Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Reply to British Ambassador in Damascus Silly Note

Wish if you wrote your own note instead of a Syrian opposition figure for you, I wouldn't be surprised if he used Google Translator to translate it into English, because it sounds just so.

Anyways, since you adopt it, consider this: 

Protests in United Queendom (United Kingdom but since you don't have a king for the past few decades) protests there are not allowed & who organize a protest will be detained, prove otherwise..?!

Your regime in UQ has committed the worst brutal crackdown on dissents not seen anywhere else, or can you explain a 4 years prison punishment for 2 young men for the crime of status update on Facebook?!

If your regime & your allies, the NATO criminal countries do not finance, plan, plot, facilitate & cover terrorists by your media we wouldn't face any terrorist attack in Syria.

Tell us what would be your regime reaction if Syrian ambassador in your own country did any of the things I mentioned above against your regime in UQ?! 
Palestinians, Iraqis and others who live in Syria for the past many years share with the Syrian people our resources and we host them after the fled their countries due to the major two crimes your regime committed: handing over Palestine to imported Jews and invading Iraq based on a lie, we and them deserve to be compensated with enough money by your criminal regime that would enhance living standards of our people and avoid any protests. 

If you support freedom of speech as you claim then tell us why the EU banned Addounia satellite channel from airing its point of view? Isn't that just a blow to all your false claims that you support freedom of speech?

Why didn't the regime in UQ, your regime step down when half a million protester took to the streets in London few months ago? Why your regime unleashed their thugs in uniform to oppress the peaceful protesters practicing their right to protest in a licensed protest?!

Mr. Ambassador, please STFU and join your 2 friends the Iraqi children butcher Robert Ford and the trouble maker Eric the French high commissioner in Syria, or that what he dreams of.

Link to the ambassador's note and our above comments on it: http://t.co/wkDqMiI 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

باحث ياباني يحذر من أخطار مشاهدة قناة الجزيرة

البروفيسور ن. ج باحث وعالم ياباني في علم الاجتماع والسلوك البشري في دراسة حديثة له من ٣٥٤ صفحة قطع متوسط يحذر من مشاهدة قناة الجزيرة. 

الباحث يتكلم بشكل عام عن قنوات الإعلام الموجه والغريب تركيزه على قناة الجزيرة حيث تدعي أنها قناة الرأي والرأي الآخر! 

الدراسة قيد الطباعة وسنحاول توضيح بعض ما جاء فيها حسب الناشطين الذين عملوا مع البروفيسور ن ج. وما سمح باستخدامه.

لمتابعة قناة الجزيرة دون سواها عدة مخاطر سواء كانت نفسية، اجتماعية وحتى صحية وعملية بناء الرأي هي أبعد ما تكون عن سياسة القائمين على القناة فهم لا يعمدون لطريقة تؤدي إلى بناء رأي للمشاهد طبقاً للمعطيات التي تقدمها القناة الإخبارية، إنما على العكس تماماً فهي توجه المشاهد لتلقي جرعات المعلومات والمعطيات التي تصب بمطلقها باتجاه واحد فتتحول قناة الجزيرة ومَن على شاكلتها من محطة أخبارية إلى محطة إخبارية يعني من نقل الأخبار إلى إخبار الأخبار، والفرق بينهما كما يقول البروفيسور ن ج كبير جداً حيث يضيف: 

محطات الأخبار مهمتها نقل الأحداث وصياغتها بطريقة خبرية تترك للمشاهد بناء رأيه الخاص ومن ثم الحكم، أما المحطة الإخبارية فتقوم باجتزاء الخبر أو إضافة أجزاء إضافية معدة مسبقاً إما للتشكيك براوي الخبر أو إعادة الصياغة وهذا يبطل عمل الدماغ التحليلي حيث يعطي المشاهد المتلقي المعلومة جاهزة كما تريدها المحطة وليس كما حدثت!

يضيف البروفيسور ن ج والذي راقب قناة الجزيرة منذ العام ٢٠٠٣ أنها تقوم الآن بقطف ما زرعته خلال الفترة الماضية من ترسيخ لمصداقيتها عند الجمهور الأوسع وعدم اكتراثها بالنخب حيث كانت تخاطب العامة عن طريق دغدغة المشاعر العاطفية والغرائز القبلية والمجتمعية وحتى الدينية من خلال برامج إثارية وابتعادها بشكل مطلق عن برامج تحليلية أو وثائقية.

استطاعت قناة الجزيرة بذلك زيادة نسبة مشاهديها من العامة على حساب الخاصة ليتم استخدامهم فيما بعد عند الحاجة لهم كما أثبتت الأحداث الأخيرة في بعض دول منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقية.

الغباء الاجتماعي: 
إن قيام قناة الجزيرة بعرض الخبر والتحليل والاستنتاج أدت لاعتماد المشاهدين عليها بدلاً من التحليل الذاتي للمعلومات، حيث يشاهد المتلقي الخبر على شكل شريط عاجل في وسط الشاشة وبطريقة مثيرة ثم يعاد عدة مرات في شريط الأخبار المتحرك ثم يقوم المذيع بقراءة الخبر ومحاورة أحد المختصين الذين يعطون التحليل والاستنتاج جاهزاً للمتلقي، وعبر ترسيخ هذه الظاهرة لعدة سنوات لم يعد المتلقي بحاجة سوى أن يتابع المحطة لمدة أطول حتى يحصل على التحليل من قبل الخبراء ما يؤدي إلى استغناؤه تدريجياً عن ميزة التحليل المنطقي والذاتي للأحداث ليصل بالنهاية لمرحلة خطيرة في أموره الحياتية اليومية والتعامل مع الآخرين بحيث ينتظر فيها أي شخص يدعي أنه خبير ليعطيه الحل المناسب للمعطى الذي يواجهه، فيسيء التصرف ورد الفعل مقارنة بمن لم يعتمد على أحد آخر ليفكر عنه. 

متابعة قناة الجزيرة تسبب البدانة: 
في دراسته قيّم البروفيسور ن. ج بسؤال 3500 شخص مناصفة بين ذكر وأنثى حول أوزانهم كل شهر اعتباراً من شهر شباط ولغاية أول شهر أيلول وبمقارنة ساعات مشاهدة قناة الجزيرة توصل لنتيجة خطيرة وغريبة: كل ساعة مشاهدة لقناة الجزيرة أسبوعياً تزيد من وزن الرجل 1 كلغ شهرياً ووزن كل امرأة 1.3 كلغ شهرياً وتتناسب طرداً بنسب أقل كلما زادت ساعات المشاهدة لتصل إلى 3 كلغ زيادة للرجل كل شهر و 4.6 كلغ زيادة للمرأة في حال كانت المشاهدة لمدة ساعتين يومياً..!

