فهناك الهدف الأكبر والمخفي وهو الاستمرار بتدمير الدولة السورية عن طريق توزيع الأدوار، فينزل القرد الأميركي من على الشجرة ويقول لشعبه أنه لا يدعم تنظيم القاعدة في سورية، إنما هي السعودية التي تدعم تنظيم القاعدة وهو يحاول الضغط عليها. وطبعاً لا يستطيع الشعب الأميركي إلا أن يكره ما تمثله السعودية بنظرهم وهو الدين الإسلامي بدلاً من كره 'الكيان السياسي الأكثر تخلفاً في العالم'، كما وصفه الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد في مقابلته مع قناة الميادين.

ويستمر نظام آل سعود بمحاربة إيران لمصلحة الأميركيين والغرب واسرائيل بينما يدعي الأميركي أنه يريد التقارب مع إيران ولكن هناك لاعبين آخرين لا يستطيع إخضاعهم لمشيئته بسبب 'التباعد' بينه وبينهم، وتبدأ فصول 'الربيع الإيراني' من الحدود إلى الداخل. ويستطيع نظام آل سعود أن يحكم مصر من خلال بعض الرموز في الجيش المصري أو على الأقل توجيه الدولة المصرية لعدم إنشاء ديمقراطية حقيقية هناك تقوم على مصلحة الشعب المصري ويدعم استمرار حكم العسكر لاستعادة ما فقده محور الشر الحقيقي بسقوط مبارك بينما يتبجح الأميركي أنه ضد حكم العسكر في مصر بسبب انعدام الديمقراطية.

كما تستمر الأدوار التي يريدها الأميركي من نظام آل سعود وغيره من الأنظمة كالنظام القطري مثلاً، في العديد من الأماكن في العالم بينما يلبس السيد الأميركي القفازات. اليمن، الصومال، السودان، ليبيا، العراق، لبنان، حتى الصين وروسيا وغيرها، وعندما يصبح الكلفة السعودية أكبر من الأرباح المحققة، يتم 'تجديد' نظام الحكم السعودي بنظام مماثل ولكن من طبقة جديدة من الأمراء السعوديون، أو حسب مقتضيات الأمر. تقسيم السعودية إلى 3 دول فكرة مطروحة وبقوة لدى دوائر القرار الأميركي، ولكن لمَ التسرّع؟

الولايات المتحدة الأميركية التي تدعم بشكل مطلق الكيان الصهيوني والصهيونية العالمية، لا تستطيع التخلي عن أدواتها إلا عند انتهاء صلاحيات تلك الأدوات وعندما تصبح تكلفة تشغيلها، السياسية والإعلامية وحتى المادية، أكبر من الفوائد التي تحصل عليها منها، وبالنسبة لنظام آل سعود، فلم تنتهي صلاحيته بعد، فما زال يستطيع تصنيع الإرهابيين من خلال مدارس الوهابية التكفيرية المنتشرة في كافة أنحاء العالم الفقير، ومن ثم تصديرهم لحيث يريد الأميركي.

الانكفاء الأميركي عن منطقة الشرق الأوسط ليس معناه انتهاء المشروع، وإنما الفشل في أحد فصوله في سورية وإيجاد البدائل، والتي بعضها موجود وفاعل وهذا قائم بطبيعة الحال. الانكفاء الأميركي يشبه إلى حد كبير الانكفاء البريطاني الاستعماري، خرجوا من الباب ودخلوا من النوافذ عن طريق عملائهم الذين زرعوهم.

هل انطلت خدعة التباعد الأميركي السعودي عليك؟

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Shocking Facts Exposed, A Syrian Infiltrator Behind Enemy’s Lines

The following is a rough report by a Syrian young man who made the dangerous visit to Turkey for a month and came back to his city Idleb vowing to defend it against the coming Islamist (not Islamic) Wahhabi Jihadists after discovering the below very disturbing facts which we present un-edited except for a touch up and the indicative images.

A- Turkish Economy and the financial state of Syrians.

The Turkish economy is moving more and more into a Capitalism and Corporations-based economy. All the Turkish industries are monopolized by certain companies; for example there is only one gas company and two mineral water companies. As a price for the well organized streets, the beautiful parks, the easy transportation the nice police cars, and the magnificent governmental buildings, the Turkish people has to pay huge taxes all day.

Whatever medicine you need, even Panadol (pain killer tablets) I think, you have to get a prescription from a hospital who will charge you with 150 T.L that’s about 100$!!! Heating in Turkey is based on coal; no one can offer to get a diesel heater. 1 liter of diesel is 4.5 T.L that is 200 S.P!!! (we used to buy diesel for 20 S.P before the unrest.)
Erdoğan Proved Thieve
It would be a logical question to ask how the Syrians afford to live there!! Actually, those I met are mostly rich people with a 4000 T.L monthly spending “some Turkish people live on 1500 T.L in a month!” the Syrians I met are managing to live there without being in need for the Turks whatsoever. The only problem with these Syrians is that they are all traitors or traitors’ supporters.

B- Turkish Demography.

I’ll only talk about two parts that I lived in. I lived in Adana in a Kurdish area. This area is located in the old part of the city, neglected by the government, village-like streets, old houses, poor people, undrinkable tap water, and all the humiliating methods are adopted in that area. The Kurds are on their ongoing revolution; everyday they would go on their marches and be attacked by the brutal Turkish police, although they are completely peaceful!!

