Sunday, July 31, 2011

Our Comment on Obama Description of Handling Hama Issue by Syrian Army Today

Since it's restricted to 250 words, we had to rewrite it to be like:

Doesn't Obama have something more important to care about? like solving the 'debt' issue instead of interferin­g in internal issues of a sovereign country?

Isn't it enough that instead of the change he promised to bring has done worse to the economy? Instead of hearing growth is accomplish­ed & debt is shrinking, it's ok to increase the debt ceiling? Who will pay that debt? Of course not those in power now, it's the next generation­s. Who cares anyway?

If any US Administra­tion ever cared for its people, the tax payers, it would stop creating more enemies all over the planet, invading sovereign countries, distributi­ng legitimacy among foreign presidents­, bombing countries, keeping fleets of Navy all over the world..!

Did Obama tell any of his tax payers how much does it cost to keep one single aircraft carrier deployed overseas for no reason? well just take this: it costs to run an aircraft carrier a day $1/2 Million, that's half a million US Dollars, taken in a form of debt with interest, at least 21 of them are running now: that makes the cost of $11.5 Million per day, not mentioning accompanyi­ng ships, patrol flights, engagement flights, satellite connections... etc. for what? just to play the role of World Police?

They do not save American Soil from Enemies, they create more enemies for US Tax Payers.

The link to the article & our comment # 6:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Al Quds Al Arabi on the Way to 'Jazeeratizing'

ورد في مقالة بتاريخ اليوم 28 تموز 2011 في صحيفة القدس العربي التالي:
"القاهرة- دمشق- (د ب أ): دعا نشطاء سوريون لمسيرات احتجاجية حاشدة الجمعة لاستنكار ما وصفوه بالصمت العربي إزاء الحملات الوحشية التي تشنها قوات نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد ضد المظاهرات المنادية بالديمقراطية.
ودعا النشطاء عبر صفحات المواقع الإلكترونية لمسيرات أطلقوا عليها (صمتكم يقتلنا) هى الأخيرة في سلسلة تظاهرات تنادي بإسقاط الأسد بعد 11 عاما أمسك فيها بزمام السلطة في البلاد.

واحتشد عشرات السوريين الأربعاء أمام مقر الجامعة العربية وسط القاهرة، مطالبين المنظمة العربية بتبنى موقف واضح حيال الاضطرابات التي تشهدها بلدهم.

وقال المتظاهرون في بيان لهم، "إن النظام السوري يقوم بارتكاب جرائم الإبادة الجماعية بحبس المدنيين بالشعب السوري، مما أدى إلى سقوط عدة آلاف بين قتيل وجريح".

وقال المتظاهرون في بيان: "إننا ندين ونشجب الصمت العربي الكامل، حيال ما يجرى في سوريا".
وفي الوقت نفسه قالت لحان التنسيق المحلية السورية عبر موقعها الإلكتروني إن قوات الجيش والأمن السورية، واصلت تعزيز انتشارها في مدينة اللاذقية غربي البلاد، وأن تعزيزات أمنية وصلت إلى منطقة الرمل الجنوبي. 

وأضاف الموقع إن دوي انفجارات قوية سمع في بعض أحياء المدينة، غير أنه لم يتسن التأكد من هذه الأنباء من مصدر مستقل.

ويقول نشطاء حقوقيون محليون إن أكثر من 1400 شخص لقوا حتفهم منذ اندلاع المظاهرات المناهضة للحكومة منتصف آذار/مارس الماضي. غير أنه يصعب التحقق من هذه الإحصاءات حيث تحظر السلطات السورية دخول معظم وسائل الإعلام الأجنبية ومنظمات حقوق الانسان الدولية إلى أراضيها."

وكان ردنا التالي:

لن تتخيلوا الكم الكبير من الاحترام اللي بيكنه الشعب السوري بشكل خاص لصحيفتكم وخطها العربي، ولكن..

لن ندافع عن نظام أو متظاهرين هنا ولكن جذبتنا المقالة أعلاه بأن طريقة تعاطيها مع الوضع في سورية تشبه إلى حد بعيد تكاد تطابق ما تقوم به الجزيرة وأخواتها من عربية وبي بي سي.. وغيرها من ناطقات باسم مخابرات أجنبية.

لا نقرأ سوى بيان عن متظاهرين مجهولين، وناطقين باسم تنسيقيات كأننا في ليبيا، ودعوات من نشطاء سوريون وآخرين حقوقيون.. وألم تلاحظوا معي أنهم كلهم نكرات بدون شخوص؟ من هم النشطاء والحقوقيين والتنسيقيات؟ مصداقياتهم؟ توجهاتهم؟ وزنهم في الشارع السوري؟ وأسئلة كثيرة أخرى عن خلفيات ناشطين كثر..

نأمل أن لا تهوي مصداقية هذا الصرح العملاق كما هوت مصداقية الجزيرة وأخواتها في الشارع السوري النابض بالعروبة حتى آخر نفس.

حاولنا عدة مرات إرسال التعليق ولكن اضطررنا لحذف عدة كلمات حتى كان ما كتبنا أعلاه لأن الموقع كان يرد أننا تجاوزنا ال 750 حرف للتعليق مع أننا أثناء كتابة التعليق كان يخبرنا بأننا ما زال لدينا 8 حروف، وبعد محاولتين حصلنا على تأكيد بنجاح إرسال التعليق ثم رسالة خطأ وأعادتنا للتعليق مرة أخرى ولا ندري هل وصل أم لا.