يرجع البروفيسور ن. ج هذه الزيادة لسبب ارتياح دماغ المشاهد من التحليل واتجاهه للخمول والتسليم بما يشاهد ويتلقى من المحللين والخبراء الذين تحضرهم الجزيرة بالإضافة إلى تنويهه أن الجزيرة تعتمد سياسة خطيرة من حيث توزيع أوقات البرامج الإثارية وأوقات إعادتها حيث لا تتم إلا في أوقات متأخرة بالنسبة للمنطقة العربية فيضطر المشاهد للجلوس أمام الشاشة في أوقات قيلولته أو بعد وقت العشاء بدل ممارسة أي نشاط يحتوي رياضة ولو كان مشياً أو التفكير..!

ازدياد العدائية:
لاحظ البروفيسور ن. ج أن العدوانية أو العدائية قد زادت بشكل ملحوظ لدى مشاهدي قناة الجزيرة وتتناسب طرداً بعدد ساعات المشاهدة الأسبوعية حيث تزداد العدائية بشكل خطير عندما يشكك أحد ما بخبر ورد على قناة الجزيرة وربط الباحث الياباني ما قامت به قناة تلفزيونية سورية (قناة الدنيا) بضرب مصداقية الجزيرة بشكل كبير بازدياد حوادث عنفية لدى مدمني مشاهدة الجزيرة في محيطهم العائلي أو في محيط العمل.

في نهاية البحث ينصح البروفيسور ن. ج بالتالي لمعالجة عوارض مشاهدة قناة الجزيرة:
1) محاولة الابتعاد قدر الإمكان عن المشاهدة أو على الأقل تقليل ساعات المشاهدة الأسبوعية وألا تزيد عن ساعتين إجماليتين أسبوعياً.
2) محاولة اجتناب البرامج الإثارية والتي تحاكي الغرائز الدينية أو الطائفية أو العرقية أو المناطقية قدر الإمكان لأنها الأخطر حسب وصف الباحث الياباني.
3) إذا كان المشاهد أعزب فهو بالتأكيد ليس لديه أي علاقة زمالة أو صداقة مع الجنس الآخر بسبب عدوانيته فلذا الأفضل زيارة الأقارب والأصدقاء بحيث يكون المجتمعون خليطاً من الجنسين.
4) إذا كان المشاهد متزوجاً فالأفضل وللحفاظ على العلاقة الزوجية أخذ إجازة من العمل والسفر بسياحة داخلية أو خارجية قدر الإمكان.
5) لمن يضطر لمشاهدة قناة الجزيرة أو القنوات التي على شاكلتها من محللين إخباريين أو مراقبين أو صحفيين فعليهم مشاهدة القناة بطريقة تحليلية حيث يقوم بكتابة الأخبار ومراجعتها لاحقاً.
6) على المشاهدين لقناة الجزيرة المشاهدة بطريقة تشكيكية لكافة الأخبار حيث يقوم المشاهد بتكذيب الخبر قبل المشاهدة أي تحضير الدماغ لتلقي الخبر حتى ولو كان صحيحاً ثم مقاربته للواقع.
7) المشاهدة الصباحية أفضل من المشاهدة في أوقات القيلولة وقبل النوم حيث تكون الجملة العصبية متنبهة وحاضرة للتحليل.
8) شرب أي نوع منبهات طبيعية قبل المشاهدة بمدة لا تقل عن 10 دقائق ولا تزيد عن نصف ساعة كالشاي أو القهوة مثلاً.

كما ذكرنا سابقاً ما ورد أعلاه هو فقط ملخص سمح البروفيسور الياباني ن. ج بنقله عن طريق بعض الناشطين الذين ساعدوه في دراسته سيتم نشر كامل الدراسة فور انتهاء مراجعتها مع طلاب البروفيسور من الدراسات العليا حيث أنها مشروع تخرج لعدد من دارسي الإعلام الاجتماعي والنفسي.

