Sunday, September 30, 2012

Le Parrain Lunatique De La 'Révolution' Syrienne: Aroor

Pour comprendre ce que les Syriens endurent, il faut savoir qui est á la tête de la soi-disant 'révolution' Syrienne, agissant contre eux, et qui autre que le parrain de la 'révolution', Aroor, est mieux plaçer pour vous donner une idée?

Homme de clergé Adnan Al Aroor, parrainant la 'révolution' á travers les chaines satellites Safa et Wisal, toutes deux étant diffusées de l'Arabie Séoudite sur les mêmes ondes Arabsat et Nilesat qui ont arrêté la diffusion des chaînes officielles Syriennes. 

Adnan Al Aroor fait appel, dans cette vidéo, á brûler la capitale Damas á tout prix: brûler arbres et pierres, jeter huîle et fuel, déjà rares á cause des sanctions occidentales vis-à-vis de la Syrie, dans les rues pour y mettre feu, mettre feu aux tapis, etc... 

Amusez vous á regarder ce pantin puis rappeler vous la souffrance des Syriens, infligée par les sujets et brutes de ce dementé, qui suivent ses instructions lettre á la lettre... (sous-titrage en Anglais):

Dans une seconde apparition, Aroor s'enrage en apprenant que l'un des membres de la collectivité des oppositions Syriennes, connue sous le nom de Conseil National Syrien et sponsorisée par la Turquie, a confirmé la presence de militants d'Al-Qaeda á Alep, sous l'ombrelle de voyous de 'l'Armee Syrienne Libre'. Aroor veut alors á tout prix couvrir l'existence de terroristes d'Al-Qaeda, alors que leur presence est bien documentée dans divers media et par plusieurs reporteurs et observateurs internationaux.
(sous-titrage Anglais): 

'Quiconque dénonce la présence de Al-Qaeda en Syrie est un traître' - Adnan Al Aroor, car Al-Qaeda est l'une des branches des terroristes de 'l'Armée Syrienne Libre'. Les media occidentaux sont en train de faire leur possible pour aliéner Al-Qaeda et representer l'Armée Syrienne Libre comme étant uniquement composée de soldats Syriens qui ont fait defection et qui sont en train de combattre Al-Qaeda! Deux fractions sponsorisées par l'ONU se combattant sur le soil Syrien?! Oui, c'est ça. 

Ils se moquent de vous, vont continuer á se moquer de vous et prennent plaisir á se payer de votre tête, non pas car ils sont intelligents mais car vous êtes facilement duper.

- Translation to French from by Nay.

Terroristes de FSL brûlent le vieux souk d'Alep

Si vous ne pouvez pas le contrôler, brûlez le. Telle est la devise des terroristes de l'ASL, sponsorisés par la Turquie, qui attaquent le gouvernement Syrien et les civils pour accélerer un changement de regime dans ce pays souverrain pour plusieurs raisons dont le Nouvel Ordre Mondial, projets de gas et petrol internationaux, la sécurité d'israël, parmis tant d'autres. 
Nous avons vu ce qu'Al-Qaeda, une branche du groupe terroriste qu'est l'ASL, a fait à la statue bouddhiste Bamiyan, vieille de 1,700 ans et qui culimine à 170 mêtres, en Afghanistan quand ils, sous l'ombrelle des Talibans, ont pris control du pays en 2001. 

En ce moment, ils sont en Syrie, combattant la culture, l'heritage, l'histoire, la tradition et le peuple de ce pays dont l'histoire remote a 12,000 ans et qui a inventé l'alphabet il y a 7,000 ans. 

Le vieux souk d'Alep, un patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1986 est maintenant en ruines, les centaines de boutiques qui assurent le pain quotidien á des centaines de marchands d'Alep et dont les ouvriers sont brûlés vifs par les terroristes sauvages, barbares et medievaux qui ont été inventer, supporter, financer, entraîner par l'ONU et qui ont été illegalement introduits en Syrie par la Turquie, un trés fidel membre de l'OTAN. 

