Thursday, December 29, 2011

مصطلحات الجزيرة الخشبية

خرجت علينا قناة الجزيرة ورفيقاتها من القنوات التي تعمل لصالح حلف شمال الأطلسي بمصطلحات خشبية، موتورة، وبعيدة كل البعد عن أي مهنية بالإعلام منذ بدء أحداث الشغب في سورية في شهر آذار الماضي ولا تزال مصرة على استخدامها، مع عدم إمكانيتها على إثبات أي شيء منها بل يمكن إضافة التكذيب اليومي لكل ما أوردته يومياً من قبل قناة الدنيا وبعض الناشطين السوريين بالدليل القاطع لكل منها.

من هذه المصطلحات الخشبية المتعفنة والمملة نرصد الآتي:

الفرقة الرابعة
إحدى الفرق التابعة للجيش العربي السوري ومسؤولة عن الحرس الجمهوري المختص بحماية ممتلكات الدولة ومسؤوليها ومحيط دمشق متمركزة في أماكن قرب العاصمة ولا تتحرك منها لحساسية ما تحميه، وفجأة وبدءاً من قناة الجزيرة وأخواتها صارت الفرقة الرابعة أولاً بقيادة أحد ضباطها العميد ماهر الأسد مع إغفال باقي قادتها وحتى قائد الفرقة الحقيقي، وصارت الفرقة الرابعة أقوى وأكبر من الأسطول السادس الأميركي من حيث الإمكانيات والتوزع الجغرافي وسرعة التنقل في مختلف مناطق القطر بأسرع من طائرات الشبح "ستيلث" وفاقت قدراتها بنقل المئات من الدبابات بسرعة تتجاوز سرعة الضوء مع العلم أن الدبابة الواحدة يجب أن تنقل على قاطرات خاصة ولا تزيد سرعتها عن ال 70 كلم في الساعة الواحدة!

من بنات أفكار ووهم جفري فلتمان وتلميذه عقاب صقر النائب اللبناني في مكتب سعد الحريري في بروكسل، ولا ندري حتى اليوم من هم الشبيحة وأين مكاتبهم أو إداراتهم أو لمن يتبعون أو عددهم أو أماكن تواجدهم أو وسائل تنقلهم أو أسلحتهم أو معداتهم أو صورتهم أو هل هم من البشر أصلاً أم غير مرئيين؟ يمكن أن يكونوا نورانيين أو ناريين أو يستخدمون سلاح متطور يخفيهم عن الكاميرات بمختلف أنواعها..! حاول بعض المعارضات الخارجية استغلال هذا الاسم نظراً لاتساع معانيه بإطلاقه على كل من يرفض القتل أو التدمير أو إحراق الممتلكات العامة أو حتى الخاصة، وأطلقوه أيضاً على كل من رفض الخروج في أعمال شغب تسميها محطات أخبار الناتو بالمظاهرات السلمية وسنأتي على ذكرها أدناه..

قصف دبابات عشوائي
من المعلوم أن الدبابات تقصف المواقع المعادية باستخدام قذائف معدة خاصة لتدمير أهداف متحركة أو ثابته تتراوح في حجهما من عربات متنقلة لدبابات أخرى وحتى تدمير كامل للمباني، فتكفي قذيفة دبابة واحدة لتدمير مبنى من 7 طوابق تدميراً هائلاً تجعله غير قابل للسكن، ولكن بتنا نسمع يومياً على قناة الجزيرة وأخواتها عن قصف دبابات عشوائي على المظاهرات السلمية (نشرحها أدناه) وعلى المناطق الآهلة بالسكان والمحشورة حشراً بالأبنية السكنية المتعددة الطوابق. ميزة قصف الدبابات العشوائي هذه أنها لا تظهر في عشرات الكاميرات التي تصور هكذا قصوف! فخلال أكثر من ثمانية أشهر لم نشاهد دبابة واحدة وهي تطلق مقذوف واحد ولم نشاهد آثار هذا القصف في أي من الأماكن التي ورد ذكرها أنها قصفت بالدبابات قصفاً عشوائياً ونذكر على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: درعا المحطة، درعا البلد، جاسم، الصنمين، بانياس، تلكلخ، معرة النعمان، جسر الشغور، دير الزور، إدلب، حارم، حماه وما أدراك، حتى أن مشفى الحوراني قد قصف بالدبابات في حماه وتمت تسويته على الأرض في الوقت ذاته الذي كانت إحدى السيدات تضع مولودها فيه وجاءت نسوان الحارة للمباركة لها فيه، فبعد التسوية على الأرض انتفض البناء واقفاً من جديد بعد أن رمم حتى شظايا قصف الدبابات العشوائي وذهبت المولودة الجديدة حنان مع والدتها بعد يومين لمنزلهم في حي الجراجمة هذا وقد تم استبدال كافة الأدوات والآلات الطبية والمعقدة في المشفى بالكامل بمدة لم تتجاوز ال 5 دقائق، ومن الأماكن الأخرى التي تم قصفها عشوائياً بالدبابات البو كمال وحرستا ودوما و..... لم يجد أحد حتى اليوم آثار لأي من القصف العشوائي بالدبابات المذكور.
من الجدير ذكره هنا أن مخيم الرمل الجنوبي في مدينة اللاذقية تعرض لقصف عشوائي ولكن من قبل حاملات الطائرات السورية من عرض البحر وما زلنا نبحث عن آثار القصف هذه.

إنزال جوي من طائرات "الميغ"
الفرق بين الجنون والعبقرية شعرة، وهذه الشعرة تم تجاوزها في إنزال جوي مخيف وخطير وبإعجاز بقيام أفراد من الجيش العربي السوري ومن الشبيحة السابق ذكرهم بعملية إنزال مظلي من طائرات الميغ، ومن المعلوم أن طائرة الميغ هي طائرة مقاتلة معترضة قاصفة تحمل من شخص إلى شخصين طيارين تطير بسرعة ماخ 2، يعني ضعفي سرعة الصوت، ولهذا اكتسب المظليين السوريين لقب "دير ديفلز" بجدارة من خلال أولاً الجلوس على أجنحة الطائرة بعرض 11 متر ونيف والذي يتسع نظرياً ل 33 مظلي لكل طائرة بمعدل 3 في كل متر متماسكين وملزوزين بشدة مع عتادهم ومظلاتهم وخاصة أنها تطير بسرعة عالية جداً ثم رمي أنفسهم والهبوط في الأماكن المخصصة لهم بالضبط وهذا ما لا تستطيع عمله حتى فصائل المظليين من القوات الخاصة الأميركية الدلتا في هبوطها من طائرات السي 31 التي تطير بسرعة النملة في الجو حيث يهبطون مع نسبة خطأ بحدود ال 10 أمتار للمظلي الواحد!