نتمنى لمشاهدي قناة الجزيرة الشفاء العاجل

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Syrian Curse

While many people have learnt or heard about the [Mummy Curse or Pharaoh Curse], a physical disease that affected those who opened mummy coffins or superstitious unpleasant events that affected such people, the Syrian Curse is quite new and is linked to the harm countries or groups have caused to the Middle Eastern country Syria.
Syria, the country, is a fairly small country, around 185,000 sq Kms, located in the Levant, east of the Mediterranean, known best for its historical events and civilization that invention of writing is one of it. Syrians, the people of Syria are of the most humble yet smart people known throughout the history of mankind. Syrians count about 23 million who carry the Syrian citizenship and living inside the country, estimates put a figure of 70 million Syrian expatriates all over the planet.
Known for their inventions and trade with the strategical location of Syria, the Syrian people were involved with people from all sides, sects and believes of planet Earth, either in trade, migration or even direct invasion. Never this country saw a longevity of stability more than few years except for the days of the Islamic Omayyad Caliphs. During their history, they were never known to give up their identity even when accepting others, even when travelling abroad they'll retain their original citizenship.
Any country, group of people, civilization or sect that once tried to or succeeded in harming Syrians suffered mysterious and accidental sad events and almost immediately. In mid March 2011, violence started from small remote areas inside the country, covered by popular demands for political reforms, but heinously attacked public properties, security officers and army personnel, then started to create a strife in the country by instigating a civil war among the people who lived harmonically alongside for centuries and even millenniums for some evil goals that only serve the Zionist project in the region. However, those who contributed directly or indirectly in these events, those who planned, financed or actually worked to harm Syria, even those from the past were harmed back and here are some examples:
Cyprus confiscates a shipment of weapons in 2009 in the international waters imported by Syria and originated in Iran claiming it is enforcing a UNSC resolution to ban Iran from importing or selling weapons, but what is Syria's fault? The Syrian Curse came in place just 2 years later in a mysterious blast early morning on July 11, 2009 killing 12 people including Cypriot Navy Chief and damaging the country's power plant cutting electricity and water off half of the island country. The blast cost Cyprus approximately Euro 2 Billion. A coincidence? Maybe. http://www.cyprus-mail.com/vasilikos/eu-experts-blast-will-cost-cyprus-over-2-billion/20110728
USA deeply involved in the events in Syria, either in direct sanctions or pressing allies and foes to impose sanctions on Syria, it's arming terrorists and covering their crimes through Mass Media, and since a long time. Let's start counting:
More Than 1,000 Dead Birds Fall From Sky in Arkansas-January 2
Dead fish cover 20-mile section of Arkansas River-January 2
Hundreds of dead blackbirds found in Louisiana-January 3
10,000s of Birds found dead in Manitoba-January 3
Thousands of Birds fall from the sky in South America-January 3
Dead Birds Found In Kentucky-January 4
Hundreds of dead birds found in East Texas-January 5
Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport-January 5
Earthquake 4.5 magnitude in California-January 12
Thousands of dead fish have washed up at Sebastian Inlet State Park Florida-Febuary
Millions of small fish including anchovies, sardines and mackerel were found dead at King Harbour area at Redondo Beach, California-March
40ft section of California Highway falls into Pacific Ocean-March 16
Magnitude 3.5 earthquake - OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA-March 17
Thousands of dead fish wash up in Florida-March 25
Hundreds of dead fish found in Midland,Texas-March 26
Hundreds of dead fish and frogs in Marquette Lagoon-April 1
Dead birds fall into Kansas yard-April 8
Dead fish found in Cedar Creek, Texas-April 10
Dead fish float up in 36 lakes in the state of Connecticut-April
Deadly Tornadoes hit N. Carolina and Virginia, at least 47 dead-April 16
Thousands of dead fish are hauled away in Lakeside,NY-April 27
A massive thunderstorm front spawned 137 tornadoes, killed at least 180 people, and mangled sections of Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and Huntsville, Alabama-April
Dead fish wash up in San Tan Heights pond-May
Major Mississippi flooding, destroys many homes-May
Deadly Tornadoes hit Minneapolis and Missouri-May 22
Deadly Tornadoes hits Oklahoma City-May 24
Deadly tornado hits Springfield, Massachusetts-June 1
Massive wildfires in Arizona,claimed more than 30 homes-June 8
40 Tornadoes rip through Nebraska,Kansas-June 21
7.2 Magnitude Earthquake hits Fox Islands,Aleutian Islands,Alaska-June 24
Massive dust storm hits Pheonix-July 5
5.3 earthquake hits Colorado-August 22
5.9 earthquake hits Virgina, jolts NY and Carolinas-August 23
Hurricane Irene hits SC,NC,VA-August 26,27
6.8 Magnitude Earthquake hits Alaska-September 2
Floods in Pennsylvania-September 10
Texas Fire destroys 1,554 homes, 17 people missing-September 11
Tornado hits Siloam Springs, AR-September 18
Not mentioning of course the Occupy Wall Street campaign, the degrading credit ratings and the financial terrible debt problem.. etc.
Coincidences? Maybe..! Anyways, you can thank Obama.
UQ (United Kingdom but since they didn't have a king for almost a century now) joined USA directly in harming Syria, well they got the taste of what they plotted, starting with 500,000protesters taking the streets of London on March 26, 2011, & then the famous peaceful protests dubbed by the cocky prime minister Cameron as London Riots tainted the image of the UQ for ever. 2 coincidences? Maybe!!
Japan, a peaceful friendly country joined the efforts in imposing sanctions on Syria, the first time they ever sanction a country without a UN resolution to do so, faced one of its worst tragedies, [Fukushima Nuclear disaster as the results of the powerful earthquake and the enormous Tsunami]. A coincidence? Maybe.
Italy, joined efforts against Syria, Italy passed very harsh austerity measures that resulted in clashes, strikes, you name it, Italy was downgraded by credit rating companies..! Coincidence? Maybe..!
Portugal, who would imagine it to be a leading country causing harm to a member state of the UN, a sovereign country and never caused problems to Portugal itself, well Portugal passed and will pass future austerity measures because of its very bad economical performance.. Coincidence? Maybe..!
israel, the long time and till the end foe of Syria, always trying to find ways to harm the beautiful country to the north tasted protests called the largest ever.

Turkey, the essential NATO tool in the events against Syria have found itself against all of its neighbors, even with some of its own allies, the government of Erdogan who came into power on a base of moderate Islam had his cover blown first by his mentor the late Arbakan who accused Erdogan and Gul (Turkish President) that they are tools in the hands of International Zionism, then problems with the Kurd minority has increased and led to absurd oppression on them including Erodgan sending his army airplanes to raid entire villages in the south east of the country, dangerous blasts and terrorist incidents occurred with the latest one inside Ankara, the capitol itself near Prime Minister office, and a hotel few days earlier, not mentioning almost freezing trade with the southern neighbor Syria itself halting trade with the entire Arab world through land, tensions increased with Iran, Cyprus, Greece, Armenia..!! Coincidence? Maybe..!

The list continues, and we'll try to update it later.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why USA So Eager to Place EU Sanctions on Syria?!

We thought the whole fuss was to protect people of countries under oppressive regimes, now it's obvious that companies' interests are far more important than protecting people!

Let's draw some lines: USA wants its allies to impose further sanctions because simply US companies do not deal in Syria thus US companies will not lose, but wants European companies to lose.

Turkey maintains a $2 Bln trade with Syria but economy is something and political drama is something else.

Chinese companies and others might step in to cover the gap so EU companies shouldn't pull out fast.

Ok, we got it, it's oil and business and not Human Rights and oppressions, that point is clear, but why Syria? The fast answer comes: Why not if we can?!

But, Syria is positioned in a very strategic location for God sake, it borders israel, the missing dot in the US foreign policies when it comes to the MENA area. If israel's interests are protected that's enough to keep the US president in office, if israel's interests are endangered that's a big sign for the US president on the way out of office, who else pays presidential campaigns and have the highest hands? AIPAC, and it is the israeli lobby in USA.

Stop lying and say you need to destroy Syria not because there is unproved oppression which is mentioned only by some vague activists, it's because business and israel.

Good Day Americans & enjoy Democracy.