Voir la vie des gens être ainsi detruite et voir un pays en flammes á cause de ces mercenaires, sous le pretexte de 'proteger les Syriens' en detruisant leurs proprietés et lynchant les civils qui ne supportent pas leur fausse révolution, fend le coeur. La source de revenu de ces marchands est en flammes. Il est important de noter qu'Alep n'a jamais était temoin de manifestations supportant la fausse révolution, bien au contraire! Le peuple d'Alep a organisé plusieurs rassemblements pour le support de l'Etat Syrien et le président Bashar El-Assad. En voilà un, datant du 19 Octobre 2011:

Les hommes des cavernes sont en train de punir les résidents d'Alep, avec l'aide des media occidentaux qui accusent déjà le gouvernment Syrien pendant que ces terroristes 'essaient d'etteindre le feu' ['were trying to put down the fire'], regarder: 

عراب الثورة السورية المجنون "العرعور"

لفهم ما يواجهه السوريون، عليكم أن تتعرفوا على الشخص الذي يقود "الثورة السورية" المزعومة ضدهم، ومن أفضل من عراب هذه الثورة المزعومة برأيكم؟ الشيخ عدنان العرعور، الذي يقود الثورة عن طريق محطتيه الفضائيتين صفا ووصال التي تبث من السعودية على نفس الأقمار الصناعية عربسات ونايلسات التي حجبت بث القنوات السورية وابقت على هاتين المحطتين.

في هذا الفيديو، يدعو الشيخ عدنان العرعور الى احراق دمشق العاصمة بكل الوسائل كحرق الأشجار، الحجارة، وسكب ما تبقى من النفط والزيت (بسبب العقوبات الغربية) على الطرقات واحراقها، اغراق السجاد بالوقود واحراقه.. الى ماهنالك..
تمتعوا بمشاهدة هذا الجوكر وتذكروا كيف يعاني الشعب السوري من أتباع هذا المسخ الذين ينفذون تعليماته بحذافيرها (اضغطوا على cc للترجمة باللغة الانكليزية):

في ظهور ثانٍ له، نفس الشخص يجن جنونه حول الأخبار عن أن أحد أعضاء مجموعة المعارضة السورية المدعومة من تركيا والمسماة "المجلس الوطني السوري" يؤكد بأنه شاهد عناصر من مجاهدي القاعدة في مدينة حلب، يقاتلون تحت لواء بلطجية الجيش الحر المدعوم من تركيا، فيجن جنون هذا الشخص ويسعى الى التغطية على وجود عناصر ارهابية من القاعدة في الاعلام، بالرغم من أن وجودهم قد تم اثباته مرات عدة على وسائل الاعلام، المراسلين الدوليين والمراقبين:

"كل من يقول بأن القاعدة موجودة في سوريا هو خائن" - يقول عدنان العرعور، لأن القاعدة هي أحدى أفرع الجيش الحر الارهابي، الذي تحاول وسائل الاعلام بشتى الطرق تحيده واعطاء صورة على انه مكون فقط من جنود سوريين "منشقين" يقاتلون "القاعدة" ..!! اثنان من الفصائل التي يدعمها حلف شمال الأطلسي يتقاتلون فيما بينهم على الأرض السوري؟! حسنٌ، ومن سيصدق هذا؟

يخدعونكم، ويستمرون بخداعكم، ويستمتعون بخداعكم، لا لأنهم أذكياء، بل لأنكم قابلين للخديعة

Saturday, September 29, 2012

FSA Terrorists Burn Aleppo's Old Souq

If you can't control it burn it, that's the motto of the Turkish terrorists aka FSA thugs attacking Syrian government and people in order to further a regime change in this sovereign country for so many reasons, not least the New World Order, regional & international gas and oil pipelines projects, israel's safety among many other things.