Coming to the second section which is the Alawite one, these people are now being under huge pressure and growing oppression thanks for the Syrian Revolution and the sectarian Turkish media. Turkish people are starting to hate the Turkish Alawites just because of their sects, sometimes they are deprived of job opportunities just because of their background!! The Syrians there are telling lies about the Alawite beliefs in Syria and some blind Turks are taking these stories as granted and start questioning the Alawites there about this and that… I, personally, think that this is not done by coincidence, but rather this is fueled by the sectarian government of Turkey. The Turkish people are not sectarian; they are fanatic to their own Turkish nationality, just as we the Arabs are, but now the Turkish government is doing its best to implant this hatred towards Alawites.


When I was in Adana I went to its university which is 5km away from Engerlik NATO base. I could see it from a very far distance: there was a lake separating the base from the city and you have to cross a guarded bridge to get to the other side… snipers are located all around the base with the permission to shoot anyone who get closer than 500m to the base!!!

The Turkish people’s stance of NATO presence in Turkey differs according to their political stance. Some are unaware of the danger and the meaning of the existence of that base in Turkey, these people are mostly those who don’t care about politics and who care only about their everyday problems.

Others are against its presence and are aware that this base is an authorized occupation of Turkey, these people are totally against Erdoğan and all of his policies (political, social, economical…) The third section, which is the largest, represents those who support Erdoğan and justify the base and all of Turkey’s relations with Israel and FUKUS as a result of the secular army. They always say that it’s not Erdoğan who agreed to install this base, but rather that he was forced to accept it after military pressure; they also say that a lot of Turkish military officers are Zionists and Masons!!! To cut it short, they believe that false play of military-government struggle.

D- Turkey and Syria.

Of course I cannot say that I could analyze everything is one month, but I’m just writing about what I’ve seen and about what I’ve heard.

Turkish people love Syria and the Syrians. I know it’s hard to believe this, and I personally did not believe this before I went there, but they do. The difference is in the vision of the future Syria! Of course the difference is totally based upon the political stance and therefore you’ll sense a clear cut in the Turks’ view of the Syrian crisis.

- Lots and lots of Turks are brainwashed by the mainstream media and believe that our army is killing us, support FSA not with money or fighters – and you’ll come to understand how- but they believe that the FSA is a real good patriotic army!! This is also believed by of different groups… some of them took this stance because of what their media and government tell them, others because of humanitarian causes, and the largest group is made of those who are part of the conspiracy against Syria and who are sectarian people called ‘Nurjian’ (I’ll talk about this group in detail in the coming parts).

- Some Turks are in favor of the Syrian Arab Army and Bashar Alassad. These people are not a small section but they are not allowed to say what they have to say, they are oppressed. This section is mostly made from those who are totally against Erdoğan and believe that Erdoğan (and I quote the exact words of a Turkish man) “had turned Turkey into USA’s bitch” they are against the Islamist orientation of the Turkish government. This pro-Syria section believes that Syria is the last frontier against Israel and the NWO 
(New World Order)

- Many and many more of Turks just don’t care about who wins the war, but they say that we love Syria and wish Syria and Syrians the best and that Turkey must not middle meddle in Syria and the Syrians. This group contains some supporters of Erdoğan, some of those against him, and those who don’t care about politics.

Where Syria is going?!

- Part of a new Ottoman Empire!

Islamist Caliph Erdogan
In Turkey there is an Islamist movement called the “Nurjia” it follows the teachings and writings if Badei’alzaman Saeed AlNursi. I have to go a little bit in the details of this group and its history so that you understand their perspectives.

This Saeed AlNursi lived in the 1920s, during the times of moving from the Ottoman Islamic Empire to the Turkish Secular Republic. He opposed Mustafa Kamal Ataturk’s secular view and was exiled to Anatolia where he wrote his books which, allegedly, are about religion. Actually, I’ve read some of his writings and it is clear that he is calling for the restoration of the Empire… the Nurjians today teach his books as religious ones but actually it’s nothing more than a cover to brainwash the students with the Ottomanist views. In every city they have many schools which are boarding schools, i.e. with no T.Vs, or internet. Students are being brainwashed all the time in a very sickening manner. These people are in complete power of everything in Turkey; even Erdoğan consults their head consulter. I spent few days with the head of a district (which I cannot name it for my own safety and to keep my identity concealed) and what I’ll write what this man told me (who once refused to meet Erdoğan because he was busy!!)

