Monday, August 27, 2012

La Primavera Arabe , ¿Un levantamiento Espontaneo del Pueblo ,o que es?

Bu Azizi se inmolo prendiéndose fuego , y de repente una revolución sacudió al mundo Arabe, desde Túnez en el oeste , hacia Siria en el este, por alguna razon pasando por alto algunos países .Un levantamiento espontaneo del pueblo ,como a los medios de comunicación tradicionales y a los lideres de occidente les gusta describir las revueltas que vieron el derrocamiento y el caos, que reemplazaron mucho tiempo de estabilidad bajo la cual también Occidente descubrió repentinamente dictadores brutales, mientras que solo unos pocos días antes, los lideres de cada país objetivo, fueron los mejores aliados de Occidente en la región, hasta que el efecto domino choco contra un muro en Siria .(No se pierda la serie de videos abajo).

Túnez vio a su gobernante de un tiempo de 23 años ,Zeinedden Ben Ali , irse , después de un “levantamiento popular espontáneo “ que le obligo a salir , fue el poder de la gente , en su lugar se ha instalado un régimen islamista muy radical pro-occidental ;la primera de sus declaraciones significativas de política exterior fue : ‘No hay ninguna clausula en la Constitución que evite establecer relaciones con Israel’..!

Egipto ,vio a Hosni Mubarak irse ,quien gobernó durante 30 años, después de un “levantamiento popular espontaneo “ que le obligo a salir , fue el poder de la gente ; en su lugar se ha instalado un régimen islamista muy radical ,pro-occidental .La primera de sus decisiones de política exterior significativa fue : destruir los túneles vitales para Gaza , que Israel no fue capaz de encontrar durante tanto tiempo …!

Yemen; vio a su gobernante de 18 años de antigüedad ,Ali Abdallah Saleh irse ,luego de un “levantamiento popular espontaneo” que le obligo a abandonar , no era el poder de la gente, en su lugar fue un acuerdo cerrado ,sin embargo , su sustituto fue “justamente” elegido , en unas elecciones libres elogiadas por los EE.UU, que resultaron en la aprobación del 98% , y Al Qaeda ha infestado a este país bien situado geográfica y estratégicamente , el cual supervisa la entrada del Mar Rojo , por ende el Canal de Suez , y así la vía del petróleo del Golfo Pérsico a Europa… 

Libia vio a su gobernante de 41 años de antigüedad , Muammar al Gaddafi dejar el mundo , después de “un levantamiento popular espontaneo “ que obligo a la OTAN a ayudar a que lo asesinaran , en su lugar esta instalado un régimen islamista extremadamente radical, pro-occidental , la primera de sus decisiones importantes de política exterior fue : armar a una imitación de milicianos para atacar al único estado de la región que es una amenaza existencial para Israel : Siria ,y a largo plazo Irán. 

Otros países árabes que vieron reales “levantamientos populares espontáneos“, todavía enfrentan disturbios, no mencionados en absoluto por los medios tradicionales de comunicación, o han “resuelto” el “levantamiento popular espontaneo” no haciendo nada, pero fueron elogiados por los lideres occidentales . Ya tenemos muchos regímenes pro-occidentales ,por cierto.

Siria, nunca fue objeto de un “levantamiento popular espontaneo “ , pero de alguna manera se incluyo en la lista de países que presencian un “levantamiento popular espontaneo”…! Pregunten a los principales medios de comunicación como sucedió esto… ¿Entonces que? El efecto domino dejo de afectar y de algún modo ,de repente el mundo entero presto atención , y los países que hasta el pasado año odiaban al pueblo de Siria , están llorando por la opresión que los sirios están sufriendo…! Bandas armadas aparecieron de la nada , se utilizan armas muy avanzadas, no disponibles en el almacén militar sirio o de seguridad . Estas bandas armadas comenzaron a aumentar en numero y se encontraron dispositivos de comunicación muy sofisticados..Los países que sufren las peores economías cada vez están dispuestos a asignar sumas enormes de quienes pagan sus impuestos, no para ayudar a su propio pueblo ,mas bien para armar este “levantamiento popular espontaneo” y ayudar a los sirios a conseguir su “libertad” , mediante la destrucción de Siria y el sacrificio de su pueblo ,y los principales medios de comunicación también pueden ayudar, por supuesto con la retorica antes utilizada , en cada “levantamiento popular espontaneo “ anterior : el régimen esta matando a su propio pueblo ; esto funciono antes ,¡¿Por qué no esta funcionando en Siria?!
Siéntese , relájese y disfrute viendo este documental de 4 partes , le tomara un máximo de 35 minutos de su tiempo , pero puede cambiar su visión de la política mundial , la Primavera Arabe y la crisis Siria :

Parte 1:

Parte 2:

Parte 3:

Parte 4: 

¿No te gusta como los principales medios de comunicación estuvieron actuando durante tanto tiempo y consiguieron convertir a la gente de occidente en borregos?

Como me gusta decir : Ellos te engañaron , te siguen engañando y ellos disfrutan de engañarte , no por que ellos son inteligentes , solo es por que eres engañable.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Who Is The Syrian Regime?