Above comments appears on LA Times article titled "EU sanctions on Syria oil and gas industry comes with loopholes": 

A Letter to President Obomber

Mr. Obomber, 

USA is the country that you lead, it's not Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Lebanon, and it's definitely not israel; how about some focusing on US Citizens and their welfare instead of spending their wealth on playing the World's Sheriff? Especially, nobody really appreciate that role abroad, you know, well maybe a few like Rumsfield, Chinney, Pearl and alike, but didn't the Americans vote for you because you promised to change? Do you remember a slogan saying: "Change, Yes We Can"? Can you tell us after almost 4 years in office what exactly did you change?

Mr. Obomber,

You were awarded a Nobel Prize which was a motive to spread peace and just in case you like to play the World's Sheriff anyway, not to directly be involved in bombing countries, destabilizing others, covering up others' crimes, promoting terrorists to democracy and humanitarian leaders in Tripoli, Libya, the same terrorists you and the previous administration sacrificed thousands of the USA's finest men in fighting in Afghanistan!

Let's not recall the Pentagon aggressive budget and the financial cost of deploying troops all over the planet in permanent and temporary bases, aircraft carriers roaming international and allies waters ($0.5 Million each day for each aircraft carrier), let us try to focus a bit on the humanitarian cost of lives your administration continued in killing or at least promoted the killings: 

1.2 Million Iraqi lost their lives till date from the date USA decided to protect Iraqis civilians from Saddam regime.
0.5 Million Iraqi child lost their lives earlier to that as a result of USA sanctions on the regime of Saddam Hussein.
100,000 Afghanis, you know nobody can ever tell the exact figure because the puppet govt USA established there barely controls the capitol Kabul alone after 11 years of protecting them.
3,000 Lebanese civilians killed in 2006 israeli war on Lebanon because of 2 soldiers captured by Hizbollah in order to exchange with prisoners israel was holding. USA administration then covered israel in UN.
3,000 civilians in Gaza in 2008 because HAMAS captured a single israeli soldier, who is still till date in their hands, and USA covered israel for even using internationally prohibited weapons including white phosphor and Cluster Bombs!
How about the Famine caused in Somalia due to the USA sanctions on that poorest country?
50,000 Civilian Libyans you went to protect their lives and ended up protecting their path to heaven!

* Now add to all of those the USA soldiers whom thousands lost their lives, and much more thousands lost a limb or a career or a daily life, thousands of orphans lost their parents in wars that brought nothing to the USA except more enemies and a crippled economy.

Mr. Obomber,

As you might have noticed I type your name correctly when addressing you here because this is how people on the planet see you, some neoconservatives might not like my approach and the sad fact they control your administration, even they are a very small minority and you were supposed to make the change in their control, that what at least the majority thought you meant by Change you came with, but who cares, you finish your term and in the democracy of money, if you manage to raise more funds than others you get another term in the office, and for those public thinking their votes make a change, yes it does, it changes their lives to more misery.

Mr. Obomber, 

Just one last thing, how can you justify kicking a US family out of their house because they failed to meet a couple mortgage payments to the bank they only bailed out with their own money through taxes they worked their lives out?

Hope you enjoy your nick name Mr. Obomber, now find somewhere new to bomb, you can beat Hitler in no time and get your seat in history books.

Someone who used to admire America seeing it as the pride of the planet and now feels it's a disgrace on humanity.

The above should appear as a comment on FoxNews if their moderator approves it in a free speech democracy on an article there talking about the highest rate of jobless claims: 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

U.S. Poverty Rate Reaches 15.1 Percent & We Tell Them Why

Are you surprised? Well you should be surprised if you believed your top politicians care about you as a US Citizen and US Tax Payer.. Honestly, they don't, but that doesn't mean they don't have feelings, no, on the contrary, they have a lot of feelings of care and humanity but not to you as an American Citizen working your a** out every day during your life to be deprived your essential rights when you dearly need it, they do care for another nation that helps put them in office, the nation that despite all of its almost daily outrageous and heinous crimes against humanity, your leaders help with $8.2 Million in form of Military Aid Each DAY.

The total of aid paid directly exceeds $3 Billion a year not mentioning technology assistance that in sometimes exceeds what US Citizens enjoy, not mentioning discounts in sales of weapons and other materials that majority of Americans dream of. (http://ifamericansknew.org/stats/usaid.html)

Do you know where is israel? No, it's not a one of the 50 federated states that combine the USA, and no it's not anywhere near the USA shores, and no it doesn't have a single benefit to the US Tax payers as it doesn't contribute at all in the income or well being of US citizens, on the contrary, it spies on US companies, military (Johnathan Bollard for example) and even on US officials! Shocked? You shouldn't be, because you pay that money, the US govt asks you to declare each cent you earn and pay tax on it, but did you bother to know where that money is going? By the way, israel doesn't help in the continuation of oil supply, it's US bases in the Arabian (Persian) Gulf and elsewhere, costs paid by you, again.

The only benefit israel adds to the USA is adding enemies by the day to your children, by committing vicious atrocities using all types of prohibited weapons against unarmed, unprotected civilians after uprooting half of them from their lands, importing its entire citizens from countries worldwide!! 

Don't feel upset if you hear hate speech against America worldwide, and it's on the rise, you are paying for it, you kill their relatives, your airplanes drop bombs on their villages and cities so don't expect them to love you afterwards. With your money you turned America into a disgrace on the planet from the pride of the planet in times of the last century, and that's just for the sake of a foreign state that is called israel.

I quote: "Even excluding all of these extra costs, America’s $84.8 billion in aid to Israel from fiscal years 1949 through 1998, and the interest the U.S. paid to borrow this money, has cost U.S. taxpayers $134.8 billion, not adjusted for inflation. Or, put another way, the nearly $14,630 every one of 5.8 million Israelis received from the U.S. government by Oct. 31, 1997 has cost American taxpayers $23,240 per Israeli." check the link above.

Enjoy your poverty while they live on your account.

Our comment above and the article related appears here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/us-poverty-rate-hits-52-year-high-at-151-percent/2011/09/13/gIQApnMePK_allComments.html?ctab=all_&#comments

Our Comments On An Article By Radio Liberty Europe Website Titled UN Rights Body Names Syria Inquiry Panel

Thanks for using using the words: "allegedly belonging to security forces" in your description unlike other Mainstream Media who confirm it's of a security forces without any proof.. Who would believe a force described as "notorious" filming themselves every time while torturing or killing civilians and know it will end every time on western media?! 

How can a country accept a panel to investigate its internal issues and 2 of its 3 members are from hostile countries? How can this country trust their findings not to be biased?