The link to the article & our comment:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Comment on a foxnews Article Calling for Intervention in Syria

Amazingly funny, who else reads fox news except fox headed cocky conservatives who never fought a war but love to see blood spilled everywhere away from their homes. Wake up guys, the world has changed.

Even before it changed the great army of USA never won a war, maybe battles but then sustains terrible ever lasting bruises and life threatening damages.

Cooco heads, don't you hear the news about your own economy? Do you have the smallest idea how much does each aircraft carrier of yours cost operating per day? Imagine how many vessels accompany each aircraft carrier!! That's enough damaging your economy to the point you can't borrow anymore.. Wake up. 

Let's consider you get into war directly, you have any idea how many bases will be 'zeroed' in the Gulf, imagine the number of losses in lives, oh sorry, I almost forgot, you never fought a war, you like to watch the video games that you can control the end, well try this: control the end in Afghanistan & Iraq as a start after you count your real losses in lives and the damage you left behind.

Now back to Syria. Ask anybody and they'll tell you Syria is different, there's a reason behind that, Air control doesn't win you a war, it gives support to your troops on the ground, and we saw how the entire israeli air-force could do nothing except destroy buildings and mostly civilian buildings during a 34 days aggression on Lebanon in July 2006, then failing all their goals and the party of 20k members win. Google 'Sultan Yaqoob Tank Battle' which happened during the israeli aggression on Lebanon during the 1982 invasion of the extremely powerless country, and see how israel lost 160 US & israeli made tanks in one day in a fight against Syrian tanks while the Syrians lost 2 soldiers..! That's a battle and a war.

If you didn't hear take this news from the Syrian side of the borders with Turkey: Turkey moved a brigade towards its southern borders to try to invade and take control of some Syrian territories, to their surprise they woke up counting between 300 & 400 Syrian tanks in the area out of nowhere, so they changed their minds and freaked out.. that's a battle and a war, deploying hundreds of fighting tanks in no time and out of nowhere is strategy that you can't match with your air superiority, add to it, Syria never used its air-force since 1986 when it upgraded its entire fleet after fighting the US & israel in the biggest air battle in history when it lost 86 planes, that is now past, during 2006 israeli aggression on Lebanon when they wanted to move some tanks to the north, towards Syrian borders they got a message from Syria that it would enter the war so they backed off.. 

Write whatever you want and feel it might please you and your readers in a hawkish system, but the fact on ground is totally different than your dreams. Syria was next after Iraq.. even Collin Powell visited Syria to deliver the surrender conditions, I wonder what changed his mind and Bush the small then!

Back to your article: Nobody confirmed that it was Syrian govt troops that killed the protesters, even Hillary Clinton confirmed the existence of armed groups in Syria, for your info, those armed groups count between 40 & 50 thousand well trained well experience militia men who served in Iraq & Afghanistan fighting US Troops.

The neighboring country Turkey that denounced the slaughter by Syria seems have started to change its mind recently.

For your info, even if the current regime in Syria falls, the one coming in its place would be more hawkish against USA & its baby israel, and not how you prescribe it: israel & US.. USA should come first in your interest if you are really American.

The west is incapable of doing anything right now in Syria, so save your efforts, Greece is begging for money, Spain on the way, Portugal already begged for money, Turkey will beg for money if it starts moving its army, Syria is Turkey's only gate towards the south, USA is hitting a tremendous debt ceiling and cannot support its own people welfare.. so stop laughing at yourselves and making people laugh at you. Your failure in Libya is extremely shameful for the combined powers of all NATO.

In Iraq there's a govt that listens to Iran more than the USA, in Afghanistan your puppet local govt is losing its individuals one by another and losing control of the country. You are way too sunk in your own problems to start another fight anywhere else. Wake UP

The link to the article and our comment:  /

Google Changing Names of Landmarks in Syria

Out of no reason, Google, the giant internet search & Software company started naming landmarks in Syria without a reasonable justification, one of its biggest changes was renaming 'Assad Lake' to 'Syria Sea'!

As a start, it's a lake and not a sea, no clue how did they calculate the area required by the water reservoir to be promoted from a lake to a sea; then, there's the name of the area itself from 'Assad' to 'Syria'.

When the lake was formed after the building of Euphrates Damn in 1974 the new water reservoir behind the damn was called after late 'Hafez Assad' the former president of the Syrian Arab Republic and that was a common practice to refer to a construction after the person who made that happen, and over 3.5 decades and without any logical reason, Google decides the name should be changed.

There's a form that you need to fill when you find a mistake on Google Maps & Google Earth to inform Google that there's a mistake and they'll rectify it when they have the chance to, I don't know though whether they double check before correcting or labeling a landmark or they just go ahead with the change, I hope they do consult at least the nearest Syrian Embassy, or a research center.

Here what we told Google:
"Out of a sudden the biggest lake in Syria has been renamed from "Assad Lake" to "Syria Sea".
Taking in consideration all the implications when referring to the area by the people living near it, the researchers working in historical, geographical & community scholars difficulties in locating the correct address on your Map & Earth. Actually, you can compare it with something like changing Washington DC to USA DC!!"