We've seen what Al Qaeda, a branch of the FSA terrorist group, done to the Bamiyan Buddha Statue in Afghanistan that stood 1,700 years at a 150 meters height when they under the wing of Taliban in 2001 took control of the country there. 

Now, they're in Syria fighting the culture, heritage, history, tradition and the people of this old country, which history is recorded since 12,000 years and invented the alphabet some 7,000 years ago.

The Old Souq in Aleppo, a World Heritage site registered by the UNESCO in the year 1986 is now ruins, the hundreds of shops that make the living of thousands of Aleppo merchants and their workers are burnt to earth by the savage, barbaric, medieval terrorists whom were invented, supported, financed, trained by NATO and smuggled into Syria by Turkey, a NATO's very faithful member state.

It's heartbreaking to see lives destroyed and a country being burnt by these mercenaries under the guise of 'protecting Syrians' by destroying their properties and lynching the civilians not assisting their fake revolution. Now the source of income of these merchants is in flames. It's worth mentioning that Aleppo never witnessed any protest in support of the fake revolution, on the contrary, it's people held several rallies in support of the Syrian state and the president Bashar Al Assad. Here's one of them on 19 October 2011: 

Now the cavemen punished Aleppo residents and of course under the help of the western mainstream media which are ready to accuse the Syrian government while these terrorists 'were trying to put down the fire', watch: 

The Lunatic Syrian 'Revolution' Godfather Aroor

To understand what Syrians are facing you need to know who is leading the so called Syrian 'revolution' against them, and who is better than the godfather of this so called revolution to give you an idea? Cleric Adnan Al Aroor, leading the 'revolution' through his Safa & Wisal satellite TV channels broadcasting from Saudi on the same Arabsat & Nilesat satellite channels that removed the Syrian official channels and left these.. 

Cleric Adnan Al Aroor in this video calls on the burning of Damascus, the capital with all means like burning trees, stones, pouring the already scarce oil & fuel due to western sanctions on the streets and burn it, wrap rugs with fuel and burn it... etc. enjoy watching this joker then remember how Syrians are suffering from the followers of this freak whom follow his instructions precisely (turn English subtitles cc on):

In a second appearance the same person goes rabid over news that one of the Turkey's sponsored collection of Syrian oppositions known as Syrian National Council SNC members confirm he witnessed Al Qaeda fighters in Aleppo city fighting under the wing of the again Turkish FSA thugs, this guy freaks out and wants to cover the existence of Al Qaeda terrorists in the media, although their presence is more than evidenced in so many media and international reporters and observers (with English subtitles): 

'If anybody says there's Alqaeda in Syria he's a traitor' - Adnan Al Aroor, because Al Qaeda is one of the branches of the so called FSA terrorists, which the western media are trying their best to alienate and give an impression it's only composed of 'defected' Syrian soldiers who are 'fighting Al Qaeda'..!! 2 NATO sponsored factions fighting each others on the Syrian land?! Yeah, right.

They fool you, they keep fooling you & they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



It's a new shape of ruling communities, being in work since early Twentieth century by the British intelligence agencies and whoever took control since then of the Islamists (extreme anti-Islam movement from within Islam).

It was found out that small group of elite thinkers can control huge crowds of masses by using religion against them, twisting some of its preaching in order to give supreme power to the small group of elite by giving extreme interpretations of specific idle verses and prophet Muhammad's Hadith to ban questioning of instructions from the elite to masses and give those elite the power to label their competitors and enemies as 'infidels' thus justify their killing per those interpretations introduced.

Twisting the preaches of Allah (God) in his holy book the Quran and through Hadith (the words) of his prophet Muhammad is by itself a blasphemy in Islam and who does this is to be punished with extreme punishment which is death if he does not repent because of what would occur from such twisting and manipulation. 