Syria since the first dead incident stated the existence of armed terrorist groups attacking both the security and civilians to create the image of ruthless security and regime, the same was continuously rejected by western media and officials without any proof, but later and behind the scenes confirm their existence. In Libya we were given the impression that there are not a single NATO soldier on ground at any time before the fall of Tripoli and now they come on media to glorify their soldiers' assistance in the battle there, how can we trust whatever they say keeping in mind the resemblance of both scenarios drawn for Syria & Libya?

A country has an obligation to fight crime, civilians always fall in bulk when NATO is involved, but in the Syrian case more than 700 soldiers are killed, by peaceful protesters chanting for freedom?! The country fighting crime can do so in any mean it can to preserve citizens including Army, National Guard, whatever, by the way: Turkey, Syria's northern bordering country uses Airplanes against villages of Kurds!! 
If the country doesn't have the right to fight terrorists, arrest them or even kill them in a fire exchange then Norway doesn't have the right to arrest the killer of 89 of its citizens, UK doesn't have the right to arrest hundreds and try them, USA doesn't have the right to invade countries accusing them to be behind 9/11 like Afghanistan then Iraq.. and the list goes on.

Our comment above and the related article will appear here if its approved by moderators: 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Our Comments on Times of India Article re Syria

What we know that there are killings, who is killing them the govt is saying armed groups which explains the killings of over 600 soldiers and security officials who obviously don't die by 'Peaceful Protesters' chanting for 'Freedom'. 

Syria has been through the same experience between 1978 and 1982 where armed extremist group called (Muslim Brotherhood) was targeting police stations, army posts, army recruiting centers, intellectuals, university professors, people of different sects.. etc.

The same group surfaced now with the help of the CIA and others, covered in media by Mainstream Media houses the same MSM's that faked news in Libya to facilitate the advance of armed rebels on the govt of the Libyan president Gaddafi.

Out of a sudden and without legal or established credentials tens of 'Human Rights Groups' surfaced abroad Syria reporting the alleged deaths and crackdown by govt on 'Peaceful Protesters', such groups mainly can be described as one man show kiosks since nothing comes out of such groups except by the heads of it, but there's no members and no known offices!! The worst part is when we know that most of these kiosks are run by sons of the same people involved in the events in the 1978 - 1982 crimes. 
NATO is very eager in delivering the US proposed New Middle East by "Creative Chaos" as introduced by former US Secretary of State Rice and her president then George W Bush, as an advanced step towards the "New World Order" introduced itself by Bush's own father George Bush Senior.

MENA (Middle East & North Africa) due to its strategical geographic location and wealth it has, if Syria falls the road will be easier towards Iran then east to swallow what's left of countries and squeeze the others. India will not be an exceptional, since the Western countries are facing disastrous economic issues that would collapse their communities and cause chaos there, so why not export their problems, create markets for their goods and suck the wealth of others.

Russia's PM Mr. Putin described USA as a parasite on the world's economy, now you can see why.

The article can be found here: 
and our above comments if posted:

Taliban Celebrates 9/11 in Its Own Way

I wonder when they say only injuries and not life threatening does that mean losing a limb, partial or total paralyzing, life-time psychiatric shock and other long lasting effects?

Sorry to say guys but those who occupy a foreign country deserve much more than this, your troops entered Afghanistan based on a lie, Your country created Taliban and Al Qaeda, supported, trained, financed and even equipped them, and it would be very naive to think that a caveman can send pilots into the USA to precisely attack 2 iconic buildings and to coincide with an evil plan to collapse a 3rd tower (no. 7) at the same time, and the coincidence becomes more outstanding when we know that the owner of the 3rd tower No. 7 is linked somehow to the strongest lobbying group in the United States with external links to a foreign country, an ally that keeps spying on USA, benefits from Billions of US Tax Payer's hard earned Dollars when they themselves need it more, the same country has a criminal gang that is specialized in dramatic mysterious crimes everywhere on Earth..!!

Anyways, the so called 'War on Terror' turned out to be 'The War for Terror' with the killings of millions of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia (by an American designed Famine), Yemen, now Libya.. This only creates more enemies for your people, put on your hands more blood of innocent people, waste your earnings and deprive you from the welfare, healthcare and education you deserve.

Nobody appointed the USA as the world's Sheriff and nobody appreciate any of its meddling everywhere except one single state on this planet.. Guess which one; if you can't make a guess combine it with paragraph 2 above, in case if you still cannot make the guess I'll give you a hint: It's the only state on this planet that is based on religion (racism) instead of citizenship.. still no clue? Well, it's the only state on this planet that never honored a single UN resolution, ok.. since it's so difficult I'll give you the first letter: israel.. Guess now

The above appeared here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/war-zones/nearly-80-nato-troops-wounded-in-attack/2011/09/11/gIQA9mnxJK_allComments.html?ctab=all_&#comments

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Syria Is Stronger Than Libya, Slow Down, Kill Them In Slow Motion

The question is not whether it's ethical to attack this country or that, topple this regime or that, bomb these civilians to protect them or not any more, neoconservative mouthpieces' concerns are now: What are the capabilities of this country? How much it will cost us to bomb it? Will we lose any casualties? How much oil we get in reward?

That's why this article isn't about should US impose a puppet ruler for Syria other than the existing who might accept all our terms, this article from its title starts by a warning: Syria is stronger than Libya?! Syria's strategical location. The Syrian army capabilities.. and on.

So it's not about democracy or 'Protecting People' obviously, it's about invading a 3rd Middle East Country in 1 decade, force changes to the social, economics and geo-strategy of these countries: suck their oil, and in the case of Syria the goal is very obvious: Protect israel. To achieve so, the puppet ruler the CIA is preparing should do the following:

1. Sign a peace treaty with israel.
2. Accept to nationalize 600,000 Palestinians in Syria and abolish their right to return to their homeland.
3. Golan Heights to be leased to israel for a further 99 years hoping Anti-Christ might show up in the meantime.
4. Secure water resources for israel.
5. Since you control Syria, Lebanon comes as a package, same conditions applies including disarming Lebanese resistance, securing water from Litani, nationalizing Palestinians in Lebanon, forget occupied territories in South Lebanon.. etc..
6. The puppet leader should work on an overhaul to the Syrian community to force concentrations based on ethnic and religious backgrounds in order for future dividing of the country into 4 smaller states that will fight in between on everything.