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Comment on the US Embassy in Syria Page

Comment posted on US embassy in Syria's facebook page in regards with its rude and unprecedented interference in our country's internal matters:

When your country stops shooting its own people especially children on your streets then you are allowed to preach other countries on how to handle armed gangs in their cities: a 13 years old boy - black boy - was shot 8 bullets today near his school because the highly trained police officers "thought he was holding a weapon in his hands"!! only thought he was holding a weapon in his hands and got shot 8 bullets 2 in the head in a direct targeting. & in Syria where police, army and security officials are killed & civilians chopped into pieces you preach the govt on how to deal with it?! STFU - This is the link to the crime against humanity & children in Chicago today in case you didn't hear of it:

The link to the embassy page & our comments came under ستة أوهام سورية بقلم محمد الرميحي

Our Comments on the article that appeared in الشرق الأوسط under: ستة أوهام سورية بقلم محمد الرميحي:

السيد رميحي 6 ردود على أوهامك حسب ترتيبها:
1- لن تطلق العصابات النار على مسيرات مؤيدة لأنها ضد خطتها وهي تحريض الشارع على الحكم وليس العكس.
2- إذا كان الحل الأمني لا ينتصر فكيف تفسر نجاح الحل الأمني في محاربة الإرهاب في كويتكم وسعوديتكم؟
3- نتفق على تغييب الحريات ونختلف لأن بالفعل سورية غير، لأن حكامها لم يدخلوا قاعدة أميركية ثابتة أو مؤقتة داخل أرض سورية.
4- إذا كنت تعتقد أن المعارضة ليس لها لون طائفي ففسر لنا إقامة الإمارات الإسلامية في تلكلخ وجسر الشغور وقطنا حتى الآن؟ وأرجو التعليق على ما تبثه القناتان السعوديتان صفا والوصال.
5- لقد أدخلت عبارات غريبة ضمن موافقتك الغير معلنة ولكن الواضحة أن سورية ممانعة، فطبعاً لأنك سمعت على سبيل المثال بمعركة السلطان يعقوب، أقول مثلاً.. أما أن الشعب لا يرتضي التحالف مع جهة أو أخرى فلم نسمع من مجمل الشعب داخلاً وخارجاً رفض للسياسة الخارجية السورية.
6- الحجم الذي تتكلم عنه موجود فقط في الجزيرة وأخواتها وليس على الشارع ولدينا أدلة بكميات هائلة، أما القوى التي تتدخل فأيضاً لدينا أدلة على تورط 40 جهة خارجية على الأقل.
الإصلاح بدأ فلا تشوشوا عليه.

Here's the link to the article and our doubt is 99% it won't be published there as usual:

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Side of the Story On Derailed Train on MaYoMo

On 23 July 2011 between 1:00am & 3:00am near a village called Al Sodah in Homs Province, terrorists sabotaged the railway by removing some bolts & parts of the railway in anticipation of a train that passes by the area around 3:10am.

The train reached at the specific time, it's leading carriage hit the sabotaged railway part, flipped and burnt, the train was carrying 480 civilian passengers & 5 crew members, the driver burnt to death, 14 sustained injuries and the assistant driver's injury was serious. A miracle saved the passengers whereas the area targeted is at a bridge passing over a swamp and at a high voltage electricity pole, terrorists wanted mass casualties by forcing the train to collide or flip at the water & electricity combination.

Salafists linked to Al Qaeda, some Arab Gulf nations and foreign intelligence services are considered prime suspects in this terrorist act due to prior threats, calls for similar sabotage on their activity pages on the net including Facebook, similar past criminal attacks in 1980s that resulted in huge numbers of deaths among civilians.

The government yet to investigate and publish its findings.

Syria is facing unrest over since March 15, 2011 when protests started in Dara's to the south of the country near Jordanian borders demanding enhancing living conditions and were swiftly infiltrated by armed gangs believed to have entered the country from neighboring Iraq & Lebanon, their numbers are said to reach 40 to 50 thousand militia men, armed with machine guns, and provided high tech communication devices by the pan Arab Satellite channel Al Jazeera, the CIA and high possibility of israeli MOSSAD. The gangs are mostly Salafists (extremists) and couldn't fit in the society.

Total numbers of casualties among civilians exceeded 1,000 & over another 1,000 of security forces & army personnel. These extremists target protests and army troops at the same time to create chaos & incite hatred against the government in order to split Syria into 3 Islamic Emirates States loyal to the USA.

Our Comment on The Daily Star Story of the Derailed Train in Homs, Syria

Interesting that you doubt the official story supported with video but u do believe unsupported claims by unreliable sources!

What is the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights? Did you check it before? It's a one man show office, same goes for the Syrian League for the Defense of Human Rights?

Reuters reporter Oweis was expelled along with other media from Syria by govt for fabricating videos, doing montage on videos & even putting words in victims mounts, asking a wounded soldier in one instance to say that he was shot by a security officer for not shooting the protesters & the wounded soldier shouts in pain it's not what happened & at the end the footage was distributed without the words of the soldier, only the words of the professional reporter.

I would stick with the story that provides more info & until the govt let media back under a new media law, keep some credibility for your agency by confirming resources before posting articles.

Hundreds of military & security personnel can only be killed by organized terrorist mobs with external and internal support backing them with money, weaponry, communication & logistics; I have one hint in mind: Foreign Intelligence Services with similar history, try CIA for instance creating local mafias especially playing on sectarian sensitivities.

Thank you

The link to the article and our comment if it's published by the moderator:

Friday, July 22, 2011

Our Comment on War in Context Blog

Syria in the heart of the storm. Over 40 countries interfere in a single country and works publicly hard for over 5 months and covert for at least a couple of years before, and yet, the Syrian Regime is intact, not a single diplomatic defection neither a single army or security officer defector.