Very hard the USA strategists and their allies in many NATO members states intelligence services worked to get a term that would be attractive to the masses, easy to be used and serves as a demonizing term when the zero hour is determined to launch the Creative Chaos in the Middle East & North Africa, they came to the expression: People Demand Downfall of the Regime.

As much as it might sound ridiculous to native English speakers, it has a rhythm in Arabic, easy to memorize and short to write: Alsha'b Yurid Iskat Alnizam, (الشعب يريد إسقاط النظام), in the Arab world it was mainly used to refer to the US led regimes, and especially the former US president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, along with the general scope of the Arab League and this term was more to describe the inability of the official body of the Arab countries League to do anything to help the Palestinians for over 6 decades in their struggle to end the inhumane occupation by another US entity in the region, israel. 

Former US president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak (right) with his buddy
israeli PM Olmert (left) who led 2006 war on Lebanon & 2008-2009 war on Gaza
Syrians, among other Arabs were chanting the same slogan when the Tunisian revolution started, as former US president of Tunisia wasn't an admirable figure in the Arab world, and the use of the term increased when the most hated former US president of Egypt Mubarak was faced with what it looked as a popular uprising, taking in consideration that the extremist Islamic organization the Muslim Brotherhood were not part of it for a long while before they took control of all of its achievements. If Mr. Mubarak was the US president of Egypt then, the Muslim Brotherhood organization was formed by the British foreign intelligence service in 1929 in Palestine then moved to Egypt while traces were being used in the Arabian Peninsula to establish what we now know as the Saudi Arabia, with the help of the Brits, supervision on it was exchanged with Germans, French, and US foreign intelligence offices, as if the conspiracy theory needed any more chapters. 

Syria, has a totally different story, where the president wasn't elected the way the US system goes, like 2 parties only compete internally to produce a candidate who would compete with his counterpart from the other party on how to harm the ordinary US citizens more and how to serve israel's best interests more.. In Syria, and due to its bloody past of multiple military coups within a 3 decades period before late president senior Assad reached power and managed to stable the country for 3 decades before his death mid 2000, and again due to the dangers surrounding the country from all of its borders, and the internal strife that might ensue in case of a vacuum in power, and again due to the composition of the Syrian society which we are witnessing now and we knew as Syrians all of the time, adding to the potential of the attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood organization to gain ground at any cost, including destroying the country as they tried to do over 6 years 1976 - 1982, not to forget the tribal mentality of the people in the East vs the loose family and tribal bonds if exists in the West, for all those reasons, the Syrian president was selected rather than elected.

Bashar Al Assad, who openly didn't want the job as all Syrians knew then was called to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining stability in the entire region and each person we see now opposing him were cheering his succession in power for their personal benefits as they saw in him a young, less experienced man than what his father used to be, and to distance themselves from any loss that might occur to claim they were forced to accept his appointing in power. However, none of the Syrian People Assembly's (Parliament) 250 members then, many of which are the elders of their 'tribes', opposed then, opposed later or even till date, the selection of Mr. Assad as a president despite the fact that they're not the same 250 members throughout the past 12 years of his presidency. 

Vast majority of those, non-Muslim Brotherhood members, opposing him now were officials serving long terms under him or his father or both, proved corrupt figures and ran away when he or his late father then measured their ability to shoulder responsibility in their posts, so they 'defected' and joined the opposition, figures like Abdel Halim Khaddam, who was one of the most hated figures close to the presidency and served in many posts from a governor to a minister of foreign affairs to vice president. His sons were involved in a number of corruption scandals didn't start with trying to bury nuclear radioactive wastes in Syria  and didn't end with the enormous fortune they were sitting on. He 'defected' when he felt the danger of being prosecuted, especially that Bashar Al Assad, the young president was keen on cleansing the corruption in spite of the enormous difficulties he was facing. Khaddam is one of the main figures of the current US led 'uprising' against president Assad. Mustapha Tlass, unlike Khaddam though they served side by side for a very long time each under late Hafez Al Assad and for the first years under Bashar's presidency, he was a career army general who climbed the ranks and proved loyalty at the darkest moments facing late Hafez during the battle with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization trying to establish a Taliban alike Islamic emirate in Syria since then, was one of those few in power whom stood by late Hafez against Hafez's own strong brother Rifaat Al Assad, who was leading the powerful, well trained and equipped then Saraya Difaa (now Republican Guards), when Rifaat led a failed military coup and ended up in him getting expelled, and his unit got integrated in the Army and renamed. Rifaat wasn't a loved person among Syrians who weren't in his close circle, those who benefited a lot through him when he had some power. Rifaat is another leading figure in the US led 'uprising' against president Bashar Al Assad now, however, Mustapha Tlass did not till now declare his stance officially, but his sons did a huge job serving US's goals, first by super corrupt Firas Tlass, a businessman who was tried feeding the Syrian Army with rotten meat from his Mortadella factory through an exclusive contract, since his father was the long serving minister of defense, and his younger brother Manaf Tlass, a commander of a unit in the Republican Guards, a personal friend of president Assad whom trusted him in resolving the riots in their hometown city Al Rastan, especially the riots were led there by one of their cousins Abderazzak Tlass, who himself claimed to be an Islamist extremist and very religious figure, turned out to be having some Skype cyber sex fantasies, but instead of Manaf handling the riots in a proper way, in his capacity as a unit commander in the Republican Guards, he commissioned weapons and supplies from the same unit storage to those fighting under his cousin's wing his own colleagues in the unit, causing huge casualties among the ranks of civilians and army at the beginning of riots in Rastan, then in Homs when Tlass the cyber sex boy occupied with his group the neighborhood of Baba Amro.