But again, wait, WARNING: Syria is much stronger than Libya, you need to consider in your bombing campaign their T72 tanks, their air defense system, their MIGs and Sokhoys and all the other stuff. So let's take our time in tiring the Syrian army into small enclaves of unrest by terrorist we claim we fight while we support, train, finance and control, try to instigate an ethnic civil war, it usually pays off, sanctions, more sanctions and much more sanctions, if we impose sanctions the people will starve then we come to rescue them from the Famine (Somalia example), and of course we don't forget CNN & others who have a vital role in our campaign, keep lying until someone believes you and demonize the existing regime like we did in Libya and someday President Obomber will announce from the White House before his term ends that bombing Syria is over and now there's no people to fight us back because we killed them all.

The above comment should appear on a CNN blog here: (They said they don't pre-monitor comments but until now it didn't appear, maybe traffic on the way to CNN HQ):

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

LA Times Reporter in Beirut Tells How Aleppo Mufti Died, The Way She Deemed Sutiable

In Syria we should pray to God to delay the deaths planned for the time being until the unrest in the remote suburbs is over, otherwise whoever dies would raise a doubt that the Bashar himself has killed him!

The 77 years old, yes SEVENTY SEVEN years old mufti after delivering his Friday sermon went home then felt some chest ache, he was taken to the hospital and underwent a surgical operation and died a couple of days afterwards, does that sound strange?

Now to the schizophrenic reporting: "Plainclothes pro-government security forces attacked mourners, and mourners and activists calling for an end to President Bashar Assad's regime."? Say what?

First of all how did the Beirut based reporter know that those wearing plaincloth are security forces? Then pro-government security forces? Since the beginning of the riots in Syria in March we never heard of anti-govt security forces to have pro-govt security forces, the reporter went wild in the imagination here. Mourners and activists calling for an end to President Bashar Assad's regime, during the burial procedures? of a Mufti? Excuse me, I never heard a burial ceremony protesting against the regime, the family of the dead person would definitely not want to turn the respected burial ceremony into a circus.. Unless again some weak personalities want to take advantage of any gathering even if it was a burial.

The reporting in Beirut tries to imply that the mufti was afraid of a visit of security forces personnel because of his sermon, well just some inquiries:
- Source of the visit news? Local Coordinators of Chaos? I wouldn't believe rioters as reliable information source.
- Were the security personnel who visited the mufti wearing plain cloth or uniformed?
- As we know that the mufti is the one responsible of other mosques in his jurisdiction, would he fear consequences of his own sermon?
- The mufti had previous much harsh criticism to almost everything wrong in the Syrian life, from holes in the streets, to people spitting on the streets, to criticizing the regime during his 40 plus years of public service, he never feared a couple of visiting security officers.. very unlikely.

Aniseh doubts that the govt had something to do with his death, wait a second.. Who is Aniseh? oh yes, you said, she's a 45 years old mother of 5, and she's a credible source, because Aniseh is well known in the Aleppo society of 6 million not to lie before. 

Shall I continue? Why not, today Wednesday evening Addounia TV aired 2 interviews with 2 of the late mufti brothers, whom both in their late something and both individually confirmed the story of admitting to hospital, having a cardiology failure with similar nature to their father's cause of death.

So what? He was a critic to the regime, even if he dies of natural cause the regime is behind his death.. Because the reporter is of a known anti-Syrian stance linked to the "Fourteenies" the ousted Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri bloc, who lost his inherited Premiership in a civilized democratic way but can't get over it.

If late Salkini can stir more unrest in Aleppo, he could have done that in the past 6 months and not after things are calming now in general and the pockets left have switched to armed gangs which is denounced by Islamic Sharia in general and in particular.

The rest of the blog is speculations and general news of a copy and paste nature from other news articles. 

Link to our above comment and the article posted on LA Times Blog: 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Reply to Ambassador Ford On His Note

Hastily I wrote this on the note of the US Ambassador to Syria on the Embassy page:

"Thank you Mr. Ambassador for your great contribution in the Syrian Revolution, if it wasn't for your courage, our people in Hama wouldn't get high tech communication devices to connect thru satellite and the shadow Internet, and for the monetary support you paid them. Thanks again because if it wasn't for you & your dept head Feltman our poor people in the border towns would have never been courage to stand up against the govt, how could they've killed those criminals in the official police, those criminal policemen and security officials wanted to deprive our smugglers from their income and wanted to stop them. Thanks Mr. Ambassador for your courageous assistant in creating the chaos in my country, if it wasn't for you we would never have seen sectarian killings anywhere, we would never taste the same freedom our brothers in Iraq had felt or in Afghanistan. If it wasn't for your reports we would have enjoyed sanctions from your country and its allies in order to enjoy the prosperity our brothers in Somalia are enjoying in their famine. Thank you Mr. Ambassador for trying to start riots in Damascus and disobeying the instructions of our FM Mr. Moallem of not travelling beyond 25 Kms. Do you know what the majority of Syrians call you Mr. Ambassador? You might not like it, but guess what, it's democracy we are learning from you: Ford the Delivery Boy (for the stuff you delivered to Hama), Ford the Pit Bull for not obeying Syrian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ford the Mundass (you know what that mean of course). Sorry if that might bother you, although I'm definitely sure your feelings were killed when you caused the first death among the children of Iraq during your country's siege when your Secretary of State said her infamous words: The Price is Worth It, to justify the deaths of half a million child. As You see Mr. Ambassador, words are not enough to describe our gratitude to your excellency, but just want to confirm to you: If it wasn't for you we were about to forget the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood fanatics in the 80s and we were about to forgive them but you just reminded us that we can't. Your double standards regarding Gaza 1.3 Million human beings suffering throughout their daily lives because of your govt biased democracy spreading, only adds to our disgust to your govt's stance and positions against the Arabs. Mr. Ambassador, Thanks a million for taking off the mask off your ugly face, don't take it personally, it's at the administration you represent in my Country SYRIA."

Posted here: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150286333121938

NY Times Do Not Understand Why Not Everybody Rioting Against Govt in Syria

Why don't you just commit that you made a mistake in characterizing the situation in Syria and implying your desired domino image that took place in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen on Syria?

Facts: Damascus population exceeds 5 Million, Aleppo more than 6 million, both combined over 9 Million, if you take in consideration that Syria's population is merely 23 million, you can see that roughly half of the population and not a single protest, comic protests you saw on YouTube videos claiming to be in Damascus were done by people coming to the capitol and rioting near a landmark for 5 to 10 minutes max then dispersing by themselves, other effects are added later like multiplying the numbers, the sound of heavy bullets.. etc., your evidence that these were added later is that when you heavily shoot at unarmed protests with a shoot to kill policy, barely anyone will make it alive, not all of them unharmed!!