“Once you get rid of this ‘kafer’ sacrilegious regime there will be no need for the borders separating Syria from Turkey, we would become one united state. Lebanon will feel insecure and threatened if they don’t join this state. After that the now ongoing deliberation with Egypt will have reached its resolutions so that Egypt would join this new state and it’ll be called “the United Islamist States”. As you know Syria after the war like Egypt will be weak and it needs a strong country like Turkey to be allied with; and because countries after dictatorships and wars are usually politically infertile, the leader of this new state would be Erdoğan and a ‘Walli’ (governor) would be appointed in each part of this state. Maybe, after this state moves into its perfect state, elections would be held to appoint a new leader.” And the capital of this state would be Cairo, Damascus, or Istanbul?? I asked. “Of course it must be Istanbul, you remember that the last capital of Islamic caliphate was Istanbul, and Istanbul is already the center of the Middle East.” I told him that this is a real pleasure for me to hear this –I couldn’t express my pro-Syria attitude there for fear of being killed, and I liked the information I was getting because of this fake personality I took, I felt like a real spy- but I don’t think that the Syrians would accept this great Islamist spring. “Who said that? Most of the Syrian Imams and educated elites are in favor of this state and of course Imams are the leaders of any community. You’ll meet these honorable men”

In a few days I was fortune to meet these “Honorable men.” Doctors, architects, teachers, merchants, industrialists and most importantly Imams were present there. These men are from Aleppo, Aleppo rural, Idleb, Kifrenbel, Haas, Homs, Rastan, Kurds Mountains – Latakia rural and all the shitty sectarian places you may think about. With the fake anti-Assad identity, I was a real spy in this wasp nest. After lunch, a sermon was delivered by a Turkish Imam and translated into Arabic by a Syrian. After this, the Syrian Imams started to give their speeches… I could understand that the war in Syria is between Kafers and Muslims, that in Syria you cannot pray in a mosque more than the five prayers, the two stars in the Syrian flag are a symbol of the ruling “family” and the oppressed people, and that Syrians in the “freed” areas totally agree about this “great Islamic flowery state that would remove Kafers in the Arab world and Iran along with Israel once it’s established!!” after that they started to make Duaa’ to win this Jihad, asked Allah to give faith and support for the Mujahideen in Bilad Alsham, and to help them establish this new Islamic cornerstone to conquer the world!!

- A new Afghanistan with sectarian beliefs and plans.

I got a contact with some guys from Aleppo and Idleb rurals. They gave me a full account of where Syria is going once they take control; of course they believed that I’m with them, otherwise I’d be killed by now. When FSA invaded Aleppo rural they started to steal and vandalize the farms owned by Aleppo’s wealthy families. These guys used to travel into Syria when FSA gets in a new area, steal whatever they want and sell it in Turkey. When I asked them is this Halal (religiously approved) they screamed yes sure, our Imams in Jabhat AlNusra said that it’s OK to take whatever we want from these Shabiha’s houses because their money is ours and they stole it from our pockets!! I told them but this money should be divided among all the Syrians not only those who lay hands on these houses! They said that after the revolution victory rights would be given to its rightful owners.

In one of our conversation I intentionally mentioned Nubol and Alzahra’ (two villages in Aleppo rural with Shiaa in them, FSA couldn’t invade them but they are besieging these two villages) they told me that no food, water or any supplies are allowed into these two villages “we are strangling them” I told them that I’m happy about depriving the Syrian Arab Army (Assad gangs I said of course) of supplies, but that I’m sad for the civilians there… These guys told me: “are you crazy! Or you city city guys are so naive!! These two villages are Shia’ like Foua’ in your Idleb and they deserve it more than the Army, we are not aiming against the army by this siege, but also against these pigs sons living there. Our imams are now confused what to do with these people when we get into their villages; some say –and I’m in favor of this opinion- kill them all, kill the children before the men because the children will grow up with this Kafer seed in their hearts, so better get rid of them now than being a trouble in the future. Other imams are too kind they say that we kill only those who help the army and we send the rest into exile.” And where this exile should be? I asked. “in hell, why asking me!! They can go to hell or drown themselves in the sea, they can go to their head pig in Iran, but new Syria doesn’t need such people in it. Do you want them to stay?” I couldn’t hold myself from saying “yes of course, they are Syrians after all” and he gave me that disgusted look.

I won’t go into detail about the rest of the Syrian religious and ethnic groups, but I’ll just write what they have prepared for them. Armenians have to go back to their country in Armenia, why live in our country when they have their own!! Alawites are of different groups; those in the army MUST be killed, the others either go and live in the mountains tops or work as servants in the houses of Imams, and the revolution is too kind because it always offers them the exile option. Druze and Ismailies must convert into Islam (as If they are not) or go out of Syria. Christians: “you see our religion doesn’t tell us to force them into Islam, but they have to live in accordance to our conventions and traditions” what do you mean by this? I asked. “You see our Islam forbids us of seeing a woman’s hair, so they have to put the scarf. And they must pay the Jizyah (Islamic based taxing system.) The last thing they have to adapt with is that they cannot drink alcohol, neither publicly nor privately; not only because it’s Haram but also because it’s harmful; we are doing this for their sake too!!”

Intelligence Failure.

- In this age of hypertechnolgization, I feel that there is something I am missing in the performance of the the Syrian Intelligence. I am no spy, nor I have ever had any formal training, yet I was able, with my modest personal skills, to infiltrate some rebel militia leaders. I can say with confidence that I reached some important info. Syrian intelligence can do much better in its hunt for intel. I even know of cases where intel came to the security forces as easy as an unpaid snitch passing info, but it was not taken seriously. Something needs to be done regarding the intel war, and it needs to be done urgently.

- I came all the way from Turkey, passed by many military checkpoints, and NO ONE examined my luggage!!! I could smuggle 20 Kalashnikovs within my two bags without anyone to ask to check my ID. This is a deadly security failure on the side of our Syrian Army…

What I’ve seen on my way from and back to Syria

- I passed by infantry academy… they are in complete control of it!!! 3000 fighters from Altawheed brigade taking it as their base!! Why don’t the jets burn the hell out of it?? They are only shelling the residential areas… WHY??