Cleric Jihadist Freedom Fighter Abdelrazzak Tlass cyber sex scandal - Part 1

A report by a NATO media outlet confirming that brigadier Manaf Tlass instead of settling a riot in his own city as entrusted by his commander, he went to supply weapons & munition to the rebels in order to kill his own unit (Republican Guards) officers & soldiers, plus civilians; not to mention that slain Manaf Tlass mentioned at the end of the report was assassinated at his college & he's the son of now dy. minister of defense Talal Tlass, the cousin that didn't 'defect'

Nawaf Al Faris was supposed to be a great gain to the opposition on the account of the 'regime', he was the Syrian ambassador to Baghdad, was a lead Baathist, was from a prominent tribe in Der Ezzor, but NATO aligned media fail to focus on one of his posts which was head of the most feared political security branch in Latakkia.. Talking about brutality and security oppression people revolting against.

The most laughable but not funny so far 'defection', was that of the newly appointed prime minister Riad Hijab, the guy was also from a tribe in Der Ezzor, a Baathist and a pro 'regime' activist since 1989 when he was head of the Baath Students Union in his city, then member of the Baath party leadership in his city then the head of Baath party in his city, then governor of Quneitra province in 2008, agriculture minister in former cabinet from April 2011, the reform government formed to meet the demands of the 'uprising' in reforms, then the prime minister who headed a cabinet just 2 months before his 'defection'..

So many other figures to mention, but barely you'll see a 'defector' who didn't serve for long and benefit on a personal level from his public service then defect when feeling exposure against 'corrupted and brutal Assad rule'.

If these 'defectors' were patriots, why didn't they challenge the 'embattled' Syrian president inside Syria and especially if we take in consideration their 'popularity' as western media tries hardly to imply, and if the 'rebels' control over 70% of Syria as again all western mainstream media tries to imply in its war propaganda on Syria, instead of all of them rushing to oil rich state Qatar, a US main ally in the Middle East...!? Did you think of that before?

Whatever the case is, if it was a 'public uprising', what was it against? The regime? Remember: People Demand Downfall of the Regime.. So if the 'regime' meant to be the target of the uprising, the entire 'regime' is already now in the 'revolution' camp, and if president Bashar Al Assad as a person is the target, it makes everything more clearer to the Syrian people and their real friends, it's not about reforms, it's about a bigger plot that have everything to do with except any good to Syria, because of what symbolism his person represents to the Syrians, their army, their security, their foreign policy and their pride.

Late Hafez Assad when asked to sign a peace deal with israel that will leave some 40 meters of Syrian land in the hands of israel he replied: "If I do so my bodyguard would kill me for treason."

Syrians are raised to such ideology. Syrians you see rioting are not the Syrians you'd meet during a visit to Syria unless you like to visit border, rural towns. Syrians you would see in your ordinary day to day are those who didn't riot, who rejected the US led 'revolution', those replacing the mainly 'defectors', those seen in mega rallies in support of president Assad and Syria:

Late Hafez Al Assad in the year 1970 led a peaceful 'Correctional Movement' which saw ridding the country from most of the corrupt old guards and replacing them with fresh figures, some of whom stayed in office till they became corrupt themselves and needed Bashar Al Assad to run a slow motion in-depth Correctional Movement allowing even those corrupt officials to leave the country without being oppressed and being exposed before the Syrian public opinion when they all rush to Qatar to receive their payments.

"Some Syrians wanted a 'regime change' in Syria, president Bashar Al Assad responded positively, and now almost all the corrupt figures of the old regime are in Qatar, and Syria has a fresh regime, a fresh constitution, a fresh media law, a fresh political parties law.."

Friday, August 10, 2012

Syrian News Channel Crew Kidnapped

Syrian News (Ikhbariya) Channel reported that it lost contact with its crew in Al Tal area in Damascus Countryside earlier today (Friday) and believes they were kidnapped by Turkey sponsored FSA Terrorists, as usual.

Reporter Yara Saleh, cameraman Abboud Tabra, and driver Housam Imad were kidnapped when in a mission to a restive area to report facts from there, in other words doing their job which we keep hearing mainstream media crying for not being allowed freely to do in Syria, which by the way is another big fat lie as many foreign channels are reporting from Syria including Russia Today, Al Alam, and many others even including Al Arabiya & BBC, where you can always see their reporters Hanna Houshan & Assaf Abboud respectively in each media conference and you can hear part of their reports on their channels while their channels omits most of their reports because it doesn't serve their propaganda.

A previous report by kidnapped journalist Yara Saleh with English annotations: 

I also refer you to the kidnapping, brutal torturing then heinous killing of Syrian prominent journalist Muhammad Saeed on 21 July 2012 and declaring his killing August 4th:

Erdogan's foolish policy of kidnapping and devaluing human lives and suffering is leading our entire region to total chaos, counter kidnapping will definitely occur because relatives won't keep quiet and victims would be civilians from all nationalities.