Is that a rifle?
It is not only related to Islam, other religions and old communities teachings were also manipulated to justify and further political or financial goals, it is well known the two main manipulations of Judaism which harmed this religion so much are the Zionist movement and the Talmud book, both manipulating the preaching of Judaism and prophet Moses to political, financial and community earnings. Signs of such manipulations were also found in Hammurabi's law, Greek methodology and lots others.

If you love someone you'd try to appear like him, was the base of Muslim scholars to appear in the shape prophet Muhammad used to look like as described by Hadith narrators, mainly in loosing the beard and shaving the mustache,  not giving any importance to how his manners or preaching were, not even to the main fact that he didn't have a loose his beard rather had a short neat one and shaving the mustache was part of the strict hygiene Islam emphasizes on, the anti-Islam scholars concentrated on these looks to further their political goals with the help of British intelligence officers. Shave the mustache, loose the beard and you become accepted as a Muslim Scholar, you don't need to memorize the whole Quran or learn lots of Hadith, just few verses are enough as long as you have that shape with your facial hair.. This unfortunately worked with simple common Muslim communities due to centuries of living under occupation and misery forced upon them by the Ottomans and European crusaders.

Islamists in the Egyptian Parliament post Mubarak
Growing their beards and shaving their mustaches, the US Central Intelligence Agency along with the MI6, their British counterpart, managed to present the Muslim Brotherhood scholars falsely as the defenders of the correct Islam, while they were actually agents of anti-Islam agenda, willingly in general and unwillingly in some very few cases. By organizing their movement, financing it, training them and marketing them, the CIA & MI6 managed to present finally, after decades of preparations, their agents as the rulers of Islam, taking control of important Arabic countries in North Africa like Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and pushing them in the Levant unto Syria, Jordan, Iraq, recently Lebanon, then Yemen in the Arabic Peninsula and of course the GCC.

Scholar Muhammad Hassan wants 80 million bearded in Egypt
Those with shaved mustaches and long messy beards have brought the world their new version of autocracy and dictatorship under the guise of democracy introducing what will be called: Beardocracy.

Salafi - another shape of Muslim Brotherhood - gay kiss
Homosexuality is very much prohibited in Islam, by the way.. 

A gogo bar singer with a gay kiss to a Salafi scholar in Lebanon
Some would argue that there are scholars with beards but not harmful, it's not about the scholar having a beard, it's about the scholar controlling the masses with his beard, guiding them in the hatred road instead of forgiveness and peace.

yeah, you know him, and you definitely remember his leader
Remember, since they're agents of CIA & MI6 and they're the enemies of real Islam, their main goal is to try to ruin the beautiful image of Islam into a bad, undesirable, extremist one full of hatred and harm.

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart,
it's because you're foolable

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Al Arabiya News Channel Controls Information

We always complained about mainstream media not being unbiased and on the contrary they moved from being biased, to warmongering to an unimaginable level which is creating news.. Our post CNN Knew About September 11 Attacks 16 Hours Earlier sheds a light on how a CNN crew collaborated with the terrorists in blowing up an oil pipe-line in Baba Amro, Homs last year when the area was still under control of the terrorists aka FSA 'Free Syrian Army' aka Freedom Fighters, best known as Al Qaeda.

Yesterday a terrible war crime against humanity was committed by the NATO supported terrorists, FSA's Tawhid Brigade blew up a main fresh drinking water pipe in Aleppo, the largest Syrian city, the water pipe feeds more 2 major neighborhoods and cutting it until it's fixed affects more than 3 million human beings.

Aleppo is not a water rich city, the entire Middle East is not water rich, and among the Syrian cities Aleppo was the most thirsty city all times. Blowing up this main fresh drinking water pipe in the end of the summer when no rain is expected before one more month is a real catastrophe. Haven't these criminals committed enough catastrophic crimes already?