- speaking about the rebels unity; FSA is by no way united…I asked this to the car driver on my way back whose cousin is one of the rats, why is only Altawheed brigade is in that base and he told me that he got the control of it after many clashes with the other brigades. And he told me too that once FSA was besieging a military base in Aleppo rural and they needed tanks to get into that base, they asked Altawheed brigades to help them with his tanks -he is the only tanks owner in Aleppo- and he refused to join unless third of the booties but the other groups refused to give more than a quarter and because of this the Syrian Army was able to push them back….They are nothing more than armed gangs….

- With 3 Allah Akbar you can steal any car you want and go to Jabhat AlNusra who will give you papers for this car and you can drive it in the “Freed” areas!!! There is a huge automobile market in Tal Rifat for ‘Allah Akbar’ cars…

- I passed through the industrial area of Aleppo (Shekh Najar); it’s under Jabhat AlNusra control… No one can steal anything from it, otherwise they’ll kill any thief!! BUT, if you pay 500,000 SP you can choose any factory and take EVERYTHINNG in it “Halal-ly”

- When I first got into Syria, I was shocked to find no one of FSA terrorists to check who I am!!! All Mossad and CIA agents could enter Syria within 1 day!!! What shocked me even more was to find 7 trucks of 20 tons loading capacity -140 tons combined- stolen and being sent to Turkey!!! P.S we used to buy 1 K.G bread for 9 SP that is 20 cents!!! Now we are buying it for SyP100 that is $2!!!

Note: This report was previously posted by Real Syria Updates, another blog of mine, on February 13, 2013, mysteriously it disappeared from the blog, deleted posts and almost everywhere online, thankfully I had it saved offline and re-posting again here for importance.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Comment on Foreign Policy Blog re Israeli Raid on Damascus

Western mainstream media moved, in part, from direct propaganda to passive propaganda, which is smart, one can't deny, but for more than 2 years they didn't learn yet that Syrians can't be fooled like their normal audience abroad, and their old tricks don't work any more. Instead of direct accusations they're now mocking Syrian government's statements, and a blog post on Foreign Policy under titled That awkward moment when ... Israel launches airstrikes in Syria, is one of them attempts and earned my below comment as a reply:

'Those calling for immediate response will get one if such raid is repeated, this one will get responded to at a certain time that pains most. Let's read history: 1967 till 5 October 1973, the Israeli air forces were flying all over the nearby Arabian states, out of a sudden, Syria and Egypt decides to launch a war and Israeli jets are shot down like flies and in bulk.

2000 till 2006, Israel beefing up its army and its Iron Dome (Doom as Gaza fighters call it) and was ready to take out Hizbullah after collecting all the intel it needed from its agents, Israel launches a war, Hizbullah 33 years day later fire rockets that no Dome stops and one tiny one of them takes out 18 IDF terrorists from its best Whining Brigades sorry Golani Brigades (, and Condi runs to ask for a cease fire, imagine these rockets has grown up 7 years..

2 weeks and the Syrian state will collapse, 2 months, 6 months, end of the year, second year is over and? SAA takes the initiative and sweep clean large portions of 'Alqaeda Strongholds' in Qussayr countryside securing borders with Lebanon, securing hundreds of kilometers of the international road from Hama to Idleb to Aleppo countryside (securing = cleansing from suicide bombers).. 

Israel has to step in allegedly to stop shipments of weapons to Hizbullah just months ago Hizb's leader said that they have all they need for a long confrontation with the Zionist state, so claiming they're attacking a missile shipment is another 9/11 or Iraqi mobile WMDs farces..

What this article is trying to imply that the Syrian state will use this as a proof, well yes, they were repeating the same since day one that this is no 'peaceful revolution', peaceful revolutions don't throw post office workers off roof tops, they don't slit throats, decapitate and parade heads of the infidels over rural towns, don't attack airports, anti-air defense units, don't suicide bomb ministries, mosques, or churches, peaceful revolutions do not dig graves of people buried 1400 years ago and move it to 'unmarked places'.

Peaceful protesters do not shoot down airplanes with chants, don't attack universities with mortars, and do not use chemical weapons against residential neighborhoods, which was claimed to be done by the SAA until just today the UN investigators believe it's done by the FSA (Free from Syrians Army: 40,000 Wahhabi Sex Jihadists coming from all sides of the world, ask UN envoy Ibrahimi).. That's no peaceful protesters who usually don't use weapons made by Israel in their attacks, financed by US and the beacons of democracy and free speech the Saudis and the Empire of Qatar, and peaceful protesters certainly don't consume hundreds of thousands of (Captagon pills) drugs, and for sure they don't kidnap bishops one week before Eastern Easter.

The raid proved one version right and so many versions wrong, you connect the dots.

'They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable' 
Vietnam, USS Liberty, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia (btw, 263,000 Somalians died last year of famine, not important for you), Sudan, Libya (LIBYA, BENGHAZI, AMBASSADOR KILLED).. and the list continues as long as you're in denial.