That should give you a hint what's happening inside this country called Syria, in spite of the hundreds of youtube footage where the maximum majority of it is unreliable, biased, in many cases staged and after that refuted with facts by the regime's state media.

A country that has a minority of every sect with a majority of Islamic Sunnis all live in harmony, it'll be very difficult to crack their living culture.

What really happened on the ground is the infiltration of tens of thousands of ex-Qaeda operatives in Iraq, Afghanistan and even in smaller numbers from Lebanon. The total number of these armed, well experienced armed gangs on a moderate count reach between 40 & 50 thousands fighters, moving with huge sums of cash between border cities in Syria and provided with high tech state of the art communication devices that works on the CIA sub-internet and has direct links through Al Thoraya Satellite telephones and connects with Al Jazeera the pan Arab news channel from Qatar. That all makes an unbiased observer to start guessing who is bearing the costs of all these enormous efforts on the ground inside Syria, keeping in mind that one single minute of connection through Al Thoraya would cost you around $30, so imagine the hours of broadcasting live.

Nobody is innocent among the international news houses, especially when they get their news from few media providers like Reuters, Al Jazeera & AFP. With each one of these reporters having a personal problem with the Syrian regime and non of them on the ground.

The biggest drama comes when these media houses depend on so-called self proclaimed 'Human Rights Activists' whom in many cases are wanted criminals or relatives of such fugitives wanted for committing criminal acts in Syria, some even as low as rape of a sister in law for one of them, and another head of a Human Rights Organization who received a $10,000 as a price of a kidney from a donor without paying the donor any single cent of it..!

Hundreds of armed individuals of Syrian, Other Arabs and even Foreign fighters are being caught, add to it what's happening in Homs, Central Syria of planting sectarian hatred and the unbelievable rude visit of the US & French Ambassadors to Hama to participate in protests against the government of the hosting country which is in contradiction of all diplomatic treaties; all of that leads to an international effort to destroy the harmony the people of Syria lives in this country for over 7000 years.

The above was posted today 22 July 2011 on the following site of many thoughts gathered:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Professionalism of a CNN Anchor - Ms. Hala Gorani

Ms. Hala Gorani is an exceptional journalist with an extensive career & an award winner of a Syrian origin, but holds in addition French & USA citizenship. Good job Hala, you are an example to every junior journalist who wants to build his /her career in journalism; only until the events started in Syria.

Any journalist takes years of hard work to build experience and earn trust, one of the main features a journalist should have is being unbiased to avoid turning into a speaker to one side on the account of another and on the account of facts on the ground.

I don't claim to be a journalist, I never worked as a journalist, and never studied journalism, I blog what I feel, I think and see, I analyze news, I write my experience, and I just used a lot of I's in one sentence to prove that.

Ms. Gorani, it was one of your tweets that spoke your mind instead of your professionalism, it's one of the tweets that represents a one sided view of what's happening in Syria instead of reading facts on ground, you've mistaken, and the size is enormous taking in consideration the size of your career.

Can you tell us what's the difference between you now and a news editor at Al Jazeera?

Sorry dear, your innocent, caring and good looks didn't help you in this.

A Syrian girl simply asks Ms. Gorani whether she'll be quoting unverified information about Syria during Ms. Gorani's anchoring, and it's known that misinforming is more dangerous than withholding information.

This is what a Syrian girl asked Ms. Gorani:

& here's the answer of Ms. Gorani to the Syrian girl who seeks verified information from a lady anchoring an important period on a leading international news channel:

Thank you Ms. Hala for clarifying our doubts about your channel's intention, though we were sure but just for who still had doubts.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Our Comment on Washington Post Silly Hawkish Article As Usual Posted 17 July 2011

I'm afraid that Secretary of State has failed the writer of this report urging the failed opposition conference in Istanbul, Turkey yesterday to start dialogue with president Assad 'peacefully' as she said. 
A US administration official as mentioned above said: “A bunch of clowns throwing fruit did not change our position,” < isn't that a democratic peaceful way to show discontent against an ambassador of a foreign country who personally went into a demonstration against the hosting government?! How do you bank such an interference? The stupid visit of the ambassador has instead given the Assad supporters a huge push showing them who was behind the unrest in the country from the beginning, otherwise, who can explain that an ambassador of a foreign country drives 'unattended' as claimed into a crowd of people whomever those people are? Syrians have a very good memory, whenever the USA is mentioned for instance they remember the congressmen 26 ovations to israel's prime minister who blew away all rights of Palestinians including the right to return, while Syria hosts of half a million Palestinian refugee for over 60 years. That's just an example. 
Legitimacy doesn't come from a foreign country, moreover, if that country has one of the worst human rights violations throughout modern history, even its previous president and his aides were referred to be involved in crimes against humanity in a report just 2 weeks ago by HRW. A country that invades a sovereign country overseas called Iraq, previously it invaded Vietnam, Somalia, Lebanon.. etc. and in Iraq is responsible for the conflict now that resulted in the killing of over a million Iraqi yes 1 Million Iraqi, over 4 million displaced, infrastructure destroyed, keeping in mind Gitmo, Abu Gharib.. etc. such a country cannot preach other countries on human rights. 
Syria has witnessed armed groups attacking both civilians and army staff, in one instance when a few hundred well trained salafists ex-iraq combatant attacked a security post in Jisr Shoghour killing over 120 officers and mutilating their bodies, btw, ambassador Ford went with over another 70 diplomats and saw the aftermath of Jisr massacre. 
The army is not attacking civilians and in case you want evidences contact me and I'll send you hundreds of videos already on the net showing how the army acts and what they face. 
Just a reminder, that the creator of salafists groups and their ideology are non other than the beloved CIA and you have Osama and Al Qaeda as a clear example. 
Thank you