Day Dreamer New Ottoman Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan FF the First & Final

Just 48 hours ago Iran warned Turkish PM Erdogan of this types of acts during a visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Salehi to Ankara after the same terrorist group kidnapped 48 Iranian pilgrims en rout from Damascus airport to Sayda Zeinab shrine in Damascus countryside, the same shrine Wahhabi clerics keep calling on their terrorist groups to destroy as they don't like any marked grave, let alone a shrine.

Instead of Turkey apologizing to Iranians for the kidnap of their citizens in Syria, Turkey escalated its tone against Iran in a very boyish foolish and can say stupid manner. Nations Led By Criminals Are Doomed To Failure.

We also remember how Erdogan sent his fighter jets flying low and fast into Syrian airspace and how Erdogan started jumping when Syrian air defense dropped one of them and harmed the other, called for NATO assistance to attack Syria in retaliation and only got 27 long middle fingers instead.

There's no gain at all for Turkey to interfere in the internal issues of its neighbors especially that Turkey itself is no idealistic country in human rights to start with, actually it's the worst in the region in the human rights violations droning own citizens and neighboring country villages in its own version of War on Terror, or say: War on its own people, the Kurds. Turkey has the largest number of journalists behind bars for their political views. Turkey has the worst record in human organs trade, actually it just seconds israel in the entire world in this illegal crime against humanity.

Interfering in other internal matters will only lead others to interfere back, and Turkey, the country very dependent on tourism shouldn't be instigating chaos in nearby countries.

Hopefully the people of Turkey will be able to gain their freedom from this lunatic regime before it's too late.

The Arab Spring, A Spontaneous Public Uprising, Or Is It?

Bu Azizi burnt himself and suddenly a revolution sweeping the Arab world from Tunisia in the west to Syria in the east, skipping some countries for some reasons. A spontaneous public uprising, as what mainstream media and western leaders like to describe the riots which led to the ousting and chaos replacing long times of stability under what also is suddenly discovered in the west as brutal dictators, while just a few days ago in each targeted country, the leaders of these countries were the west's best allies in the region, until the domino effect hit a wall in Syria. (don't miss the video series below)

Tunisia saw its 23 years time ruler Zeinedden Ben Ali leave after 'spontaneous public uprising' forced him out, it was the power of the people, in his place a pro-western very radical Islamist regime is installed, first of its significant foreign policy statements was: there's no clause in the constitution to prevent establishing relations with israel..!

Egypt saw its 30 years time ruler Hosni Mubarak leave after 'spontaneous public uprising' forced him out, it was the power of the people, in his place a pro-western very radical Islamist regime is installed, first of its significant foreign policy decisions was: destroy the life-line tunnels of Gaza, which israel wasn't able to find for so long..!

Yemen saw its 33 years time ruler Ali Abdallah Saleh leave after 'spontaneous public uprising' forced him out, it wasn't the power of the people, rather a deal struck, yet, his replacement was 'fairly' elected in a US praised 'free elections' that resulted in 98% approval, and Al Qaeda infested this strategically geographical positioned country, which oversees the entrance of the red sea thus the Suez Canal, thus the Persian Gulf oil route to Europe..!

Libya saw its 41 years time ruler Muammar Gaddafi leave, the world, after 'spontaneous public uprising' forced NATO to help them kill him, in his place a pro-western extremely radical Islamist regime is installed, first of its significant foreign policy decisions was: arm a copy cat militia in attacking the only state in the region that forms an existential threat to israel, Syria and on the longer run Iran.

Other Arab Countries which saw real 'spontaneous public uprisings' are either still facing turmoil not-mentioned at all in mainstream media, or have 'resolved' the 'spontaneous public uprising' by doing nothing but were praised by the western leaders. It does already have very pro-western regimes by the way.

Syria, was never a target of a 'spontaneous public uprising' but somehow was included in the list of countries witnessing a 'spontaneous public uprising'..! Ask the mainstream media how this happened.. Then what? The domino effect stopped affecting and immediately it was the entire world's attention and out of a sudden, and countries until just last year hating the Syrian people are crying for the oppression the Syrians are suffering from..! Armed gangs popped up out of nowhere, very advanced weapons were used, not available in Syrian military or security stock, these armed gangs started increasing in numbers and very sophisticated communication devices were found.. Countries suffering the worst economies ever are ready to allot huge sums of their tax payers, not to help their own people, rather to arm this 'spontaneous public uprising' and help the Syrians achieve their 'freedom' by destroying Syria and slaughtering its people while mainstream media can, of course, help with the rhetoric used before in each previous 'spontaneous public uprising': the regime is killing its own people, it worked before why it's not working in Syria?!

Sit, relax and enjoy watching this documentary of 4 parts, it'll take maximum 35 minutes of your time but might change your view about world politics, the Arab Spring and the Syrian crisis: 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Don't you like how mainstream media was performing for so long and managed to shape the people of the west into Sheeple? 

As I like to say: They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jandar's Massacre, The Pattern is Clear

August 07, 2012, a Christian family from al Alyat village in Homs countryside, central of Syria received the most painful news a family can endure: 10 of its members were butchered during their work in the tourism resort near the Damascus - Homs main highway, Jandar Tourism Resort witnessed yet one more of those heinous scenes of the 'democratizing' process of Syria.