Link to my comment there: 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Comments on The Economist's Article: 'The Syrian catastrophe gets even more horrific'

After Boston's bombing and the lock down of an entire city for the search of one individual suspected to be behind the bombing, suspected to be armed with a personal gun, the US and all its allies has shown the rest of the world how they handle terrorists on the loose, now apply this to Syria and instead of an individual working on his own with a personal gun, imagine groups of Al-Qaeda well trained terrorists and backed by NATO logistically, weapons and even food and money! And imagine them in numbers of 40,000 per the UN special envoy to Syria Lakhdar Ibrahimi, or 120,000 per the more realistic estimates of foreign 'Wahhabi Sex Jihadists' going to blow everything on their way and themselves up to receive 70 male or female virgins in the life hereafter!

Ok, stop imagining and back to reality, why the west needs to arm Al-Qaeda is the question, why did it already arm and why they're supporting it in Syria as they supported in Libya but they fought it in Afghanistan and Mali for instance? Obama even killed own citizens with drones in Yemen, a father and a teenage child for allegedly being from Al-Qaeda?! It's not secret that Syria is on the target list of the neo-cons in the US regime since a very long time due to the strategic geopolitical location of this country and its ability to disturb US's hegemony in the entire Middle East, which was proved in the humiliating withdrawal of US troops from Lebanon in 1983 after 140 Marines were killed in one blast in Beirut, and the more humiliating defeat and withdrawal in Iraq in 2011 after the US lost more than 17,000 troops which they do not admit but there're families who filed more than this number of cases to receive compensations and aid, and much more of mercenaries from BlackWaters and co.. 

Anyways, now that the US and its stooges have set new standards in international law and relations between countries by arming opposition groups of other countries, wait until there's any civil disobedience movement in any NATO country and see how many countries out there will have to assist such movements with all types of what the US and its stooges are assisting Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria. I can count at least 40 countries wanting to pay back the US citizens what they inflicted on them. Syria, Iran, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Tunisia, Somalia, Egypt, Lebanon, North Korea, the entire Latin America and some central America countries.

Come on NATO member citizens, 'Arab Spring' your governments stealing your lives for the past 6 decades and taking you to wars overseas in your names killing your own sons so their corporations will have more markets, start calling for your rights and the world will help you achieve freedom, at least nobody will be sending you Al-Qaeda mercenaries like your regimes have done and doing now.

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart,
it's because you're foolable.
- Arabi Souri
Link to the Economist article and my comments: Click Here

Friday, March 29, 2013

Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion - 16

Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn't support the NATO imposed 'spontaneous public uprising' on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians 'democracy' & 'free speech'. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban a number of Syrian based channels, namely Addounia  the privately owned satellite channel, Champress a privately owned website & Al Watan Newspaper a privately owned newspaper. And not surprisingly the Arab League, (a formation representing the governments of the Arab World, with the exception of Syria) issued an order on September 05, 2012 to 2 satellite management companies, Nilesat & Arabsat, sponsored by the League, to take down Syrian State satellite TV, Syria News another state owned satellite channel & Addounia TV the privately owned channel from air, for no publicly stated logical reason. But perhaps this is the real reason:

Exhibit no. 16: Public opinion VS Imperialists 
Mainstream Media Complicit In Covering 
Al Qaeda Crimes

Top Muslim Scholar Muhammad Saed Ramadan Al-Buti
Top Muslim scholar and a teacher to over a million Muslim from all over the world, who taught them real Islam vs the evil Wahhabi version that terrorists follow, Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Al-Buti was killed by the Wahhabi terrorists sending him a suicide bomber that killed him inside Al Eman Mosque in the heart of Damascus while he was giving a lesson in Islam to a group of his students on 21st March 2013, the blast killed at least 49 of his students including his own grandson Ahmad Muhammad Tawfiq Al-Buti.

NATO propagandist media not only failed to condemn the killing, they tried, most of them, to cover the crime by drawing the accusation of the killing to the Syrian State, in the world of criminal investigation that is called: Complicity in crime, and bears the same punishment by the law in many countries over the world, and a little less punishment in some.

Martyr Ahmad Muhammad Tawfiq Al-Buti
Sama TV, one of the Syrian based media banned off satellite broadcasting by a European Union decision in their free speech preaching, and banned before that by the Arab League led by Qatar & Saudi Arabia, the two beacons of democracy and free speech in the region, made the following report to deface the NATO's propagandists and examined the 'evidences' they brought.

Faisal Kassem, the presenter in the Qatari Al Jazeera TV channel had a previous share in our misleading media series for criticizing the Egyptian opposition for calling for foreign help while pushing to the max the Syrian opposition to call for foreign help:

We will never forget & we will never forgive.

One of the tens of rallies of hundreds of thousands of Syrians held  to show support for
the Syrian Army & president Assad not shown in Western mainstream media
If you still think it's a 'spontaneous peaceful uprising' all the way since the beginning? In that case you can look further here: 

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable. 
- Arabi Souri

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion - 15

Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn't support the NATO imposed 'spontaneous public uprising' on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians 'democracy' & 'free speech'. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban a number of Syrian based channels, namely Addounia  the privately owned satellite channel, Champress a privately owned website & Al Watan Newspaper a privately owned newspaper. And not surprisingly the Arab League, (a formation representing the governments of the Arab World, with the exception of Syria) issued an order on September 05, 2012 to 2 satellite management companies, Nilesat & Arabsat, sponsored by the League, to take down Syrian State satellite TV, Syria News another state owned satellite channel & Addounia TV the privately owned channel from air, for no publicly stated logical reason. But perhaps this is the real reason:

Exhibit no. 15: Public opinion VS Imperialists 
Who's Shelling Residential Neighborhoods
& who is defending it in Syria?