The link to the article and our comment:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Our Comment on a Kansas City Journal Article in Regards With Syrian Existing Situation

What's critical in a UN Security Council Resolution? Not a single UNSC Resolution has resolved anything in the Middle East since the creation of the UN, instead all of the previous resolutions has complicated issues more than resolving anything, you have the plenty of un-implemented resolutions in the regards of the Palestinian issues whether humanitarian, materialistic, investigative, aid, stop fighting or whatever, nothing helped because one country is above the law and that country is the best ally of the US on the planet, it's called israel. Did the author of this article hear about it?

Other instances of UNSC resolutions have caused the invasion of a sovereign country called Iraq killing over a million person, displacing internally & externally over 4 million, destroying the infrastructure of the country... etc. based on lies presented to the council by one state member which even didn't get a mandate went ahead with the invasion along with another member UK..! Even before the invasion, the UNSC has imposed a siege on the country and when US Secretary of State then Albright was told that over 500,000 that's Five Hundered Thousand Children have died because of the siege she said: The Price Is Worth It.

Now back to the main issue of the article: Syria, the throne in its enemies' throats.

Does the author of this article know where is Syria? It's bordering all the following countries: Turkey, Kurdistan Iraq, Iraq, Jordan, Occupied Palestine (by israel of course) & Lebanon. I'll tell you why I mentioned this later.

Historically, Syria has an extreme depth of civilization that goes back to more than 7,000 years making it the oldest civilized country on the planet, with its name Syria and its capitol is the oldest continually inhabited city on Earth. The first Alfabet in history was created there, its people over the history has experienced all types of invaders including at a point of time during the early 1980s the mighty USA itself.

Syria, over the history, hosted almost all refugees of all conflicts from the old globe and provided safety for them making its current population a mix of all religious and non religious sects known to humanity, including & not limited to: Armenians whom fled the Ottoman Empire massacres; Caucasians fleeing Ceasarian Russian & USSR; St. Paul the baptist & his road to 'Damascus' conversion... 

Now, current situation & the article:
* Russia is selling Syria arms is like USA selling israel arms, an ally selling its ally arms, I don't see your point in that.

* "Syrian security forces have now killed more than 1,700 demonstrators..." Who told you that it was the security forces who killed those demonstrators? How about another over a 1,000 security forces and army personnels killed along? Don't tell me you didn't hear about them, it'll be a shame, but anyways, the official argument since the beginning which never changed till now is that during 'peaceful protests' armed gangs infiltrate between protesters, increase the tones and start firing from within and by snipers on nearby buildings targeting both protestors & security personnels. So many vidoes have evidenced so many cases of such.

* Here the article fails again in reading the history of Syria, confirming that if the current president who is Alawite forced from power a Sunni president would be Sunni; well far before the current president and his father's regimes Syria had a Christian president, top govt. officials are from all sects since ever and even now, the current and previous 3 Prime Ministers are Sunnis!

* Hope you won't elaborate on the concession of power from father to son in a Middle East community, USA had a father and son heads of state and neither was a good example, Husband & wife, families in power..

* The support to the resistance against israel, now mostly represented by Hizbollah you named terrorist is majorily supported by the people more than the govt. or the president's regime. The people of the area supports Hizb because it was able to stand alone against israel & the US behind it for over 34 days and it managed to cripple the israeli economy sending more than 500,000 people into shelters.. So whomever coming next in Syria would mostly support Hizb much more than the existing rulers.

* Hamas leaders were offered safe heavens in the following US Ally countries in the region: Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, UAE & anit-US Iran, so it's not only Syria would dare to host them.

* Deposing Assad would violently would send shock waves throughout the entire Middle East due to the composition of the Syrian community that is spread all over the ME especially now the events show small Taliban style statelets are popping up in small areas in different areas of Syria and being treated one after the other by the army, if the army leadership change focus, the fire might spread very wide that might erupt unrests even in Western States, initially where large communities of Muslims live and namely: France & UK.

* The visit of the US Ambassador to a restive city leading a protest against the hosting government is a mere contradiction with all diplomatic practices. Those who tossed roses onto his vehicle were not protesters as none of their features are not from the area confirming they were from his entourage. Some media houses are faking photos and news of protestors like the same visit of the US Amb to the city Hama the number of protestors was reported reaching between 500,000 to 900,000 depends on how much that news agency hates the Syrian regime, placing more than 80 persons in 10 square feet..! A city of a total population of 700,000 of both genders, all ages from infant to very old has 500,000 male protesters in a single protest!! Male protesters because Hama is the most Islamic conservative city in Syria which prevents the mingling of males and females especially in public..!

* The Russian Federation has interest in Syria, Syria has interest in Russia, don't see what that has to do with the USA?! USA cannot imply any country on who to befriend and who not to. USA befriends israel which bombed a UN School sheltering hundreds of children not once but twice in two different wars with US made bombs by US made airplanes killing 120 children the first time and over 215 the second time, and that's only an example.