The criminals bragged about their crime in a YouTube video clip which disappeared later on but some of their sympathizers kept posting, one Syrian activist group known to download all the terrorists videos for analyzing kept a copy and uploaded it yesterday, within 2 hours of the first upload, and I made a copy here because it will be definitely removed by YouTube moderators: 

I said "before YouTube 'community standards' watchers remove it" because they removed a video I found on one of their  channels, I just added English translation (cc captions) and uploaded it again to my channel, the same video exactly with the same length and there's no copyright for it as it was aired on many news channels as well, but that's a different story, in case you're interested in following it up you can check this post on my google+ page: (

Now back to blowing up the fresh drinking water pipe in Aleppo, today pan Arab Al Arabiya news channel, owned by a Saudi prince, posted a news post on its Facebook Page accusing the Syrian Army of blowing the same pipe by airplanes..! Well, since we have the evidence, the video clip, I tried to comment there on the same post that this was done by the FSA terrorists and here is the proof, but I found out that I was banned from commenting because of a similar incident at the very beginning of the crisis in Syria, so I sent the link to some friends and they managed to post it in comments: 

As you can clearly see, an activist posted the link to the YouTube video and accusing Al Arabiya of lying at (5 minutes ago), while the post time stamp says (28 minutes ago). The comment was deleted and another activist commented in the same time frame, 14 minutes after the post was posted but the first comment doesn't appear: 

As you can see in the above image, the activist posted the last comment appearing and the time stamp says (17 minutes ago) while the post itself was (31 minutes ago), that's 14 minutes after Al Arabiya published their post. 5 minutes later the admin of the Al Arabiya News Facebook Page removed the comment along with other comments, because it simply reveals who actually blew up the water pipe and not who Al Arabiya says did it.. 

At time stamp (59 minutes ago) there's no comments any more: 

Does this tell you anything? They control what the news into the narrative that suits their goals, and in this case the goal is, as it was since day one of the Syrian crisis, demonize the Syrian government and especially the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to justify a foreign intervention, a 'humanitarian intervention' as the USA like to call it, because of all the atrocities committed in Syria and blamed on the Syrian legitimate government. If this doesn't wake you up, check the CNN post mentioned at the beginning of this post, and if that also didn't wake you up then there's nothing on Earth can wake you up.

Democracy will come in the shape of 'humanitarian intervention'..

'They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable'

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Erdogan y Mas de su Política Fallida sobre Siria

Por no hablar de lo monótono de poblados completos en el sureste de Turquia,catalogando de terroristas a Comunidades Kurdas enteras, privándoles de sus derechos básicos, asesinándolos masivamente,y si esto no fuera suficiente, enviando sus aviones de combate Turcos no tripulados hacia las aldeas en el Norte de Irak, afirmando que estan persiguiendo "terroristas"nuevamente. Mientras que, al mismo tiempo,estan importando verdaderos terroristas de todas partes del mundo, reuniéndolos, entrenándolos y luego enviándolos a cortar gargantas de civiles, lanzar trabajadores gubernamentales de los tejados de edificios públicos y otras atrocidades en la vecina Siria.

Bueno, quien dijo que se cosecha todo lo que se siembra no estaba tan equivocado.Erdogan siembra terroristas de Al-Qaeda dentro de Turquia y ha despertado todas las sensibilidades ocultas en esta region muy sensible, donde la gente habia decidido durante siglos aceptar la vida común,que ahora esta en peligro por la incitación de conflictos basados en las divisiones sectarias.

Debido a que el gobierno actual de Turquía es anti-laico, muy sectario, basado y compuesto solo por elementos de la Hermandad Musulmana, luego de que, por supuesto se deshicieron de aquellos miembros de la Hermandad Musulmana que no estaban alineados de acuerdo a la política general de la OTAN, enviándolos a ser sacrificados en el Mavi Marmara, construyeron todas sus políticas sobre bases sectarias.Se ve como todos en sus países, y naciones vecinas tienen solo una vision sectaria, y consideran a su propio pueblo, antes vecinos,como enemigos si no son de la misma secta.