Central residential neighborhood of Baramkeh, Damascus received 6 mortar shells by FSA
to 'liberate' then 'democratize' it

If you wonder why Syrian 'regime' didn't fall yet with all the weapons given to tens of thousands of imported Wahhabi Al Qaeda FSA Sex Jihadists in Syria, because this is what they really target with their weapons: another Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Somalia, Serbia..

These Saudi & Qatari supported prehistoric apes don't seek 'democracy' & 'freedom', all they want is destruction & killing the 'infidels' - who don't look like them.

Above video clip copied from one of the local coordination committees sponsored by US 'National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

These crimes are committed in the name of EACH US, EU, Turkish, Japanese and Arab citizen. You can't claim you are helping the Syrian people any more, nobody can be fooled for more than 24 months.

If you don't agree with what your governments are doing in your names: Arab Spring them.

And if you are waiting for the new elections in your country to think you can vote for someone else, then those you put in office now are committing these crimes in your name.

We will never forget & we will never forgive.

One of the tens of rallies of hundreds of thousands of Syrians held  to show support for
the Syrian Army & president Assad not shown in Western mainstream media
If you still think it's a 'spontaneous peaceful uprising' all the way since the beginning? In that case you can look further here: 

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable. 
- Arabi Souri

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion - 14

Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn't support the NATO imposed 'spontaneous public uprising' on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians 'democracy' & 'free speech'. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban a number of Syrian based channels, namely Addounia  the privately owned satellite channel, Champress a privately owned website & Al Watan Newspaper a privately owned newspaper. And not surprisingly the Arab League, (a formation representing the governments of the Arab World, with the exception of Syria) issued an order on September 05, 2012 to 2 satellite management companies, Nilesat & Arabsat, sponsored by the League, to take down Syrian State satellite TV, Syria News another state owned satellite channel & Addounia TV the privately owned channel from air, for no publicly stated logical reason. But perhaps this is the real reason:

Exhibit no. 14: Public opinion VS Imperialists 
Peaceful Protests At The Beginning 
Not Peaceful At All

Sama TV, a Syrian based TV channel, banned by the EU & the Arab League in their quest to promote free speech in Syria, has gathered this short video clip that tells much about gathering and compiling weapons, ammunition and money in the first days and even before of the Syrian crisis in Omari Mosque in Daraa city, in addition to a field hospital.

Then some think it's a 'spontaneous peaceful uprising' from the beginning..! In that case you can look further here: 

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable. 
- Arabi Souri 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion - 13

Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn't support the NATO imposed 'spontaneous public uprising' on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians 'democracy' & 'free speech'. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban a number of Syrian based channels, namely Addounia  the privately owned satellite channel, Champress a privately owned website & Al Watan Newspaper a privately owned newspaper. And not surprisingly the Arab League, (a formation representing the governments of the Arab World, with the exception of Syria) issued an order on September 05, 2012 to 2 satellite management companies, Nilesat & Arabsat, sponsored by the League, to take down Syrian State satellite TV, Syria News another state owned satellite channel & Addounia TV the privately owned channel from air, for no publicly stated logical reason. But perhaps this is the real reason:

Exhibit no. 13: Public opinion VS Imperialists 
Nidal Jannoud & the Peaceful Revolution

Nidal Ali Jannoud born 10 July 1980 in Hakar Samkeh village, Tartous Countryside.

Nidal Jannoud, born 1980 and killed by 'peaceful protesters' in April 2011
Married and has a daughter called Alma, his wife gave birth to his son 40 days after his martyrdom and they called the new baby Nidal.

So many similar stories of brutality targeted thousands of Syrian families in their loved ones, many were even more brutal and savage in nature, the story of Nidal stands out as it was the one that caused a massive shock to the Syrian public being one of the first such heinous crimes the Syrian community didn't witness since the days of the Ottomans.

He was picked based on sectarian hatred, those who picked him wanted to cause strife among the people and initiate a civil war leading to more deaths and revenges, the thing they failed till date in causing and they're not tired to stop as their enablers have opened their money taps very wide, and their arsenal to the max to the same terrorists they claim they fight elsewhere.

Note the date of the video, with English subtitles:

On Liveleak: 

YouTube is removing any video harming Al Qaeda FSA terrorists and keep their videos promoting their cause, that's why we are referring to other sites for sharing the videos.

Do you still think that the Arab Spring in Syria was a 'spontaneous public uprising' by 'peaceful protesters' who just wanted 'freedom' and 'democracy'? Or after 2 years you might look at the events how we Syrians lived it throughout these 2 years or you still insist on seeing it through the western mainstream media?

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable. 
- Arabi Souri 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mainstream Media And The Art of Trolling

Imagine this scenario: You receive a call at work, a hysterical voice on the other end of the line screams there has been an accident in the neighborhood, and your child is somewhere on the street..