The Syrian people know how to handle internal issues alone, and they don't want NATO wars rip their country in a Lybian style conflict, nor a US intervention to spread democracy in an Iraqi style or Afghanistan way of life.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Failed Actors Become Suddenly Intellectuals - Only in Syria

An unlicensed demonstration which blocked streets in a busy Damascus neighborhood in Midan Area was confronted by riot police whom arrested some of the rioters.

Until then it's normal news, then suddenly we find out that most of the rioters and who pushed the riot in the first place were some actors who failed to get any role in the busy time of the year period preceding the holy month of Ramadan which most famous Syrian actors would be busy filming several series each of them.

The anger of those few for being neglected by producers for their bad performances and their diving popularity stocks value made those actors abuse the unrest in some areas in Syria to gain some popularity at least within the rioters if the rest of the community rejected them, so they staged this protest, which is a very cheap method especially that some people are losing their lives by armed gangs in different areas of the nation and these actors just cared for their own interest.

They called their protest a rally by intellectuals, while non of the protesters is known for any contribution in the society in any field except being actors whom played some comic roles in their past. Those who play a role in acting do not automatically become intellectuals.

Suddenly we saw many pages one for each of the actors detained calling for the immediate release of those actors without trials. We posted our below reply and the admin of the FB page didn't like it as it doesn't call for illegal chaos, anarchy & doesn't call for the release of these detained, but their democracy and freedom does not include other people rights of speech if it's against theirs.

"يحزم الرئيس حقائبه ويمشي؟ هذا قمة السخف، ما اتفق عليه أكثر بكثير مما كان بأقصى أحلامكم، فلفوها بقى.. البلد ما عاد تتحمل فزلكاتكم، إلا إذا كنتم حابين تشوفوا سورية عم تتدمر.. إذا بتعتقدوا أنه أنتم أحرار بعمل مظاهرات كيفما كان، تعالوا على ألمانيا وجربوا.. من يخرج في مظاهرة لا يهدف إلى الإصلاح إنما فقط للخراب، وهذا عار عليكم"

Below our post before they remove it again:

As we expected our above post was removed but to our surprise it was removed within less than 15 minutes.. way to go freedom of speech, anyways, we commented again the below comment which they'll definitely remove:

Our Comment on USA Today On its Article Regarding Syria's Suspected Nuclear Facility

2 countries attacked a sovereign country and destroyed a building inside it, their air forces violated & bombed inside the borders of that country, those 2 countries: israel & USA instead of being held responsible for that aggression raise the voice higher to punish the country that was attacked.. Rubbish & Double Standards.

The building destroyed was suspected to be house a yet to be installed a nuclear plant.. WTF?
Collin Powell in the UN Security Council showed images of WMDs facilities in Iraq then after 8 years they still can't find those WMDs, and now a core & shell building was destroyed because they suspected that in the future it might house a nuclear facility because its building shape?!

The one who should be referred to security council is the country that has over 100 atomic bombs the smallest is bigger than the one used on Hiroshima, at least 5 nuclear facilities exist and not hiding and been running for decades in some cases out of the reach of the international atomic agency.. That country is called israel, and that's the cause of all problems in the Middle East because of stealing others' lands & expelling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their properties and importing settlers in their place.. That's so many crimes against humanity to be mentioned, yet instead the focus goes on a country that had a shell & core building that is suspected to host in the future a nuclear facility and which is no more since 2007..!!!!!! 

They're just stealing your money US Tax Payers.. Wake UP

The article on USA Today & our reply:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Comment on LA Times Article Explaining US Reaction to Embassy Attack

As a Syrian I would like to thank all of those who want to stop the massacres against the Syrian People, some also asked for the NATO, UN & EU to interfere, I highly support that call and urge these entities to come clean & hand over all the gangs they created, managed & supplied with weapons & communication devices to do all that killings & especially the extremists, & who usually create extremist groups and support them? Yeah, you guessed it, USA, like Al Qaeda.. Remember?

Once these entities give the details of the criminials doing the killings in Syria to the Syrian Govt., we can start a new era in the country & relations between our countries based on mutual respect not eyeing resources, promoting rogue elements & wasting billions of Hard Earned Tax Payers Dollars in crimes overseas.

Not in any constitution on this planet unlicensed protests are allowed whatever the reason is, what if those protesters were burning public and private properties, carrying swords & in many times US made automatic weapons smuggled from nearby countries?

The latest involvement Ambassador Ford did was smuggling communication & spying devices into Hama to rogue extremists to be planted near govt, army & security posts to organize anarchy from nearby Lebanon. That's not diplomacy, that's rude intereference, what happened to the embassies is heavenily in comparison.

USA: Mind Your Own Business

Link to the article & our comment on it:,0,61077.story

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Comment on the Note of the US Amassador Ford Today July 11, 2011

Today the news was circulated that the US Ambassador was working as a delivery boy to deliver high tech spying devices to '3ar3ori' eggs in Hama to be planted near security & army posts in the city and around to help them in their rebel to establish the 'Islamist Emirate of Hama' under the Emir Robert Ford, if that is true Mr. Ambassador: You are Screwed, and if that is not true Mr. Ambassador the fact that you went there and met anti-government rebellion figures: You are Screwed.. 