نظام طائفي
إن النظام السوري نظام طائفي بحد ذاته، فهو مكون من جميع الطوائف حتى تلك التي لا يتجاوز عدد أفرادها بعض المئات وهذا واضح من خلال النظر إلى طوائف مسؤولي الرئاسة (الرئيس ومستشاروه ومؤسسة الرئاسة) والحكومة (بما فيها رئيسها ومعاونيه والوزراء ومعاونيهم ونوابهم) ومجلس الشعب بكامل أعضاؤه وهيئاته ومؤسسات الدولة الأخرى... وهذا ما تقوم بترداده محطات أخبار الناتو بشكل مستمر ويومي ولكن فقط باستخدام عنوان هذه الفقرة (نظام طائفي) بدون الشرح الذي ذكرته..!

انشقاق الجيش
تم التسويق والإعادة والإفتاء والتكرار والترديد يومياً منذ بدء الأحداث عن معلومات عن انشقاقات في الجيش العربي السوري لدرجة وصلت بمحطات أخبار الناتو أنهم صدقوا أنفسهم أن وحدات من الجيش انشقت وهي التي تقوم بمهاجمة الجيش في حين أنها تحاول استمالة ما تبقي من عدد قليل من الجنود للحاق بالمنشقين قبل أن تقوم بقتلهم بقية الوحدات المنشقة تحت اسم الجيش السوري الحر الذي أكدت مصادر صحفية تركية أن عددهم لم يتجاوز بأحسن أحوالهم 70 عنصر في تركية من أصل 560 ألف عسكري لم ينشقوا بعد..! للعلم فقط فقد انشقت قيادة أركان الجيش التركي بأكملها خلال ترويج فكرة انشقاق ال70 عنصر من الجيش السوري الحر، لسخرية القدر فقط..

مظاهرات سلمية
من المتعارف عليه أن المظاهرات السلمية هي ما يخرج بتنظيم ورخصة وغير مسلحة وتكون شعاراتها مطلبية أو إصلاحية وتكون أماكنها معروفة، أما بالنسبة للغة الجزيرة وأخواتها الخشبية فقد تم إطلاق صفة المظاهرات السلمية على كل عملية هجوم على مركز للشرطة أو الجيش أو مفرزة للأمن أو الجمارك أو الهجانة أو مبنى لمحافظة أو حرق لقصر للعدل أو عمل كمائن لباصات مبيت تنقل جنوداً عائدين من ثكناتهم لمنازلهم بهدف زعزعة استقرار البلد وإحداث أكبر كمية من القتل لمثقفيه وقياداته وكل ما بناه خلال العقود الماضية بعد الاستقلال من الاحتلال الفرنسي وليومنا هذا.

ثوار وثورة
الثائر هو من ثار على واقع مظلم وأراد استبداله بواقع أجمل والثورة هي ما يأتي من حراك داخلي غير مدعوم خارجياً وإلا سمي مؤامرة أو تدخل خارجي أو عدوان خارجي أو إرهاب، أما بالنسبة للجزيرة وأخواتها من محطات حلف شمال الأطلسي فهي عكس هذه المفاهيم للوصول إلى ثائر كثوار الناتو في ليبيا المسلحين أميركياً وممولين قطرياً ومؤدلجين (من أيديولوجيا) وهابياً سلفياً تكفيرياً والمبررين إعلامياً من محطات خارجية ليقوموا أخيراً باستخراج عظام والدة الرئيس الليبي السابق معمر القذافي من قبرها ومن ثم حرقها وعلى ذلك قس.

نقل مباشر
بواسطة التقنية الحديثة تستطيع محطات الأخبار وبعض الهيئات المزودة بإمكانيات تقنية ومرتبطة بالأقمار الصناعية أو بشبكات انترنت عالية السرعة من نقل الأخبار آنياً أي لحظة حدوثها في مكان الحدث إلى شاشات التلفزة وهو ما تقوم به الجزيرة وأخواتها من محطات أخبار الناتو حيث تقوم بنقل مظاهرة حدثت في الشتاء وتحت المطر والمتظاهرين يلبسون ثياباً شتوية ثقيلة على أنها نقل مباشر في شهر تموز حيث حرارة الشمس الجريئة تصل لحدود ال40 درجة!

شاهد عيان
الشاهد العيان هو من يعاين ما يشاهده وينقله لغيره وفي هذه الحالة يفترض أن يكون موجوداً مكان حدوث الحدث وأن يكون من المشهود لهم بالمصداقية لأنه يروي حدثاً هو شاهده ويترتب على هكذا حدث تبعات خطيرة قد تؤدي لعمليات قتل أو إرهاب.. تماماً كما هو الحال في الحالة السورية، فشهود العيان على الجزيرة وأخواتها هم بأسماء وهمية وموجودين في دول قريبة كلبنان ولندن بحيث يستطيعون مشاهدة الأحداث بالعين المجردة داخل سورية ونقلها للمشاهدين، لهذا نجد الجزيرة وأخواتها أنها لا تعتمد على شهود عيان موجودين في أميركا الشمالية أو الجنوبية لأنهم بالطبع لا يشاهدون الأحداث كما يشاهدها المرصد في لندن إياه..

ناشط حقوقي
بعد دارسة متخصصة بالشؤون الحقوقية وعمل ميداني في مجال حقوق الانسان ومراعاتها ونقد أي انتهاكات لها بموجب شرعة حقوق الانسان وبعد أن يتم اعتماده من جهات دولية محايدة والتأكد من أنه محايد بطبعه وليس له أي مصلحة قد تتضارب مع ما يراقبه من انتهاكات لحقوق الانسان يصبح الشخص ناشط حقوقي، ولكن للعجقة والسرعة فالأجدر هو حرق كافة المراحل وإحضار بائع بسطة وتسميته ناشط حقوقي ما دام يهاجم القيادة في سورية وإلا إذا كان بالفعل ناشطاً حقوقياً ومعتمداً ولم يهاجم القيادة السورية فسيعتبر بوقاً للنظام وهنا تتم الدعاية لاستهدافه. 