You rush hysterically from work, reaching your neighborhood you are met with scenes of chaos, emergency vehicles and sounds of screaming sirens fill the entire area, you see body parts on the ground, people are frantically searching in the debris, seems there was an explosion, could be a gas pipe or a vehicle, you are still in a state of shock, when you suddenly notice a small body on the ground with familiar clothes, as you rush towards it, you notice a small pink school bag which you remember very well, your mind is very confused, as you realise, that this is your child laying on the ground, body charred, with limbs missing and covered in blood, gasping as she takes her last few breaths. You see at least a dozen bodies with the same horrific injuries, body parts are scattered everywhere, at the same time several news crews arrive on the scene as one begins filming the area a reporter starts asking witnesses about the circumstances surrounding the explosion and their reactions, people watching this live at home are commiserating with you, when suddenly the TV presenter notices there's a sign on the other side of the street with the words written upside down, turning his focus, the reporter begins asking questions about the sign .. People watching from their homes start laughing, 'activists' on media pick it up and begin sharing it on social media outlets, immediately the main media focus is on the sign, with the massive tragedy already forgotten.

At the hospital with what's left of your child's body, you watch desperate people rush in and frantically ask for names of the deceased and injured, while the TV monitor in the corridor screens images of the “upside down” sign, as the presenters make jokes from their studios. Tell me about your feelings then.

If you think this cannot happen, continue reading below.

Under the title: Misleading Media on Syria - Shaping Public Opinion, I aim to post a few examples of how the NATO aligned mainstream media is used to systematically shape public opinion by fabricating, misleading, dis-informing and deliberately manipulating in order to further the goal of theirs paymasters.

I endeavor to show irrefutable evidence of incidents that occurred while the NATO media was playing a huge role in demonizing the Syrian state, its army, its police & security forces, even normal people who just didn't support the NATO imposed 'spontaneous public uprising' on them. These examples, aired by media channels based inside Syria, have caused these channels to be banned by the same parties preaching Syrians 'democracy' & 'free speech'. On December 05, 2011 the European Union ministers of foreign affairs convened to come up with a decision that will stain their foreign policy & label them hypocrites forever. They decided to ban a number of Syrian based channels, namely Addounia  the privately owned satellite channel, Champress a privately owned website & Al Watan Newspaper a privately owned newspaper. And not surprisingly the Arab League, (a formation representing the governments of the Arab World, with the exception of Syria) issued an order on September 05, 2012 to 2 satellite management companies, Nilesat & Arabsat, sponsored by the League, to take down Syrian State satellite TV, Syria News another state owned satellite channel & Addounia TV the privately owned channel from air, for no publicly stated logical reason. But perhaps this is the real reason:

Exhibit no. 13: Public opinion VS Imperialists 
The Art of Trolling 

Syria has been subjected to an evil plan called the Arab Spring, we discussed this in detail before and you can check one of the tens of posts earlier on this same blog to see how they depended on the stupidity of the Sheeple and they weren't disappointed: The Arab Spring, A Spontaneous Public Uprising, Or Is It?

When the plot failed in Syria to follow the paths of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia and people didn't take to the streets in the 'soft revolution' as was planned, the always ready terrorists were a must to be used, and Al Qaeda was imported from Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, even from Egypt & Tunisia, the project is about to collapse and all the gains are about to vaporize if the plotters didn't react fast, and we started hearing terms like: 'President is killing own people', 'Freedom', 'Massacres', 'Random Tanks Shelling', and all these terms we got used to while the real perpetrators were none else than NATO's most valuable asset: Al Qaeda.

But what is the real plan? Is it really spreading democracy? Out of a sudden and after killing millions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen.. the western leaders want to export their 'wonderful freedom & democracy' to our region? The answer is not as difficult as you think and the goals are so essential: 'Control riches resources and secure Israel'.

The Levant is the next Persian Gulf, lots of riches including vast quantities of natural gas, oil, uranium among others were discovered in between Syria, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian territories and Cyprus. This is a must have for the western economies. Add to that, the West wants to build the gas pipeline called Nabucco Pipeline, on one hand, and another pipeline (we accurately dubbed 'Camelistan'), on the other hand. The latter pipeline is meant for Qatari oil to get to Europe through KSA, Jordan, Syria then Turkey and from there to Europe thus cutting Russian pipelines feeding Europe now. This network of pipelines has been nicknamed 'Pipelinestan' by Pepe Escobar, a brilliant political analyst.

That's not all, there's another very important goal for the west to achieve in our region which is 'protecting the security of Israel', even if it was on the account of their own citizens, they don't care. Most of the wars in the region including the invasion of Iraq, were having this main purpose on mind, remember dismantling the Iraqi army was the first decision of the US in Iraq? To achieve such a goal there should be a shift in the ideologies of the major armies in the region and namely: containing the Turkish army and dismantling the Syrian and Egyptian armies. While they are very successful on the Turkish front where tens of top army generals either resigned, imprisoned or early retired for no logical reason, read this piece 2 years ago, which was followed by many generals resigning in bulk ore ending their services one way or another: Step by Step to Tayyiban Revolution or Reborn of Rebublic of Turkey?

On the Egyptian front there's a huge success for the western powers now with Muslim Brotherhood in power and I wouldn't want to waste my time here repeating how this terrorist organization was founded, supported and supplied by the west, but now the Egyptian Army is being exhausted in internal issues and being morally weakened to avoid being any threat to Israel.