Erdogan, el Primer Ministro Turco llamo 'terroristas' al pueblo Sirio ocupado de Iskandaron (Hatay), porque no apoyaban su politica pro-OTAN en contra de Siria, y por que no aceptan ver terroristas de Al Qaeda traidos de todo el mundo a su tierra para luchar contra el pueblo sirio, con quienes ellos comparten su historia, sus tradiciones, su cultura, hábitos, e incluso lazos familiares.

Erdogan trato de iniciar una guerra a toda costa, pero se quedo llorando solo,llorando y gritando, incluso sus amigos de la OTAN lo abandonaron cuando los sirios derribaron su avión, el es un fenomeno que no deberia liderar un pais del tamaño y la importancia de Turquia.

Y, puesto que Erdogan, como tantos otros, ha basado sus decisiones en lo que Al-Jazeera, CNN, Fox News y otras casas del show de propaganda de la OTAN muestran, no ha visto esto:

Miles de residentes en Antioquia,en una manifestación en contra de la intervención imperialista en Siria y en apoyo del Presidente Sirio Bashar Al Assad, escucha con atención :

Algunas fotos de la manifestación:

Esto fue hace unos días :

Y todo esto por estos terroristas importados por Erdogan, el los llama ELS "Ejercito Libre Sirio" o Luchadores de la Libertad, en realidad mercenarios con ideología Yihadista y afiliación a Al Qaeda:

¿Entendiste la idea? ¿ A quien le gustaría tener a esos criminales en su barrio?

Una historia de un testigo ocular: "La situación en Antioquia se intensifica continuamente.Ayer, cuatro hombres barbudos rechazaron pagar su viaje en el autobus comun de Antioquia, con la farsa conocida de que la factura puede ser enviada a Erdogan, por que el es quien los llevo hacia allí. El conductor del colectivo (mini bus), reacciono de manera tranquila y dijo que no podía parar, el tuvo que conducir 500 metros mas.El los llevo a la estación principal de Cekmece (cerca de esta estación). Cuando llegaron allí, los otros conductores ya estaban esperando con los"Haydares"y los golpearon. Los cuatro terroristas están ahora en el hospital y los conductores de mini buses les dijeron que podrían enviar la factura del hospital al tío de Erdogan.

"Haydar" es un apodo conocido en Antioquia que se le da un baston grueso de un metro de largo que tienen todos los conductores de mini bus para ocuparse de las personas no gratas.

Mientras tanto, en un restaurante en Kuzeytepe (Cerca del centro), un grupo similar de hombres barbudos se negó a pagar. Los camareros trajeron a todo el equipo del restaurante y golpearon al grupo de combatientes barbudos respaldados por Erdogan.

Ademas, el parque central esta lleno de los combatientes extranjeros y barbudos. Cuando los habitantes (hombres y mujeres) salen a correr o caminar por el parque, los grupos de barbudos les hablan, los molestan, los asaltan y hasta los amenazan. El gas pimienta ya no esta disponible en el mercado negro. Tambien, hay mas indicadores de que varios grupos de los terroristas barbudos han empezado a discutir con otros grupos de barbudos e incluso ahora luchan unos contra otros."

¿Y tu todavía piensas que el Ejercito Sirio es el que comete atrocidades en Siria o estan defendiendo su pais y su pueblo en contra de la suciedad de las inmundicias de la Tierra?