محلل سياسي
عالم بأمور السياسة وخباياها، تمرس بعمل سياسي أو دبلوماسي أو قيادي أو عسكري بموقع مطلع ووصل لمرحلة قراءة ما وراء الخبر وبين الأسطر وما لا يقال ولديه مصادر معلومات تزيد عن المحطة التلفزيونية التي يتكلم من خلالها ولكن لماذا التعقيد فمحطة الجزيرة لديها محللين من وكالة المخابرات الأميركية يستطيعون حرق كل هذه المراحل وإعطاء ورقة مكتوبة فقط على الشخص المستضاف أن يقرأها ليصبح محلل سياسي على قناة الجزيرة وأخواتها ومن كلامه يستشف المشاهد حقيقة ما يجري وليس ما ينقل ويستطيع التنبؤ بما قد يحدث ضمن المعطيات ذاتها.

باحث استراتيجي
هو أخطر من المحلل السياسي فهو بحث بالوضع الجيوسياسي والديمغرافي والإثني لحالة من الحالات البشرية مكانياً وزمنياً وتمترس بمئات المؤلفات والخطط الناجحة عبر العصور ويستطيع أن يضع الخطط التنفيذية للمخططات الاستراتيجية والمخططات الاستراتيجية ليست لتنفيذ مظاهرة من 5 أشخاص أو أكثر بطبيعة الحال وإنما تغيير خارطة الوضع السياسي أو العسكري القائم في دولة أو عدة دول، وما أكثرهم على قناة الجزيرة وأخواتها من باحثين استراتيجيين أيضاً يقرأون ما يكتب لهم.

إن النظام السوري هو نظام قمعي، في الجزيرة وأخواتها ستسمع هذه الكلمة تتردد ما لا يقل عن 48 مرة في اليوم الواحد أي بمعدل مرة كل نصف ساعة وأثناء التحليلات المتخصصة ترتفع هذه المرات لتصل حتى 12 مرة خلال النصف ساعة الواحدة، ومن شدة قمع هذا النظام لمعارضيه تستضيف الجزيرة وأخواتها المعارضين من دمشق المطالبين بإسقاط النظام السوري ومن داخل استديو التلفزيون السوري لإمكانات النقل المباشر!

حيادية الإعلام
قناة الجزيرة قناة إعلامية محايدة لا تتبع لأي جهة أو منظمة أو حكومة وتعتمد مبدأ الرأي والرأي الآخر والشفافية، لذلك فموظفيها يجب أن يحصلوا على إقامات وسمات دخول صادرة عن إدارة الهجرة القطرية التابعة لوزارة الداخلية في قطر، ورواتب الموظفين وكلفة البث وكلفة الاستديوهات من الديوان الأميري الخاص بالأمير أو بالشيخ رئيس وزراؤه، ولا تنشر أي دعاية لشركات حكومية لأي دولة حتى لا تتأثر مصداقيتها وحياديتها بمصادر التمويل لهذا تنحصر دعاياتها بشركة قطر للبترول، وكفاك شركة المشتقات البترولية القطرية، و الخطوط الجوية القطرية طيرانك المفضل ذو الخمس نجوم.

هذا غيض من فيض من المصطلحات التي عفا عنها الزمن ولكن تأبى قنوات التحريض الإعلامي الموجه والتابعة مباشرة للناتو وغيره من الجهات التي تريد أن تعيش الشعوب العربية برفاه وبدون أي تدخل خارجي!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You Are Fooled One More Time

We were told also that the regime has changed the names of some cities to confuse the observers, moved some neighborhoods to nearby cities, brought the Euphrates river from Der Ezzor to Daraa and might have switched countries with Iran so the observers are physically now in Tehran thinking they are in Damascus..!

Over 65,000 videos 'activists' have uploaded claiming Army is 'shelling' cities and 'peaceful protesters', not a single video out of all of these 65,000 shows actually a tank shelling 'peaceful protesters'..!

Do you have an idea how many times the same rubbish claim was used over the past 10 months and proved false? Let's try to count some:

1) Tanks shelling Daraa City & Daraa suburb near borders with Jordan, also shelled the Omari Mosque - Not a single projectile trace found in the city after the army left it! The mosque also is intact..

2) Tanks shelling Tal Kalakh near Homs and have leveled the city - not a single house was found hit by a tank shelling.

3) Baniyas is being shelled by tanks surrounding it from all sides - false.

4) Tanks shelling Jisr Shoghour and destroying the city building after another.. - was found that over 120 security officers were killed in cold blood and their building was attacked by over 400 armed terrorists sneaked from Turkey.

5) Tanks shelling Bu Kamal at the borders with Iraq - Totally false.

6) Tanks shelling Hama city, it even leveled the Horani hospital - Horani hospital is still intact and no traces of tanks shelling.

7) Raml Refugee Camp in Latakkia coastal city is being shell by navy ships - total fake and the camp is very much vibrant and alive.

8) Der Ezzor city being shelled by tanks - rubbish and false.

9) Now in Homs two neighborhoods Bab Sibaa & Baba Amro are being shelled by tanks for over 2 months!! - If the Syrian army was shelling the UK with the same intense shelling the 'activists' are claiming it would finish it within 6 weeks, let alone 2 neighborhoods in a city of 1.5 million citizens!!!! 

Unfortunately, most of the major news channels copy paste the same news based on 'Activists' stories using a sick justification that they are not allowed to report from within the country, and these 'activists' are not credible neither their news like the examples above, we can add that mostly they report numbers and whenever they report a name it turns out totally fake, Zainab Al Hosny is an example, Gay Girl in Damascus is another, Hamza Khatib as well and so many other cases.. In one instance the MSMs took the names of police officers who were promoted and their names were published in a Police periodic and claimed all of them 13 officers were killed by the regime for refusing to shoot at protesters, the Syrian state tv made interviews with all officers from a constable to a brigadier in police..! That's when they provide names, otherwise it's only numbers.