Jandar's resort massacre's victims, known names:

Michael Rashid Takla
Bassam Marwan Takla
Talal Munhem Takla
George Elias Takla
Mtanious Ibrahim Hajal
Mtanious Elias Touma
Mtanious Jacob Michael
Ahmad Mustapha Koumi (Muslim killed for just being there)

Martyr Talal M Takla - photo obtained from a relative of him
Their crime was being Christians, and working for money in a resort and not joining the 'peaceful revolution' of the Wahhabi fanatic 'freedom fighters' coming from the filth of the filth of the world to spread their way of life on the account of other people's lives. Another exact repeat of the Zionist genocide in Palestine started some 100 years ago, and Palestinians are still living its horror day by day till this date.

USA, UK, France, Germany and their stooge in the region Turkey, all members of the criminal organization known as NATO, the North Atlantic Terrorism (or Treaty) Organization, in addition to this organization stooges in the Middle East, Near East and North Africa are all now supporting Al Qaeda fighters openly and with no shame using it as a tool to further their goals in their sick dream of a New World Order, creating a One World Government, where all the people have equal rights in slavery, while they reign awaiting their king, the anti-Christ. 

This New World Order is facing obstacles, these obstacles are called Sovereign Nations, nations whom do not accept to be subjugated under the hegemony of the already failing and fading western states. These nations don't want to be enslaved to save the ruined by wars economies of the axis of bloodthirsty freaks: The US, UK, France, Germany and their elite leader israel. That's why 'regime change' was needed and should be disguised as 'humanitarian intervention' to save the civilians from their leaders whom suddenly all of them wanted to 'kill their own people' using their own people to kill themselves..! And in case you don't believe that the leaders of these sovereign nations are 'killing their own people' then they'll prove to you and you will be convinced, because later on, you yourself would be enslaved to serve your masters, the elite 1%.

To kill without mercy and with nondiscrimination a ruthless criminal organization is required and there's one that just fit that criteria, it's called Al Qaeda, invented by the USA's CIA in the 80s of last century to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, then moved to the Arabian Peninsula to secure the need of planting tens of military bases around oil fields, then moved to Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia (Shabab Movement), North Africa, Mali, Uganda (the Christian version of it called God's army), Libya and finally Syria.

We've seen the west cry for victims of Houla massacre for days, even the fact that all killed were from selected families whom were state loyalists including the wife and 3 daughters of the newly elected Syrian Parliament trustee Abdul Muti Meshleb were among the victims wasn't enough to stop NATO's propaganda and crocodile tears accusing the Syrian state of 'killing its own people' at the UN different bodies including the UNSC, until the truth was revealed that NATO's sponsored FSA terrorists carried out the massacre then a new massacre was needed to cover for the previous one and use the new one, Tremseh, was the answer, but Tremseh massacre didn't last for long when the victims were found to be all of terrorists whom swarm into the village and were killed when confronting the Syrian army post there. 

Yesterday we witnessed Jandar's massacre, but will the Sheeple in the west ever wake up before their own government actually 'kill their own people' when it's time? I doubt.

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable. 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

الإعلام الغربي يهب لإنقاذ مصداقية وكالة رويترز

"مدونات" نيويورك تايمز قد أخذت على عاتقها مهمة محاولة انقاذ ما تبقى من مصداقية لرويترز من جراء مخاطر حادث يوم أمس، عندما قامت وكالة الأنباء الغربية رويترز، والتي تعتبر مصدر كل وسائل الإعلام المنحازة لمنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي، بنشر ما لا يقل عن تقريرين عن موقع مدوناتها، أحدهما لقاء مع رئيس ما يسمى بالجيش الارهابي الحر الذي تدعمه تركيا (الدولة العضو في الناتو) ، أو لتبرير إرهابهم يطلقون عليهم "المقاتلين من أجل الحرية" وهذا الزعيم يتباكى في المقابلة من كونه ضحية لخدعة من قبل القطريين والسعوديين الممولين للجيش الحر والموردين للسلاح له، بأنهم يقودون قواته لتذبح على يد الجيش العربي السوري، وإعلانه الانسحاب من مدينة حلب بعد تكبدهم خسائر فادحة، مقتل 1000 ارهابي من الجيش الحر، واعتقال أكثر من 1،500 من قبل السلطات السورية، وعزمهم على الانسحاب من جميع المدن أخرى.

في المقالة الثانية يفضحون (ربما ببراءة) حقيقة أن الارهابيين أنفسهم (الجيش الحر) تلقوا الأسلحة الكيميائية والاقنعة الواقية من الغاز من أجل تنفيذ هجوم كيميائي أو بيولوجي ضد المدنيين وإلقاء اللوم على الجيش السوري كما فعلوا سابقا في مجزرة الحولة والتريمسة حيث بان في وقت لاحق أنهم الجناة لهذه المجازر البشعة والرهيبة، ولكن فقط بعد أن تحقق الهدف من إلقاء اللوم على الجيش العربي السوري خلال جلسات مجلس الأمن الدولي التي عقدت في غضون ساعات من كل هذه الجرائم ضد الإنسانية .. 