Cuando te dijeron que decenas de miles de sirios protestaban en contra de el presidente sirio Bashar Al Assad el año pasado, y te mostraban protestas con imagenes temblorosas, la realidad era que millones manifestaban apoyándolo en las principales ciudades:

Ellos te engañaron, Te Siguen engañando y disfrutan de engañarte, no porque ellos son inteligentes, es por que eres engañable.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Erdogan & More of Failing Policy on Syria

Let alone droning entire villages in southeast Turkey labeling entire Kurdish communities as terrorists thus depriving them their basic rights and committing mass murders against them, and if that's not enough then Turkish fighter jets goes in northern Iraq and drone villages there claiming they're chasing again 'terrorists' while at the same time importing real terrorists from all sides of the world, gathering them, training them then sending them to slit throats of civilians, throw government workers off roof tops of public buildings and other atrocities in neighboring Syria.

Well, who said you reap what you sow wasn't wrong at all, Erdogan sow Al Qaeda terrorists inside Turkey and he awoke all hidden sensitivities in this very sensitive region where people decided over centuries to accept mutual living is now in danger by inciting strife based on sectarian divisions. 

Because the current government of Turkey is anti-secular, very sectarian based and composed only of Muslim Brotherhood elements, after of course getting rid of those Muslim Brotherhood members not agreeing on the general NATO aligned policy by sending them to be slaughtered on Mavi Maramara, it builds all its policies on sectarian basis. It sees everybody in its own nation and neighboring nations with a sectarian view only and treats own people before neighbors as enemies if not from the same sect.

Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister called the people of Syrian occupied Iskandaron (Hatay) as terrorists because they didn't support his NATO policy against Syria, and because they do not accept to see Al Qaeda terrorists brought in to their land from the entire globe to fight the Syrian people whom they share with history, tradition, culture, habits, even family bonds. 

Erdogan tried to start a war at any cost, but was left alone crying, weeping and shouting, even his NATO friends let him down when the Syrians downed his plane, he's a phenomenal that should not lead a nation the size and importance of Turkey.

And since Erdogan, like so many others, base his decisions on what Al Jazeera, CNN, FoxNews and other NATO propaganda news houses show, he wouldn't have seen this:

Thousands of residents in Antakya rally against imperial intervention in Syria and in support of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad, listen carefully:


Some photos of the rally: 

This was a few days ago: 

And all of that because of these terrorists brought by Erdogan, he calls them FSA 'Free Syrian Army' aka Freedom Fighters, in reality mercenaries with Jihadist ideology and Al Qaeda affiliation:

You got the idea? Who would like to have such criminals in their neighborhood? 

A story from an eye witness: "The Situation in Antakya escalates continuesly. Yesterday, four bearded men rejected to pay their journey with the common bus line in Atakya with the known farce that the invoice can be send to Erdogan because he brought them to there. The bus driver (mini bus) reacted very cool and said he cannot stop now, he has to drive about 500 metres further. He brought them to the main station of Cekmece (near this station). When they arrived there, the other drivers were already waiting with "Haydars" and have beaten the four bearded terrorists up by them. The four terrorists are now in the hospital and the mini bus drivers said to them that they could send the invoice for the hospital to uncle erdogan.

"Haydar" is an known nickname in Antakya for a 1m long thick wodden nightstick which has every mini bus driver there to care about people who arent nice.

Meanwhile in a restaurant in Kuzeytepe (Near the centre), a similiar group of bearded men rejected to pay. The waiters fetched the whole team of the restaurant and have beaten up the group of the Erdogan-backed bearded fighters.

In addition the center park is crowded with the bearded fighters and foreigners. When the inhabitants (men and women) go jogging or walking through the park, the bearded groups talk to them, annoy them, assault them and even threaten them. Pepper spray isnt avaible anymore at the black market. Also, there are more indicators that several groups of the bearded terrorists have started to argue with other bearded groups and even fight against some others now."

And you still think the Syrian Army is the one committing atrocities in Syria or defending its country and its people against the filth of the filth of the Earth?

When you were told that tens of thousands of Syrians were protesting against the Syrian president Bashar Al Assad last year and they were showing you protests with shaky images, the reality was millions rallying for his support in the major cities:

They fool you, they keep fooling you and they enjoy fooling you, not because they're smart, it's because you're foolable.


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