After all of this, we still find people believing the same stories used by NATO allied Mainstream Media to justify invading and destroying Iraq (WMDs), Afghanistan (9/11 & the caveman story who brought down 2 towers in NY and a 3rd that went down in solidarity), Libya and the will of Gaddafi to kill his own people and the fear of a massacre that might result in over 5,000 civilians getting killed so the NATO voluntarily killed over 60,000 and some sources talk about over 120,000!! Now Syria..

Once someone said: "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.." I wonder how many times they'll keep on fooling you.

Above comment was sent to BBC News in reply to an article published there and can be found here in case the free press country decides to approve publishing it: Syria unrest: Protest in Homs as peace monitors arrive

Now you are entitled to watch Dr. David Duke's message on Syria:

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Letter to The Turkish People from the Syrian People

This was initially posted as a comment to an article on Today Zaman Newspaper website - not approved till the minute this post is written:

Ask PM Erdogan why he did this to the relations between the two countries? Why is he serving US interests in the region and ignoring Turkish people interests? Who benefited from destroying 8 years of building good relations with Syria in 8 months?! The Ottoman Empire is gone, so get over it.. All previous empires have gone. 

Ask him why did he get involved & get his country involved in Syria's internal matters from hosting the Syrian proved terrorist opposition while Syria doesn't host PKK fighters, imposing sanctions on Syria that is harming the people in both Syria & in Turkey, asking Syrian president Assad to form a government headed by a Muslim Brotherhood member and half of the ministers from the same terrorist group that is well known by Syrians for detonating car bombs?!

Remove the Muslim Brotherhood govt from Turkey, hold them accountable to the chaos, deaths in Syria as well as destroying the relations with the country that opened its doors wide open for Turkish people and opened the entire Arab gate for you.. Let's open a new page of cooperation and mutual benefits and leave USA, you don't need to be a slave for the country who is leaving the region after their crimes in Iraq and later their withdrawal after a humiliating defeat in Iraq. 

Stop the war media propaganda against Syrian govt, you know it's all lies because you are the biggest contributer to the killings in Syria, if you don't, we Syrians will never forget and we will never forgive you.

Think about it: you belong to this region, not to Europe they refused you rudely, not to USA they use you and will throw you.. You don't have good relations with any of your neighbors now." 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

So Many Questions You Should Ask About What's Happening in Syria

Why we never see the source of fire and only hear sounds then suddenly people running when such amateur videos are played? And why when ''hundreds' protest they sing and dance and jump with no shooting at all?!
Why the voice is always added to the video and not coming with the same actors running and shouting? Why out of a sudden USA & other NATO members are concerned about the safety of people in the Middle East and North Africa while it was supporting dictators like Mubarak of Egypt, Ben Ali of Tunisia since ever, and Gaddafi at least since 2003? Why out of a sudden USA & other NATO members care for the civilians of a foe country which is not under their hegemony? Why such foe countries never had 'oppression or crack downs' except when it's convenient for the USA to cover its humiliating withdrawal from Iraq?

So many questions, but as facts it's worth mentioning:
The Syrian & Iranian (witnessed similar events in 2009) governments are out of the US hegemony in the MENA region, both countries have been foes for israel since a very long time, thus automatically since they're enemies with israel they became enemies of the USA (don't see any connection except AIPAC lobbying the US administration).. 

Why a country having severe economic problems back home would spend billions to destabilize countries overseas like the case of NATO including of course USA and nowadays trying to destabilize Syria?

Any reliable source of all reported 'civilian deaths' except some vague Human Rights organizations that are not even inside Syria and they as they state depend on phone calls with other 'Activists' inside that they fail to give real names for the fear of the regime!! If they are being killed, why afraid of just giving the names to make their killing worthwhile? If even the callers are inside Syria themselves!

How about replacing: Civilian Death, like in this report with Armed Gangs of Terrorists or Insurgents being killed while attacking security and army posts inside Syria from across the borders from Turkey and Lebanon, isn't this more acceptable to justify the army killing their own families!! After all the Syrian army and security forces are not imported from another country, they are from the same people alleged killing, so it kinda sound silly, doesn't it? Especially if we find out that defection from the Syrian Army despite all media distortion, seducing, trying to bribe..etc. despite all of this the defection didn't get more than 3,500 at their best estimates by NATO officials, which consists less than 1% of the 560,000 army strong! norms of defections of armies in normal days in any country is between 5% & 8%, how about a country pictured to you as entirely in chaos?!!!

If you have more questions feel free to ask me, check my profile and visit my blog, my FB page.. wherever if you like to hear the real deal and not a warmongering deal to justify a redo of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Panama, Nicaragua... the list goes on and on.

The above was our comment on an article that appeared on The Washington Post with Foreign Policy:

FoxNews Doing What It Does Best: Warmongering & Lying

Our comments on a FoxNews article claiming a massacre of 100 civilians killed in North West Syria, just correcting some of their info:

Since one of your 'Activists' reported the massacre, take this additional info from another 'Activist' but this time from people actually living inside Syria and not in London reporting on Syria:

The so called massacre did happen, and a huge number was killed but some correction: first the number of those killed were between 200 and 250, still awaiting the final result because a lot were badly injured and fled to a field hospital inside Turkey.

Second: the killed and the injured were actually civilians but the type your own country claims to be fighting, ie Terrorists, armed civilians living in camps and launching attacks on civilian villages, but fortunately this time instead of massacring the real civilians living there, the army intercepted their plan, created a neat trap for them and when these 'armed civilians' or if you like 'freedom fighters' or better described 'insurgents and terrorists'', and the two cities to be targeted were: Idleb (the border province center) and Jisr Al Shoghour (a border city which witnessed the massacre of 120 security officers back in April earlier this year. The intercepted plan was supposed to have these insurgents who came in high numbers to both these cities at once and try to occupy major government buildings including police, security and army posts, commit a massacre and blame the Syrian army for it, then announcing one of these two cities or both as 'liberated' areas and call for international protection!! Does it ring a bell? Well, if it doesn't then you have a very thick brain, it's a Libya 2.0 and a Benghazi style: No Fly Zone, international protection, then launching an aggression on the country under the guise of 'Protecting Civilians' by bombing them and ending with a devastated country, and if 120,000 were killed in Libya that has a population of 5 Million living in distance cities due to the desert nature of Libya, imagine the numbers in Syria which is much smaller in size (approx 1/10 of Libya) with a population of 23 million.