كما سألنا يوم أمس ما إذا كانت رويترز هي وكالة أنباء ذات مصداقية؟، فإنه لأمر مدهش أن نرى زبائن هذه الوكالة، وتحديداً نيويورك تايمز في هذه الحالة، تسعى لنجدة وكالة الأنباء الرائدة فيما مضى تلك من الهلاك بكل الوسائل حتى لو كان الأمر عن طريق استهداف الصحفيين الآخرين الذين يقومون بواجبهم من داخل سوريا وعلى أرض الواقع، وهم أناس تلقوا فعلا تهديدات بالقتل من ارهابيي الجيش الحر بسبب فضحهم لإنجازاتهم الوهمية وواقع هذا التنظيم الإرهابي، خلافا لرأي مراسل رويترز السيد خالد عويس، والذي يتمركز بشكل مريح في عمان، الأردن وإسناد معظم تقاريره لشخص أخر يتمركز أيضاً بشكل مريح في كشك معرض في لندن، وهو المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان، أو على "ناشطين" لا يملكون أي ذرة من مصداقية أو حتى أسماء صريحة.

بالأمس فقط أعلنت مجموعة تعمل تحت أجنحة المنظمة الإرهابية الملقبة بالجيش الحر عن اعدامهم لمقدم التلفزيون السوري بعد خطفه في 21 يوليو بالقرب من منزله في ريف دمشق في ما عرف يومها بساعة الصفر حيث كان سيتم قطع ارسال جميع وسائل الاعلام السورية ثم خطف تردداتها من أجل بث انباء عن سقوط الدولة السورية في أيدي المتمردين المدعومين من قبل منظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي، لهذا كان عليهم اختطاف السيد محمود سعيد باعتباره شخصية معروفة بين السوريين لاعطاء مصداقية لقصتهم بين الجماهير البسيط من السوريين عن طريق اجباره قراءة مثل هذه التصريحات، وقد دفع حياته ثمناً بحسب ما صرحوا به يوم أمس لعدم قبوله الضغوط، تحت وطأة التعذيب كما هو واضح في هذه الصورة التي نشرت له:

ومثل أوامر القتل هذه، حيث يضعون صورة لهدف وكل ما عليك القيام به هو تلقيبه "بمخبر" أو "شبيح"، وجريمته ممكن أن تكون "موظف عام "رفض الانضمام إلى" الثورة السلمية ':
ثم يتم قتله، ويتفاخرون بمقتله كما كانوا يتمنون مقتله كما رأينا في حالات سابقة كثيرة.

إنها ليست مفاجأة أن جميع وسائل الاعلام المنحازة لمنظمة حلف شمال الأطلسي في الغرب وعملائهم في أماكن أخرى تسعى لمساعدة بعضها البعض لتعزيز هدف من المقرر أن يتم تحقيقه، لكنها تصبح عرجاء جدا فقط كما هو موضح أدناه في رد فعل على مدونة نيويورك تايمز محاولة انقاذ مصداقية رويترز: 
من علينا أن نصدق الأن؟ "المنتحل" لشخصية صحفيي رويترز كما ذكر بمقالة النيويورك تايمز، أم وكالة رويترز التي تنفي تقارير مكتوبة على عجل ربما ليس بأسماء الصحفيين أنفسهم، لكن يمكن أن يكون شخصاً من مئات "الناشطين" المعتمدين من قبلها ولم يكن لديها الوقت لتحريره بشكل صحيح، وباستخدام أسماء إعلامية بارزة لإعطاء مصداقية، وحقيقة أنهم لا يعملون مع وكالة رويترز الآن يعطي الوكالة أسساً إضافية لخداع الناس، مثلما انخدع كاتب هذا المقال نفسه ربما في مدونة نيويورك تايمز، وتدعي رويترز عندها: لسنا نحن، لقد تم اختراق مخدماتنا؟

حسناً، اذا كانت رويترز فعلاً من قام بنشر هذه الأخبار ثم سحبها لأي سبب من الأسباب، ربما بسبب تدخل بعض السفارات كما حدث مع وكالات كثيرة، فان هذا يضر جداً بمصداقية رويترز، خاصةً أن قسم مراقبة الإعلام في محطة إيه بي سي نيوز الأسترالية كانت قد انتقدت بشدة التغطية غير المهنية لوكالة رويترز للأحداث في سوريا، وهناك شريط فيديو يوتيوب لذلك، ابحثوا عنه على محرك البحث غوغل، أما إذا تم اختراق مخدمات وكالة رويترز حقاً، فإن ذلك يضيف غباءً إلى فشل مصداقيتها ...!