Other cities like Latakkia, Tartous, Jableh saw very tiny protests not exceeding 20 in each in remote streets.

The infamous events took place in: Hama, Homs (still), Idlib & its suburb in Jisr Al Shoghour, Der Ezzor and Bu Kamal. Talkalakh and Baniyas two small towns in Homs and Tartous respectively, will explain why below but first:

The following cities didn't see a single protester, yes not a single protester and each one is a provincial center: Suwaida, Rigga, Hasaka, Qunaitara!

If you take in consideration that Homs and its smaller city Talkalakh, Idlib and its smaller city Jisr, Baniyas, Der Ezzor and its smaller city Bukamal are all corner border cities gives you an indication who is really protesting, I'll try to explain further.

Any border city would be having smugglers, smugglers would be armed, armed smugglers don't respect law and further they attack whomever threaten their business, including security.

Armed smugglers can smuggle anything, in Syria due to its geographical position and the fact that many items are subsidized in Syria by the govt, armed smugglers specialize in: out of Syria: bread, fuel oil, cooking gas cylinders, money, Syrian made medicine, antiques... Into Syria: cigarettes, electronic items, individual weapons.. Transit through Syria: Drugs mainly to Arabian Gulf and other stuff.

Such smugglers obviously nothing will stop them, if you remember the border towns I mentioned above, during the period of 2 weeks to 1 month prior to the events kickoff in Syria 15th March, 2011, smugglers added few items to their profession: high tech communication routers that authorities found it works on the shadowy internet the US mob called CIA created to destabilize countries, Al Thoraya Satellite 'very costly' telephones that doesn't go through national communication system, heavy machine guns, and a chemical agent to be mixed with water and sprayed on protesters to hallucinate them as obvious here in this Hama.

It's not a coincidence that Condaliza Rice talks about a creative chaos in the Middle East, her team after she left are exactly the same and the one handling the MENA region Jeffery Filtman is the man for this job, and no coincidence George W, his father & his successor Obama promotes a new world order NWO (check this video and don't be surprised), it's no coincidence that Mainstream Media channels, mostly owned by Murdoch, and the others, well, you figure it, all the main channels are teamed up to tell the exact same story copying from each other in a loop till the point that you can't find the real source because each one refers to the other, and a confession of one of the Syria opposition riots instigators confess that the Pan Arab News House Al Jazeera helped him, trained him and supplied him with devices to transmit the events live or almost live as it happens months before the events kicked off, no coincidence that out of a sudden tens of 'Activists' and Human Rights Organization pop up and all specialized in Syria... and the list goes on.

In regards with HRO (Human Rights Organizations) it was found that most of these so called organizations are nothing more than a kiosk of mostly a one man show (London based Syrian Observatory, a man and his son (a fugitive Muslim Brotherhood member and his son in Stockholm), 3 HROs in one family (in Cairo a father, a mother and a son each has his or her own HRO!)... All surprisingly have direct connections with CIA, USA State Dept, and many met israeli officials (Syria & israel are in a state of war, so meeting an official from one country is considered a treason in the other).

It's not a coincidence also that US Dept of State, out of the US Citizen's Taxes finance such opposition figures with few millions of Dollars (see this report) just to create chaos in other countries that don't accept the hegemony of the neoconservatives in control of the USA, and their New World Order that puts bankers (of course you know who control banks) in charge of the world.

Just looking in the near past we see how USA and its NATO allies worked and still working hard to spread democracy and freedom for oppressed people, and from those who benefited we can name: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia.. add Libya now..

Just want to tell my US readers: You are contributing in the killings of civilians by financing such devilish schemes, nobody appointed your country as the World's Sheriff, nobody is grateful except a few of smugglers and criminals who benefit from your hard earned money, you are only creating hatred and more enemies to you, your country and your children. 


First part of this comment is posted on NY Times here: 

Our Comments on VOA Role in the Media War Game on Syria

Each time the govt security forces gets involved in a clash with terrorists armed salafist groups, namely Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood fanatics it's reported by your 'Activists' as security shooting protesters.. that's becoming a sick story over time.

Each time the govt security officers get killed in ambushes in remote areas by such CIA backed groups, it's not mentioned but whomever is killed from the terrorists becomes a martyr for freedom, freedom of course but from punishment for terrorism.

Can you explain why your 'Activists' are all based abroad Syria and all of them are fugitive terrorists wanted for crimes including terrorism, rape, drugs and alike?

You can brainwash the blind and close minded extremists, like how Gobles, Hitler's assistant did to Nazis, but you can't brainwash US Citizens anymore with the spreading of internet and awareness.

This comment and the article related can be found here: 

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Best Syrian Riots Dubbed 'Revolution' Rumors

In this blog we try to name the best rumors spread by the so called Syria Revolution, our effort here is just to shed a tiny light on the media war campaign against Syria, the country and the people.

This will be an open blog, additions can be done, make sure you bookmark it somewhere or follow it in order to see what we remember or our friends remind us with.

List of rumors:

Maher shoots Syrian Deputy President Mr. Shara in a heated conversation with the presence of President Bashar Assad. Rumor was spread twice in the month of April, 2011.
(President's Assad Younger Brother who serves in the Syrian Army is under the direct targeting of the opposition & NATO from the beginning and even before like the ICC re Hariri Court, and Mr. Shara appeared first on TV after receiving a foreign delegation, then after a few months leads a dialogue conference!) 

Syrian army shooting security shooting protesters shooting security which is shooting army refusing to shoot protesters. (Started in Dara city and then used everywhere the military forces aided security in fighting terrorist armed groups.)

Syria's first lady Mrs. Asma Assad runs with her kids to UQ (We say UQ as United Queendom since UK doesn't have a king). (Mrs. Assad appeared in many public events refuting this rumor)

Every day or two a news of defections in the Syrian Army ranks many soldiers. (It's worth noting that this was also a very heavily used rumor to encourage personnel of Syrian Army to mutiny and ever failed)

President Bashar Assad is under house arrest by his younger brother Maher who is in control of all the country's issue. (Younger brother Mr. Maher was a sustained target of opposition figures to instigate a hate among Syrians to him due to the love and respect they have to President Bashar).