If you want to understand what is really happening in Syria think of replacing few words like: 'peaceful protesters' with 'armed gangs of insurgents', 'Activists' with 'Warmongers', 'Responsibility to Protect Civilians' with 'Responsibility to Kill Civilians', 'USA has a role to police the world' with 'USA launched wars worldwide for the interest of the 1% bankers and warlords' and you will regain your brain back.

It's not the first time though, think WMDs in Iraq, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Panama, Libya, Afghanistan and the cavemen who bombed the 2 towers plus tower 7 that collapsed in solidarity with its mates.. 

Weirdly, FoxNews comments needs to be moderated before posted!! However, in case our above comment is approved it should appear here:

You Shouldn't Have a Problem Saying this Prayer

تعالوا ندعو لسورية وندعي على من يريد بها مكراً:

هذه دعوة مننا للجميع مواطنين ومعارضين ولا أعتقد أن أحداً يجب أن يختلف في هذا الدعاء إذا كان بالفعل يريد مصلحة سورية وشعبها، الحكومة السورية تقول أنها تعمل جاهدة للحفاظ على سورية وشعبها، ويدعي المعارضون أنهم يريدون الحفاظ على سورية وشعبها، فلماذا لا نجتمع جميعاً عملاً بقوله تعالى: 

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

{فمن حاجكَ فيه من بعدِ ما جاءك من العِلم فقل تعالوا ندعُ أبناءنا وأبناؤكم ونساءنا ونساءكم وأنفسنا وأنفسكم ثم نبتهل فنجعل لعنة اللهِ على الكاذبين}

يا حنّان يا منّان يا عظيم القدرة والإحسان لقد قلت وقولك الحق {ادعوني استجب لكم} ونحن ندعوك فاستجب لنا برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين: 

ندعوك بكل اسم من أسمائك الحسنى أن تحفظ لنا سورية بلداً موحدةً وقوية وأناساً فرداً فرداً من كل مكروه يا رب العالمين، من أراد للسوريين كافةً خيراً فوفقه لكل خير ومن أراد بالسوريين كافةً شراً فرد كيده إلى نحره وخذه أخذ عزيزٍ مقتدر، اللهم من اجتمع لنصرة السوريين كافةً فانصره يا رب، ومن اجتمع ليتآمر على السوريين كافةً فاجعل عاقبته الخزي في هذه الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة، اللهم اجعل ثأرنا على من ظلمنا وانصرنا على من عادانا يا رب.. يا رب هناك من يقول أنه يريد مصلحة الشعب وهو يضمر الشر ويستقوي على الضعفاء ويقتل ويخرب البيوت الآمنة ويعتدي على الحرمات ويستنصر بالشيطان وأعوانه على أبناء بلده، اللهم كائناً من كان هذا الظالم فأرنا به عجائب مقدرتك يا رب العالمين، اللهم افضحه على رؤوس الأشهاد فإنه لن يعجزك، اللهم من يكذب ليتستر على الجرائم بحق شعبنا السوري ومن يغطي على الجرائم بحق شعبنا السوري فلا ملجأ لنا منه إلا إليك، ونحن نثق بك، ونسبّح بحمدك ونستغيثك ونستنصرك عليه يا رب العالمين.

اللهم آمين

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

NATO Still Trying to Demonize Assad to Justify Destroying Syria

The US Embassy in Damascus today linked an article of the Washington Post that starts the next step in their plan to demonize the Syrian Government and namely the president Bashar Al-Assad in order to legitimize targeting him to facilitate the intervention in the name of humanity.

The article itself quotes the UN Commissionaire of the Human Rights Navi Pillay claiming security killing civilians and such lies based on not a single evidence except alleged reports by opposition figures backed by the US & other NATO member states!!

This is what I replied there:

Libya 2.0, Iraq 3.0, Panama 4.0, Nicaragua 5.0, Somalia 5.2, Vietnam 45.3..  
This is a very good article but would be better presented by a US Secretary of State at the UN Security Council, similar to the one presented by Collin Powell claiming there are WMDs in Iraq, still to be found after the US humiliating defeat in Iraq, which crazy Obama called it a success (read my piece on that: 

But wait, Russia is returning to the international scene and who's that there also? that huge giant sleeping for so long that have used a veto at the UN, oh yeah, CHINA, well, actually a very rare double veto by two countries not one, and guess which two: Russia & China the new leaders of the world with power and economy, let's not forget that USA is in its worst days till now economical with a huge public debt, 1.2 million US families lost homes in last year while China is placing reserves abroad and lending money to others, and Russia as well coming very back very powerful. Bye Bye to the losing states, you can warmonger no more.. Your lies before led to catastrophes in the past and that would not happen again. 

President Assad himself asked "Who says that the UN is a credible organization"? Then he reminded the ABC journalist in the famous interview of so many times the UN was biased in our region, the Middle East, so we have all reasons not to trust it, and he added: "it runs through generations". By the way, the same famous interview which was totally distorted by the 'credible, trustworthy' News channel the ABC and only showed the original non-distorted interview when it found out that the Syrians had the full interview on tape and aired some of it during a press conference of the Syrian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson in a conference showing other news houses the distortion of all the answers of president Assad. Ironically, president Assad in the same interview replied to the presenter that media is distorted when passed to your people, yet they simply twisted all answers, edited to their comfort or let's say to serve the ultimate goal of demonizing Assad in order to justify his killing, remember Gaddafi when he suddenly became a legitimate target for NATO warplanes just a few months after he was NATO heads personal friend?! 

Same goes for international observers, we all remember Hans Blix and his famous report denying existence of WMDs in Iraq, yet his report was manipulated, his colleagues were actually a collection of spies to define targets for bombardment later, and he was forced to resign..  