أنا شخصيا لن يدهشني أن أرى أي من وكالات الأنباء الغربية بما في ذلك النيويورك تايمز ذاتها تزوّر الأخبار، أو التلاعب بها لخدمة هدف الناتو في أي مكان، هل تذكرون كيف قامت باربارا والترز بتشويه، وتعديل، والتلاعب بمقابلة مع الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد في 7 ديسمبر عام 2011 على قناة ايه بي سي نيوز الأميركية؟، وقد خضعت لانتقادات حادة هي ومحطتها التلفزيونية بسبب تحوير وتعديل المقابلة لاظهار الرئيس السوري بأنه منفصل عن الواقع وحتى أنه مجنون كما صرح يومها الناطق باسم البيت الابيض في مؤتمر صحافي معتمداً على لقطات معدلة من المقابلة التي بثتها قناة ايه بي سي نيوز، قبل أن يقوم الناطق باسم وزارة الخارجية السورية بنشر أجزاء من المقابلة الأصلية في مؤتمر صحافي، وقد ظنت القناة بأن مجمل المقابلة التي أجرتها لم يكن لدى السوريين نسخة عنها، وهذا ما شوه سمعة قناة ايه بي سي نيوز، أما بالنسبة لهذا الزعيم المنفصل عن الواقع والمجنون فقد نجح بصد كافة الأوامر "السرية" للهجوم الهائل من قبل الدول الأعضاء في حلف الناتو لاختراق بلاده حتى الآن ..؟!

دعونا لا ننسى كيف قامت قناة سي إن إن، وهي وكالة أنباء بارزة أخرى، بالذهاب مع الارهابيين الى بابا عمر في حمص، وقامت بتثبيت كاميرا، ثم ذهبت إلى موقع حيث أن انفجارا كا سيحدث بعد 16 ساعة، ثم العودة مرة أخرى إلى موقع الكاميرا لتحديد الزاوية، والعودة مرة أخرى إلى موقع الانفجار بعد ان حدث الانفجار فعلاً، وقد تم فضح هذه القناة من قبل تلفزيون الدولة السورية، ويمكن أن يكون هذا السبب في منع القنوات السورية في العديد من البلدان الغربية، وحتى جامعة الدول العربية عملاء الغرب قد أصدرت قرارا لمنع القنوات السورية من البث على الأقمار العربية.. مقالتنا السابقة: السي ان ان كانت تعلم بهجوم 11 سبتمبر قبل 16 ساعة من حدوثه، قد لا يجعبك.!

لذا نقول مجدداً: من سنصدق؟

"إنهم يخدعوكم، يتابعون خداعكم ويستمتعون بخداعكم، ليس لأنهم أذكياء، إنما لأنك قابل للانخداع"

اقرأوا مقالتنا أسلحة الخداع الشاملة

Western Media Jump To Rescue Reuters Credibility

New York Times 'Blogs' have taken on their shoulders the mission to try to rescue whatever is left of Reuters credibility compromised by the incident yesterday, when the western News Agency, which is the source of all NATO aligned media, have posted at least 2 reports on its blog site, one of them an interview with the head of the Turkish (NATO members state) sponsored terrorist group the FSA, Free Syrian Army, or to justify their terrorism call them 'Freedom Fighters', this so called leader cries in the interview of being a victim to a ploy by the Qataris and Saudis, the FSA's main financiers and weapon suppliers, that they're leading his troops to their slaughter by the Syrian Army, and his declaration of withdrawing from the city of Aleppo after sustaining heavy losses, 1,000 FSA terrorists killed, over 1,500 arrested by the Syrian authorities, and his intention to further withdraw from all other cities. 

The second article exposes, maybe innocently the fact that the same FSA terrorists have acquired chemical weapons and gas masks in order to carry out a chemical or biological attack against civilians to blame it on the Syrian army as they've carried out earlier the infamous Houla and Tremseh massacres and were found later to be the culprits of these two horrible and heinous massacres, but only after the goal of blaming was achievable during the UNSC sessions held within hours of each of these 2 crimes against humanity..

As we rightly asked yesterday whether Reuters is a Credible News Agency?, it's amazing to see clients of this agency, namely NY Times in this case jump to rescue their doomed once leading news agency by all means even if they have to target other journalists carrying out their duty from inside Syria and on the ground, people whom actually received death threats from FSA terrorists for exposing their fake achievements and the reality of this terrorist organization, unlike say Reuters reporter Mr. Khaled Oweis, comfortably stationed in Amman, Jordan and basing most of his reports on again another comfortably stationed one man show kiosk in London, UK the SOHR, or Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, or on 'activists' without any shred of credibility or even proper names.

Just yesterday a group under the wings of the terrorist FSA organization declared they executed a prominent Syrian TV presenter after kidnapping him on July 21st near his house in Damascus countryside in what was known then to be the Zero Hour where all Syrian based media would be cut off air and then frequencies hijacked in order to air news of the falling of the Syrian state in the hands of the NATO backed rebels, they had to kidnap Mr. Mahmoud Saeed as a well known figure among Syrians to give credibility to their story among the simple masses of the Syrians by forcing him to read such statements, he paid his life as per their confession yesterday for not accepting the pressure, he was under torture as obvious in this picture they posted of him:

And like this hit order where they place a picture of a target and all they need to do is label him 'an informant' or a 'Shabeeh', and all his crime would be a 'Public Employee' refusing to join their 'peaceful revolution':

Then he gets killed later and they'll brag about his killing just like they were wishing for his death, as we've seen in so many cases so far.