In Syria, well.. Here is where the western powers are still working hard to 'achieve democracy' in any way they could, even getting their old buddies from Al Qaeda and rebranding them: Freedom Fighters, Rebels, Free Syrian Army, Jabhat Al Nusra.. whatever, just to exhaust the Syrian Army systematically while the mainstream media, NATO's propaganda machines work hard to demonize the army by repeating: Syrian Army killing own people and such silly accusations to engrave it in the conscious of their audience: the Sleeping Sheeple. We reached a point where NATO openly is funding, training, supplying, leading Al Qaeda members in Syria and fighting them in Mali, Afghanistan and elsewhere. A friend of mine sent a comment to newly appointed John Kerry saying: 'We have a problem now, our friends the rebels want to kill our friends in the opposition' and attaching the following video clip to him:

Video with English subtitles, open in YouTube and turn cc on if required

How to secure the 'Jewish State of Israel' and control the resources of this region? Install puppet regimes who would follow orders blindly, but the Iraqi experience taught the west a huge lesson: after 8 years of direct occupation and as soon as Iraq started to get a grasp on its own sovereignty, the country shifted alliance from being a US stooge to the opposite camp. So the plan was keep on dividing the sovereign countries in the region into smaller, controllable sectarian based entities and keep them fighting together as long as possible to wear each other out, or ethnically cleanse the region and fulfill the biblical prophecies by working on establishing the Jewish Empire waiting their king, the anti-Christ, and on the other side support the establishing of an Islamist (not Islamic) state and laugh at the less educated and call it: the Islamic Caliphate.. The Rise of the Caliphate, is an excellent short piece to check.

A brave young man went on a personal journey from the city of Idleb, north west of Syria, into Turkey, the country that is mainly behind the 'spontaneous public revolution in Syria' as if their own Kurdish prosecution is not enough for them, and came back with shocking and disturbing facts he put it in this report: Shocking Facts from Behind Enemy Lines.

There is a major problem facing the western powers when it's coming to Syria, they are not winning for many reasons, one of them is they exposed their own plans very early that the real international community noticed and helped Syria avoid a western intervention to install 'democracy' in the country.

And there's the Syrian Army which is adored and supported by the Syrian people, I know you might feel stupid reading this if it's new for you, but it's about time you wake up: (Syrians Adore Their Syrian Arab Army)

And finally the media is not working out because Syrians have a very long established anti-propaganda powerful genes in their 7,000 years of history accumulated, which arrogant plotters at the Pentagon ignored when they planned for the 'New Middle East' through 'Creative Chaos'.

In order to divert attention of the truth seekers in the west who started realizing what fools they were in supporting this evil plan in the Middle East called the Arab Spring, NATO propaganda turned to what it does best: Trolling.

53 mostly civilians were killed, 238 wounded and the count is still on, was the toll of a deadly suicide car bombing in a Mazraa residential neighborhood in Damascus yesterday. The horrible images from the scene were beyond describing. And instead of focusing on those lives lost and for what reason? And how to help the Syrians fight this kind of terror? Are the western countries doing good in supporting these 'freedom fighters' in the country, well that's not the goal, right? The propaganda machines come to work, and use all the trolling experience it has. There are millions effected from the Syrian Crisis, but there's this one single person let's concentrate on..! Remember the single Chinese blind man activist representing the aspiration of the 1.5 billion Chinese? The Burmese single activist Aung San Suu Kyi, who once her role is over and 'democracy achieved' we started hearing stories of thousands of Muslims being killed in Burma whom were protected previously by the 'evil junta'?

There's a man who is either planted as an infiltrator to discredit the Syrian state media, or he has a personal media appearing desire, who trails the Syrian TV whenever it goes to a scene of a terrorist attack to appear on the screen and express his feelings. This single person is being picked by the mainstream and the 53 killed, hundreds wounded story was dwarfed in exchange. Remember the example this post started with? Imagine yourself in the place of someone who lost a love one in this bombing then check the Lede Blog of the New York Times, the western leading trolling propagandists, they pick on the man and present him in a sarcastic way in a very obvious trolling strategy:

Then comes the other trolls for rescue, other mainstream media would pick on this single person and start spreading this piece of information diverting the attention of the Sheeple to something with a hidden opinion shaping: 'Whatever comes from Syrian State Media is a lie', which the sleeping conscious would apply to the news of those tens killed and hundreds injured then start to look elsewhere.

A propagandist spreading the blog among the Sheeple who picks it immediately
Since when would a correspondent of a one news agency promote posts of another?! How thoughtful! 
And that's not taking sources to build a story, that's mere marketing of another outlet, but the professionalism isn't important at all here, media competition isn't as well, it's destroying Syria which is to achieve at any cost.

28 retweets and 4 favorites in less than an hour then 38 retweets and 9 favorites in less than 10 hours. Don't you love social media? 

Trolls 'activists' make sure to attach the link of the trolling piece on each post talking about the suffering of Syrians
Which is more important? The story of the killed ones or the story of a man who might be an infiltrator by the way, to focus on?! 

Now you get it? I hope so.

WMDs: They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you,
not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable.
I encourage you to visit each link provided in this post if you are a truth seeker, otherwise, 
go back to sleep.


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