The only crazy and real demons are the guys running the corrupt west world starting with US administration to Congress to all those 1% oppressing the 99%, and their allies in UK, France and Turkey to start with, and these people should be brought to justice ASAP before committing further crimes in the name of humanity killing more humans.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Syrian Opposition Abroad Is An Enemy to Syrians

Just a small reminder of one of the main reasons why Syrian Opposition figures abroad do not have any right to claim they care for the Syrian People:

If you live in the USA and before you receive the US citizenship you must take an oath in a special ceremony, the oath says: 

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

Now, keep in mind that Syria is not a US ally, on the contrary, it's one of the US main foes especially when it comes to the Middle East region affairs, and we should remember the following important notes:

1) US then Undersecretary of State (don't know what he was doing under her though!) then John Bolton gave a speech on May 6, 2002 entitled "Beyond the Axis of Evil" and included Syria in that axis, and it wasn't removed after. (See why he included Syria but try not to laugh).

2) Syria is in an official state of war with israel, israel is the illegal child of NATO, and NATO is run by the USA rendering the USA as a foe state for Syria. Now as funny as it may sounds, but Syria lifted the state of emergency the US criticizes it for on April 20, 2011, although it's still in a state of war with israel, while USA is under Emergency Law since 2000 and it's not in any state of war, last extension for one year was on June 20, 2011.!

3) USA directly fought wars with Syria over and in Lebanon 1982, preached Syria's sovereignty in 2008 and droned a house of a family mistaking it for a terrorist camp (of course FoxNews sees any of the others as a terrorist), continues to supply israel, even at the account of its own citizens, with the latest advanced weapons, technology, money, total support in international organizations to the extent that if you need to become a president of the USA you need to compete with giving it the most. (Obama: No other administration in the US history "has done more in support of israel's security" than his).

4) USA was and still involved in covert operations in Syria including backing oppositions abroad and inside the country to topple the existing government (an act of war of course, and imagine the opposite!!) with US Tax Payers money even when it faced the worst economic crisis recently.

For the few reasons mentioned above and so many others like sanctions, media distortion campaigns, assisting in assassinating Syrian army officers, and so on, a holder of a US passport doesn't practically have any right to interfere in Syria's policies, politics, lifestyle, interests... at all.

Monday, December 19, 2011

USA Disconnected Leaders

"If they want to push us around, we'll push back" marks another nail in the coffin of US hegemony on the world's political system. The strong words from the softer guy of two leading Russia came as a warning to his US counterpart Obama who is either disconnected and didn't realize yet that his country is already being pushed back worldwide, or playing dumb like all his administration officials.

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president is considered more moderate than his partner Vladimir Putin, Russia's strongman, former president, current prime minister and most likely next president of Russia. Such words coming from the moderate leader hides much more stronger stance by others in the powerful coming back of Russia to the world equation.

Maybe Obama's administration needs a reminder of the recent set-backs and defeats it took to realize how much its role has dwarfed and that it's heading to its normal size if not inline for the coming collapse. Read our post on the West Winter (Is Obama regime next? The Arab Spring, the West Winter).

* The humiliating defeat in Iraq with the extremely high cost on US's side as well as Iraqi, knowing the impact of this defeat on the political and military positions, and its speedy low profile withdrawal. Although Obama considered it a success, but knowing how arrogance the US officials are and how disconnected they are to reality might help explain why (Was The War on Iraq a Success?).

* The Iranian's control and superiority over CIA's most advanced drone plane, landing it and deciphering its codes, a very advanced step towards controlling covert US operations, slapping the US and its allies in what they used to brag about. The US officials denial of the Iranian's statement of capturing the drone, then they had to admit that they lost the plane but also denied it was in one piece with the Iranians, then after Iran showed the plane and instead of apologizing, they call on Iran to hand back the plane to them! Being disconnected, might as well say crazy is the US position while one Iranian comic drew it the way they and the rest of the world saw it:

"Please give me back my plane" 

* The economic crisis that hit the entire west and especially NATO allies at the same time the non-NATO camp is advancing and emerging as growing economical powers, namely: Russia, China, India and Brasil. Add to it the amount of public debt the US government is under, and the deteriorating public services from education to healthcare to having half of the US citizens officially poor, that triggered the Occupy movement and will not end despite the brutal crackdown of Obama's regime and the total denial in his media while the EU is seeing country after another collapsing and threatening the EURO and the EU's very existing.

* The intelligence defeat of the CIA in 3 countries, Lebanon, Iran and Syria and the capture of tens of CIA planted agents crippled the US, NATO and their allies in the region's power of influence, the operation dubbed Blue Jasmine and Its tremors felt in the whole region, was just the tip of the iceberg that contained much more set-backs and failures in the US covert operations in the whole Middle East and beyond.

* The biggest fail is happening as we speak in Syria, the small country in size and the giant in geo-political influence to reach far angles of the entire world, the fail to replace the existing ruling government in Syria with a puppet regime that follows the west which is almost over now despite the enormous funding and media propaganda, will send the rest of the US hegemony a decade or more back.

To be able to preserve its position in the world, the USA should come clear, admits its defeat and make peace with all its victims by asking forgiveness and compensating them the same what it compensated its own victims of alleged terror attacks. Then build new relations with each country on the basis of equality and mutual respect instead of looking down on countries that in reality look down at the USA itself. The USA should reconsider its relations with the aggressive state 'israel' and base its policies on the US citizen's own interest instead of the interest of this parasite apartheid racist state.

The War on Iraq a Success - Crazy Obama

Crazy people launch crazy wars just to lose it later at very high costs, president Barack Obama declared the war on Iraq a success (Read), so was it?

Nobody wages a war outside their borders and expects to win it unless of course you are introducing civilization to the uncivilized, and you lose a war when you fail to achieve its goals to start with, so what were the goals exactly of the war on Iraq and let's see how successful it was?

1) Destroying a sovereign nation and its entire infrastructure including: industrial, transportation, electricity, fresh water and drainage system, farming, education...? Success.

2) Killing scores of people & injuring others? more than a million Iraqi killed & injured and over 4.5 million displaced internally and over neighboring countries. Thousands of orphan children.

3) Sacrificing thousands of US troops? 5,000 killed 'admitted' and tens of thousands injured, worth noting that an injury starts from a wound to losing limbs, eyes, part of bodies.. etc. Add to them the psychological effects throughout the lifetime of the soldiers witnessing battles and killed friends.