It's not a surprise that all NATO aligned media in the west and their stooges elsewhere would jump to help one another to further a goal set to be achieved, but it's becoming very lame just as described below in reaction to the NY Times Blog attempting to rescue Reuters credibility:
So who to believe now? The 'imposer' or Reuters denying reports written hastily maybe not by the same gentlemen's names but could be one of those hundreds of 'activists' and just didn't have time to edit it properly, using the names of such prominent journos to give credibility, and the fact they're not working with Reuters now gives the agency an additional base to fool people, like the author of this same article maybe on NY Times Blogs, that see: it's not us, our servers were hacked?! 

Well, if it was actually Reuters posting these news then withdrawing them for whatever reason, maybe some embassies interference as the case by so many agencies, that's very harming to Reuters credibility, especially that even Media Watch from ABC News Australia has harshly criticized the unprofessional coverage of Reuters of events in Syria, there's a youtube video for that, just google it, or if its servers were really hacked, that adds stupidity to their failing credibility...!

I personally wouldn't be surprised to see any western news agencies including this very same NY Times faking any piece of news, or manipulating one to serve NATO's goal anywhere, remember how Barbara Walters distorted, edited, and manipulated the interview with Syrian president Assad on December 7, 2011 on ABC News USA, and was subject to severe criticism, herself and her agency for doctoring the interview to show the Syrian leader as disconnected and crazy as the White House spokesperson put it then in a press conference based on the edited snaps of the interview ABC aired, before the Syrian FM spokesperson showed parts of the interview in a press conference, the entire interview which ABC producers thought the Syrians didn't have a copy of, and defaced ABC News, then only the US 'prominent' station had to air the raw interview..! And what a disconnected and crazy leader who manages to fight back against the overwhelming 'secret' orders by NATO member states to infiltrate his country thus far..?!!

Let's not forget how CNN, another prominent news agency, went with terrorists to Baba Amro in Homs, placed a camera, went to a site where an explosion would occur after 16 hours, back to the camera location to fix the angle, again back to the site of the explosion after it actually happened, the same was defaced by Syrian state tv, and could be the reason why Syrian channels are banned in many western countries, and even the Arab League western stooges issued a decree to take it off FTA satellite broadcasting, google "CNN Knew About September 11 Attacks 16 Hours Earlier" you might not like it.

So again: Who to believe? 
'They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable'

Check our post WMDs: Weapons of Mass Deception

Friday, August 3, 2012

Is Reuters A Credible News Agency?

Something funny happened today that is unthinkable in the news industry, Reuters conducts an interview with the so called head of the Turkey sponsored FSA terrorists Riad al Asaad who declared his troops had to withdraw from Aleppo after inflicting heavy losses on their sides: 1,000 killed and 1,500 arrested terrorists by the Syrian Army, then he states that their FSA terrorists will withdraw from all Syrian cities because they now believe there's a conspiracy between the Syrian government and the regimes of Qatar and Saudi to get rid of his terrorist organization..!!

And from another website:

And what about this false-flag file being prepared by NATO for about 2 months now in order to blame the Syrian state for using chemical weapons on own citizens?

It's only left to the Sheeple of the west to swallow a false-flag time and time again in ultra denial and just because it's easier to doubt any info instead of working own mind and guess: if the Syrian state uses chemical weapons on own people whom compose the same state, who would shoot the chemicals on his own family from the army? And to what benefit? Especially when the Syrian army is winning on the ground and the infiltrators with all the support they get from all western powers and their stooges in the region openly?! Doesn't make sense, correct?

Then Reuters after a while withdraws the statement and claims their site was hacked!! Which raised more questions than answers: Like how secure are their sites and how credible are their news usually? Should we take whatever such agencies report for granted or wait few hours to monitor their sites if they issue a statement denying their earlier news claiming it was false? If we notice their apology statement at all?! Usually it's the fresh news that makes headlines and get the maximum impact while apologizing for any mistakes or false news barely gets any attention. But what if the 'denying statement' is the statement posted by the hackers from the FSA to keep their fighters on the ground after their leader confessed to the sad reality he put them through?!!! 

Let's remember that we complained earlier many times from Reuters manipulating and fabricating the news about Syria especially after the Syrian state TV caught their Jordanian reporter Khaled Oweis, head of Syrian branch of Reuters Thompson, red-handed manipulating a video report from Daraa's National Hospital at the very first days of the riots there, this video report was immediately recycled by all news agencies about a wounded soldier faintly telling how he was shot at from the side of the protesters and the Reuters reporter was putting words in his mouth like: You are saying your officer shot at you because you refused to shoot at the peaceful protesters?! Again the wounded soldier would faintly but grasp his powers to repeat: No sir, we were shot at from the protesters side and we're unarmed, the Reuters Oweis guy repeats: But why would your officer give such an order then shoot his own soldiers? Was he from your same army unit or security or was he from Shabeeha?!! Of course when the Syrian state TV whom were there and caught this entire interview on their own camera with clear voice unlike how Reuters reporter made the soldier's voice even fainter, the authorities arrested the Reuters team then deported them after a couple of days to Jordan and immediately issued an order to ban all foreign media from the country to 'preserve the truth from being twisted'..

Even ABC Australia's Media Watch were upset to use a Reuters video report claiming Syrian security beating protesters and holding guns to their heads, and they said: They learned the lesson the hard way, watch:

ABC Australia learned the lesson the hard way, will you get it the easy way? Ever?

"They fool you, they continue to fool you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable"


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