Shabeeha attacking 'peaceful protesters'. (All security officials and personnel in addition to any pro-govt or anti-riots was labelled 'Shabeeha' the local term of thugs affiliated to the govt., while in fact these are no other than the terrorist armed gangs attacking the security forces, army, public and private properties..)

Syria's Army 4th Division under the leadership of Maher Assad is attacking 'peaceful protesters'. (1st of all it's not lead by Mr. Maher who is in charge of one battalion inside the Division, 2nd 4th Division is the previous name of the Republic Guards in charge of Presidential and Govt assets and personnel security and it never left its bases around Damascus, the capitol).

Every few days someone of the opposition takes personal responsibility to claim that the Syrian Regime is falling within a couple of days or weeks, during the holy month of Ramadan, on the holy night of 'Laylat Al Qadr 27th Ramadan, during Eid... (All of course turned out to be dumb rumors to the fact that the Syrian Regime is not even shaken till date).

Syrian pilots attacking Libyan rebels and civilians in Libya. (in fact, this could be one of the biggest hoaxes on the international level, it was recently proved that the pilots bombing Libyan civilians were in fact israeli pilots at the request of NATO officials and Syrians who were working in Libya like most of the other nationalities were framed to divert attention off the real murderers. It's worth mentioning that Egyptian workers in Libya before the events there counted more than 1.3 million worker).

Syrian riots protesters were peaceful. (Even most of the worldwide mainstream media houses tried to show a bit unbiased or professional in mentioning that most of the protesters were peaceful meaning in other terms that some were not peaceful, torching public and private buildings, killing and mutilating security officials all proved that it was armed gangs infiltrating the protests from the very beginning).

Aróor is a sheikh (Islamic Cleric). (This guy is one of the worst actors having a direct role in instigating sectarian conflicts within different sects of the Syrian community and playing an act that he is an Islamic cleric where he was dismissed from the Syrian army when he was a Lieutenant recruit because of homosexuality which is prohibited in the conservative Syrian community, in Islam and in the Syrian Army, also he is a wanted fugitive for his roles in bombing public and military bases when the Muslim Brotherhood Criminal Organisation was active in Syria between 1979 and 1982.

NATO members pushing for the prosperity and democracy of Syrian people. (Syrians refuse the democracy NATO brought to all countries it worked on including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia... etc.)

Syrian Army Tanks are shelling the cities of Dara', Talkalakh, Latakkia -this one even shelled from the sea by Navy gunboats, Der Ezzor, Bu Kamal, Idlib... (Anywhere the terrorist armed gangs were more organized and out of the capacity of the security officials whom were asking for the assistance of the army as it has armored vehicles that would protect security officials from medium and automatic weapons used by gangsters. The notable thing is after the army withdrew from each of the areas it was accused of shelling by tanks there was not a single trace of any tank projectile ever).

Shabeeha coming in submarines in Euphrates river to Der Ezzor city. (they are referring to security officers when they used the term Shabeeha, however, the water in Euphrates river isn't deep enough to start with and nobody has submarines even for scientific purposes, as much as this is silly and caused disgrace at who spread it, some media houses actually mentioned it like ANN as an eye witness account)!. 

Telephones, Cellulars, Internet all disconnected. (Every time an eye witness casts his blind testimony he'd mention this rumor and when asked by the TV anchor interviewing him how he's in contact, at the beginning they'd reply they are using secured methods then they confessed using high tech satellite Thuraya telephones. Officials confirmed that never communications were disconnected on any area except when terrorists would destroy a transmitter). 

... / ...

Our Message to The Friendly People of Philippines

As a respected friendly country, the Philippines, we hope it doesn't turn to a mouthpiece of western Mainstream Media propaganda on Syria, Syria is also one of the mostly friendly countries especially to its friends.

Out of 17,000 registered Philippino workers in Syria only 40 asked to be helped to move back to Philippines gives you a great idea about the fabrication in news the western and especially NATO state members propaganda is trying to picture Syria as a troubled area when your own citizens deny the same.

You were under occupation, you still have foreign basis on your own land and we are fighting to liberate parts of our land from israeli occupation - the Golan Heights, and also fighting the NATO hegemony in the region and we are standing firm to oppose their ambition in turning Syria into another Iraq or Afghanistan or a base to invade other countries.

If you help us, you are also helping yourself in the near future, if you don't, that's your matter but don't assist our enemies against us.

Check our page on facebook to see some of the fabricated news about Syria exposed: facebook.com/Amazing.Syria.

Our above comment appeared on Sun Star Bacolod News Site: 

LA Times Reporter in Lebanon Plays its Role in the Media Game Against Syria

It's either your reporter stationed in neighboring country Lebanon is going dumb or considering your readers as dumb: Do you imagine that a uniformed Syrian soldier would show his face to the camera while abusing detainees and he knows he might face court martial for that?

'Activists' reported, 'Activists' said, 'Activists' mentioned: that's becoming an old and very sick way of reporting news, your so called 'Activists' based in London, UQ (formerly UK but since there's no king) or Stockholm, or Cairo and none in Syria itself; such 'Activists' report news from inside Syria while they are thousands of miles away, I doubt they can give a single piece of reliable news, we've seen examples in Libya like when one of Gaddafi sons reported killed 3 times and 2 others including Saiful Islam was reported detained and same was confirmed by International Criminal Court then they appeared to be false news.

We've seen such reports of 'Activists' of WMDs in Iraq and the US army is still looking for it after more than 8 years.

If you can't report news from inside Syria because the govt blocked you that's not an excuse to copy opposition sources especially when most of those figures are wanted fugitives in major crimes in Syria itself.. So there goes their credibility.

Shootings happening, but how can you confirm it's the govt shooting protesters? What's your methodology in proving that? 'Activists' said?

If govt's security is shooting at the protesters in a random and a heavy way how come a large number of security themselves being killed and by who? Who are those long bearded armed gangs in large numbers appearing in many of the videos using US made weapons not used by Syrian army or security or even by known criminals in Syria? Who is arming, financing, training & smuggling them? Who has access to Afghanistan, many of those groups look like Afghanis, and who has good relations to Taliban and AlQaeda? Well, the conflict in Libya showed us nobody has better relations with AlQaeda than the CIA of the USA itself.

Wake up world, media war is one part of a campaign against a sovereignty of an independent state.

Link to the article and our comment on it: 


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