4) Wasting billions of Dollars most needed to avoid an economic crisis? Success, or over success, it was in trillions. 

5) Robbing very valuable antiques from ancient civilizations that existed on that land? Success.

6) Creating enemies for the US citizens and their children? Success, most of those who lost loved ones will have a lifetime hatred towards anything American and will most probably pass it on to their children.

7) Removing Saddam Hussein? Success, after all he was their own CIA asset, and they could have ordered him out and he'd leave.

8) Installing a puppet regime? At the press conference Obama of USA and Maliki of Iraq, that latter rejected every single US instruction including a mandate for thousands of US troops on the ground with judicial immunity, free air space for USAF, imposing sanctions on Syria, even on that Iraq instead opened its doors widely for Syrian economic to absorb sanctions effects on that country...

Plus so many other things including polluting the planet from explosions, extra usage of fuel oil, leaving a crippled corrupted economy, placing seeds of sectarian strife among people..

What did this war gain? Read this portion of the estimated cost: 

Look at the following photos with some facts from "Acidcow Website"

Eliminate extreme poverty around the world (cost $135 billion per year) for 14 years.

Ensure developing countries have enough money to fight the AIDS epidemic (cost $15 billion per year) for over 133 years.

Pay for healthcare for every US citizen ($100 billion per year) for 20 years.

 Achieve universal literacy (cost $5 billion a year) for 400 years.

Give every American $6,600 each. 

With 2 trillion dollars you could buy out America's supply of bacon for the next 1000 years.

And that's not all of course.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

israel Assisting Syrian Opposition In Their Terror Attacks

Links betwen Syrian opposition figures and the enemies of Syria are one of the main reasons none of these figures gained any popular support among the Syrians inside Syria, don't let the mainstream media deceive you.

Over 10 months and daily propaganda trying to demonize president Assad of Syria and his government dubbed 'Al Assad Regime' by the biggest news-houses worldwide didn't have any effect on Syrian people inside the country who such deception never worked for them, and imagine such propaganda coming from enemy states supported by regional puppet regimes in Turkey and some Arab nations that host US military bases on its grounds.

Leaks of aid given to members of the Syrian opposition personally and through organizations are almost everywhere, and nothing hidden. From direct funding of an opposition news channel based in London under the name of Barada with millions of US tax payers' dollars, to assist in smuggling high-tech satellite cell phones, internet and communication devices that evades the official telecom companies in Syria to even creating a shadow internet to be used by opposition groups allied with the USA. Such things amount to spying, invasion of sovereignty of an independent state member of the UN.

If all this is not enough, add to what American Free Press added, and we quote below the article, that israel, the state living as a parasite on the US which in turn lives as a parasite on the World's economy, have been working to destabilize Syria in all means possible, including lobbying its owned senators and administration officials to sanction instability in Syria, its big foe in the region. The article talks about supplying terrorist groups conducting terrorism acts inside Syria with weapons, confirming the Syrian official allegations of the same. 

It reads:
"israel Admits Arming Syrian Revolutionaries
By Richard Walker 
Issue 45, November 7, 2011

News that israeli weapons are in the hands of Syrian opposition groups should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Middle East unrest. For decades, israel has not interfered openly in the affairs of its neighbors; it has run covert wars in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, to name but a few nations. It has assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists and has supplied terrorists groups as long as they targeted countries it wanted to destabilize.

When it comes to Syria, israel has a vested interest in seeing it collapsed into chaos, convinced the overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad regime will undermine Syria's allies, namely Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. It therefore did not come as a shock to pundits when a Syrian envoy to the Arab League revealed israel has been supplying Syrian insurgents with automatic weapons. The envoy said both Lebanon and Syria had intercepted shipments of israeli weapons bound for Syrian fighters.

israel has long opposed the Syrian regime and, as far back as 2003, used its neo-con supporters to convince President Bush he should sanction the overthrow of al-Assad. Dick Cheney has since admitted he was in favor of a plan to bomb Syria because he believed it would weaken israel's enemies in the region. Syria shares borders with Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan, and is a gateway for traffic among all those nations. israel and its backer in Washington, Barack Obama, would like to put a regime in Syria that allows them to control that gateway. In so doing, they could shut off trade between Lebanon and Iran, which is next door to Iraq.

D.C. continues to support israel's dirty work in the region even though violence in Syria could quickly spread into Lebanon. It was israel's 1982 intervention in Lebanon that led Hezbollah to become the organization it is today."

Still we find some people trying to show the riots in Syria as 'Popular Spontaneous Uprising'. 

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Syrian Protesters and the Jewish Dance

They said it's a 'Popular Spontaneous Uprising' in Syria, it wasn't planned for, and people took to the streets influenced by the 'Arab Spring' wave.

Let's see, first of all, the 'Arab Spring' wave achievements in the countries that witnessed the 'popular spontaneous uprisings': 

1) Tunisia: It was said that a vegetable cart vendor 'Bu Azizi' was slapped by a police officer and his cart was crushed because it was illegal, as his dignity was hurt and his only source of income was no more he lit himself and died later. His story was spread like nothing all over the country in a 'police state' that such news stay under thick layers of fear and brutal security responses, resulting in few demonstrations in major cities, the government decided not to respond harshly except for very limited individual cases, but the riots spread, the president Zain el Abdin Ben Ali was tricked to travel by plane to find himself ousted by a coup d'etat led by the security apparatus, it's worth mentioning that the former president Mr. Ben Ali was chosen from the same apparatus by the Italian intelligence during a NATO intelligence heads meetings to replace aging president then Burqaiba. So it's a coup from within the same force the president came from, and not a successful popular uprising.

2) Egypt: Similar to above and without getting too much into details, the success in ousting former president Hosni Mubarak was only after this visit by Egyptian Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Sami Anan to the Pentagon, in USA, few days before (read info about the visit). It's worth mentioning that former president Mubarak came from the ranks of the Egyptian army and was removed by his friends, who surprisingly are in control of Egypt ruling with the name of SCAF.

3) Libya: Nobody can claim that former Libyan leader Moammer Gaddafi was a popular figure among any national or international alliance, especially after 42 years in power and preparing his son Saiful Islam for succession. It's well known that in 2003 he made a huge shift in alliance from Leftists to Rightists and thought he made the right thing with 'trusted' new allies, he also dissolved the country's army, kept unorganized groups of them and didn't do much in upgrading their weapons nor their capabilities, yet this same army fought over 6 months a coalition of NATO and friends whom succeeded in destroying the country, killing scores of civilians, in tens of thousands, of course injuring so much more, whom were supposed to be protected from Gaddafi and of course barbarically killing Gaddafi instead of the new 'Democracy' bringing him to justice. It's worth mentioning that late Gaddafi came from the ranks of the army in a military coup and his army split at the beginning of events, terrorists airlifted from Afghanistan to fight him as well by NATO airplanes and they were trained and armed in Benghazi city, wait.. NATO has a command over terrorists in Afghanistan?! That's absurd, USA is fighting those terrorists there, it invaded Afghanistan because they were harboring the guy who masterminded the 9/11 attacks and was leading those terrorists, how can NATO bring those same terrorists overseas and fight under its command?!!! Well, that's another story, we'll keep it to the 'conspiracy theory' guys who think that 9/11 was an inside job. So it was a foreign invasion with lots of complications that led to the ousting of the leader and replace him with a puppet regime and it was not a popular uprising.

4) Yemen: If there's a determined people who deserve to be called 'peaceful protesters' it'll be the Yemenis who for months gathered in millions demanding peacefully the ousting of their 3 decades leader president Ali Abdallah Saleh, in spite their army was split and despite the killings of protesters by "nobody knows who", the people wanted a change. Ok, how did the change come? By a political initiative from the Gulf Cooperation Council, the GCC, and the president was changed. It's worth mentioning that president Saleh came from the ranks of the army and the major threat to his presidency was a defection by a head of a big Republican Guards brigade! So? Successful popular uprising? 

5) Bahrain: Mute.

6) Syria: The mother of all civilizations and the mother of all 'revolutions' and the mother of all setbacks that the 'Arab Spring' faced and rendered 'DEFACED'. The NATO aligned media claims that few children wrote anti-government gravity on the walls of their school in an impoverished southern 'border' city, Daraa, those children were then caught instantly by a security apparatus, 'the Political Security Section', and the head of this section branch in Daraa 'personally' tortured those children to the extent of removing their fingernails.. How horrific, well, you can search for those children names and pictures on the internet by yourself, but worth noting that the person framed here is a distant relative to the Syrian president Mr. Assad. Then an MP at the Syrian's People Assembly (the Parliament), Mr. Youssef Abu Romieh, complained in a closed session about this incident and described what happened in his home town in front of all other members, surprisingly enough, the close session and the words of this MP were caught on a video filmed by another MP on his mobile (rumors say it's MP Mohammad Habash, an outspoken critic of the govt and people say he's very close to the ideology of the criminal Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization in Syria), the People's Assembly decides to refer the case to the committee in charge of Law, Security and Justice in the Parliament and to refer the case to the president, who in turn immediately suspended the head of the security apparatus (his distant relative), replaced the governor of the whole province and asked the minister of interior to form an independent investigation committee to report directly to him the findings and hold any person committing a crime accountable, whomever he was. 

But.. surprisingly, riots started in the city, and to ask for justice to be immediately implied the Court House in Daraa was burned down, the building of the state building was set on fire, police stations... weapons appeared in the streets, army posts attacked and suddenly a mess, police and army officers injured as well as protesters by 'nobody knows who' sniper shots, and chaos, anarchy and whatever you like spread all over the city. The government in its duties to refrain order and stability to the country deployed more police forces to be attacked by 'mysterious armed gangs' coming from nowhere, not really nowhere since Daraa is on the borders with Jordan in the south of Syria, and things got out of the control of police, and army was asked to assist. Strict orders were given by the president and were publicly distributed that no weapons used in responding to riots, but then the police and army were taking heavy casualties, and media was presence, exaggerating stories and only broadcasting casualties among civilians claiming they were killed by the army without evidence of course, and when it had no choice but to report army casualties it started claiming that the soldiers were killed by security officers for refusing to shoot at protesters...! As much as this is absurd especially for those who served in the army because it's impossible for a soldier in any army on the plant to see his colleague being killed by a security officer and that he might be next if he doesn't shoot at his own people and not killing that security officer immediately.. If you never served in the army ask someone who did about army mates. Yet, the propaganda media continued to use this same ill method and till date despite thousands of videos shown of protests and army tanks couldn't show a single army tank actually targeting a single protest and killing a single protester.

Now, back to the 'Popular Spontaneous Uprisings', armed groups were well trained and snipers knew exactly who to target in Syria, starting from Daraa, the border city with Jordan, to Banyas & Tal Kalakh, two border cities with Lebanon to Jisr Al Shoghour, a border city with Turkey, to Bu Kamal, a border city with Iraq.. The same stories and the same sick claims, and each news station quoting another news station quoting vague Human Rights groups especially a London based one under the name of SOHR, then even while showing armed terrorists sneaking inside the country from Lebanon (they call them Army Defectors - BBC reporting) and from Turkey (Al Jazeera Reporting) and elsewhere, even with all that proof by the same news station they insist that all the riots are 'peaceful protesters' against an army shelling them indiscriminately with tanks (never shown a single proof, remember)..

The extent of plotting and orchestration of the Syrian 'popular spontaneous uprising' in Syria goes beyond imagination and to very silly details such as the existence of highly sophisticated satellite broadcasting devices, highly advanced cell phones and a Shadow Internet (USA Shadow Internet For Rioters) all the way down to choosing slogans, finding sparking figures like in the case of Tunisian Bu Azizi to claim he or she ignited the whole uprising, to naming of Fridays and normal days that witness protests, to choosing the way protesters dance during their protests!!!! Stupidly enough, the plotters of the 'Arab Spring' had to improvise in Syria after all their plans failed and since they were not familiar with the culture of Syrian communities and because the plots are rumored to be masterminded by a Jewish official in the US State Dept (Jeffery Feltman, Asst Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs), instead of using local culture dances he trained them to perform a Jewish dance, compare:

The Syrian Traditional Dance (Debka), watch dancers in this song video clip:

Pro-government protesters: 

The Jewish Dance (Hasidic):

Now watch Syrian Anti-government protesters (Feltman's Rioters): 

Need I say anything further?


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