If you see in both ways and you can say in all ways when you decided to interfere using your vast experience in destabilizing countries you were posted to, in all ways: You are Screwed. We don't know whether there's an arrangement between you and the Syrian Government and honestly we don't care, what happens on an official level doesn't mean us on the streets: We are following your support to reach anarchy but be definitely sure: Syrians are much more smarter than whom ever you dealt with before, if some followed you they'll never be more than a mob under your leadership and they don't represent the Syrian people, maybe you are good in planting devices but you are so bad in reading history. 

Read the history of Syria very well and then we can accept your apology and you can pack your stuff and go to your administration and tell the fanatic secretary of yours that you were wrong in selecting Syria to destabilize. This is not a threat at any way, we don't threat and we don't provoke violence like you do, but with our 7000 years of civilization we learned how to deal with dumb people, and you are no exception. At the end, I would like to extend our thanks to your excellency for identifying who were masterminding the chaos in Hama, those you met, be sure who ever you deal with will be tainted with conspiracy and treason. Don't fear for your life or for your staff, Syrians will protect you from those you hired when you stop their finance.

God Bless Syria

ps. try Suzuki instead of Ford as a last name, more reliable and efficient.

The Note of Ford:

The Attack of French & US Embassies' Staff on Peaceful Protesters in Damascus

We don't have a clear picture of what happened today July 11, 2011 at the Embassies of France & USA in Damascus, Syria yet, but in either case: 

We denounce any intrusion 'inside' any embassy if it happened and We Condemn & Denounce in strongest words the use of force especially the live bullets by the French Embassy security staff on the peaceful protesters and the shooting of tear gas by the US Embassy security staff on peaceful protesters, those 2 countries who claim to defend the right of protests do not tolerate peaceful protests against their dare interfering in the internal issues of the sovereign state of Syria

Our Comment on WSJ in Regards with Blogger Anas Claimed Detention

I'm afraid this sounds more like the infamous: Gay Girl in Damascus blog who turned out to be an American Straight & Married Guy living in Scotland..! Many similarities, unless:

There would be no reason for what we know the Syrian Security Apparatus to arrest bloggers discussing Tech stuff, they would target usually anyone dealing with politics and that stopped over 2 months ago, so if the story is right there's something missing in it, either Anas is a blogger who is blogging about organizing unlicensed demonstrations causing chaos and anarchy, or he was caught taking videos of such protests & distributing to a hand picked channels that were proved biased against the official Syrian Govt. like Al Jazeera Arabic & France 24.. Though Al Jazeera English has a different unbiased stance the Arabic version is broadcasting a very odd unprofessional campaign instead of covering news.

As we highly disapprove the detention of any 'Journalist' or civilian who didn't break the law, we consider dealing with such channels like if a USA journalist makes a contract with Al Qaeda Operative and broadcasting their point of view only.
Thank you

The Article & Our Comment:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our Comment on LA Times Footage & Article of Armed Gangs in Midan

It's obviously nothing to do with any sect in Syria as there's no other country in the region that its people are so interwoven like any Syrian government since ever, each member is from a different sect, most civilians in the regime are not alawis, majority of the army is not alawi it's surprisingly from Dara'.. can u imagine? 

Alawis are a majority in leading posts in 2 security services out of 6 main divisions & in the inner circle of the Republican Guards who protect the president personally, others are from different sects, for a surprise also: the majority of special forces in Syrian army are Christians. if that's not a shock for you yet, look at the video above and think for a second: which security or army division in Syria wears white sneakers?

During the video did you notice civilians shouting at the armed gang running and even trying to cut their way? Did you think from what those 'Armed' gangs are running? how about they were chased by police and civilians standing by were trying to help before they realized those don't only hold bats they also have pistols? more logic?

Mistakes did happen on behalf of some security forces, true, but not even comparable with the vast and systematic 'mistakes' committed by US Army in Iraq & Gitmo for an example, not mentioning using phosphoric and cluster bombs by the israeli army during 2006 & 2008 aggression's on Lebanon & Gaza respectively.

Link to the article & our comment below: 

Our Comment on Turkey's Zaman Interview with Bayanoni

Honestly, we don't know on which basis Turkey supports Syrian ousted Muslim Brotherhood members, it's the same if Syria would support openly the PKK and I'm sure your government won't appreciate that, so why making cracks in a relation just recently formed? Who benefits? If PM Erdogan reminds Syrian Govt of Hama seems he forgot the other side of the story which is the massacres the Muslim Brotherhood committed in Hama and other cities of Syria during the 80's.. 

The rest of our comment was omitted with no reason.

The article & our comment:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

زيارة السفير الامريكي لحماة

طالعتنا احدى منظرات الثورجة بمقال تستفيض فيه بانتقاد النظام السوري بما يتعلق بزيارة السفير الامريكي فورد لمدينة حماة وبدون أن تشير بأي اتهام ولو خفي لأسباب الزيارة الحقيقة، وقد اضطررنا للرد عليها ضمن التعليقات على مقالها ذاته ونعيد التعليق هنا لأننا تعودنا أن يقوم شبيحة المعارضة بحذف تعليقاتنا التي لا تنادي بالخراب والتدمير:

عنوان المقالة الأساسية:

تعليقنا كان رقمه 27 تحت المقال وهنا إعادته:

أعجبني هذا النص عن زيارة فورد لحماة لما فيه من تسخيف للعقول العربية:

1) إن كان النظام لا يعلم فهذه الزيارة قد ورطت المعارضة الوطنية بتلويث أياديها بحماة (من حامي) الحرية والديمقراطية أخواتنا الأمريكان.. أما إذا كان النظام يعلم فصديقنا فورد وصديقه الفرنسي أكلوا كم ومعهم المعارضة الوطنية التي تلوثت أياديها بحماة الحرية والديمقراطية أخواتنا الأمريكان .. مرة أخرى:
في حال علم النظام أم لم يعلم فليس من المعقول على أقل تقدير وطني رؤية سفيري دولتين غربيتين تتمتعان بتاريخ مضيء بنشر الديمقراطية والدفاع عن حرية الشعوب وخاصة في العراق، أفغانستان، الصومال، اليمن، ليبيا، السودان، لبنان.. الخ، وبإمكانكم رؤية نتائج الديمقراطية بتقسيم كل دولة من هذه الدول إلى قسمين على أقل تقدير أو على طريق التقسيم مثل حالة لبنان ليس من المعقول رؤيتهما في مدينة تثور ظاهرياً لأسباب مطلبية داخلية.

2) السفير يعلم أن مايحدث في حماة ثورة سلمية، نعم، لأن المسؤولين الأمريكان في حديقة البيت الأبيض ذاته يتجولوا بحرية بدون أن يفتشوا أحد، فكيف بسفير في إمارة بنانا (Banana Country) يدخل بين جموع عدهم أبو محمود شاهد عيان قناة الجزيرة ب 900 ألف متظاهر ويتجول بينهم بحرية، إذا ما أعطاه المسلحين على الأرض الحماية الكاملة، بلكي في شبيح واحد للنظام موجود وقرر قنصه!! اللهم إلا إذا سعادة السفير وكما وصفه البوطي أميراً للجهاد ونذر روحه فداء لسورية وشعبها الغالي على أمريكا؟

3) وصول السفير وحماة محاطة بالحواجز، والحجز المسبق في الفندق، معناها أكل الكم وطعماه للشرفاء من أبناء حماة ولا ننسى أن ليست كل الحواجز للنظام فهناك حواجز عديدة وضعها أبناء حماة لحماية مدينتهم من أجهزة أمن وجيش بلدهم.
4) بالله عليك وعلى الجميع، كيف تضبط التنسيقية الأمن داخل مدينة عدد سكانها نص مليون انسان من مختلف المشارب والأفكار ويتظاهر فيها أكتر من 900 ألف شخص داخل ساحة واحدة بدون أن يكون لدى “التنسيقية” سلاح فعال في حال فلتت الأمور عن نصابها؟ أم أن نص مليون انسان لا يمكن أن يكون بينهم أي شخص من ضعيفي النفوس يريد أن يسرق أو يوبق أو … ! ولا واحد؟ طبعاً هذا ليس اتهام لجميع أبناء حماة ولكن من قمة السخف الإيحاء بوجود مدينة فاضلة على وجه البسيطة.. فحتى زمن الرسول الأكرم كان هناك من يسرق ويرتكب الموبقات و و…

5) هل تخوينكم لثوار حماة معناها أن يقوموا باغتياله؟ لا أنا برأيي أن يولموا له ويقيمين الأهازيج وترقص أمامه شريفات حماة… أي عهر تشبيحي هذا؟ في بريطانيا عندما يقوم أي مسؤول امريكي بالزيارة يستقبل رسمياً بطريقة ويستقبل شعبياً بالبيض النتن والبندورة، لك حتى مسؤولي بريطانيا أنفسهم لا يجرؤون على الذهاب إلى أي منطقة خارج مناطق انتخابهم حتى ما ياكلوا هوا.. الحمد لله، إلا عندنا نحن العرب يأتي ناشروا الديمقراطية والحرية ونستقبلهم بالورود.. بدكم ديمقراطية؟ رئيس أمريكا العظمى جورج بوش كان كلما يدخل الكونغرس وبس بدو يصافح النواب كان أعضاء الحزب الديمقراطي يرفعوا أصابعهم بوجهه.. وهذا رئيس امريكا في مجلس الشيوخ الامريكي وليس سفير دولة قام أعضاء مجلسها الشيوخي الموقر بالوقوف 26 مرة لنتنياهو في خطاب رفض فيه كافة حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني؟

ليس هكذا يستقبل المجرمين يا أبناء مدينة أبي الفداء.. على شرفاء المدينة الإعلان وبدون تردد رفضهم لأي تدخل غربي في شؤون سورية الداخلية مهما كانت ومن أي طرف كان، ليس أن نحرق علم حزب الله ونرفع علم تركيا التي رفضت إرسال اسطول الحرية لغزة وتحاول تصليح علاقاتها مع اسرائيل او علم امريكا اللي بتمد اسرائيل بكل ما تطلب من مال وسلاح وحتى أفراد.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

تعرف على أقطاب المعارضة السورية

في هذا المقال نحاول أن نلقي بعض الضوء على أقطاب ما يسمى بالمعارضة السورية ونحن نورد فقط ما وردنا وليس كل شيء عنهم، إذ حتى الآن لا تقوم الأجهزة المختصة بإعطاء تفاصيل عنهم ولا نعرف ما هو السبب، إلا أننا من حقنا أن نعرف من هؤلاء الذين يدّعون أنهم يمثلون الشعب السوري وبالأخص إذا قمنا بإسقاط أسماء وشخصيات المعارضة السورية على شخصيات المعارضة العراقية الذين عادوا للعراق على ظهور الدبابات الأمريكية لنجد أن الخطة ذاتها:

د. هيثم مناع: طبعاً يبدأ الدكتور بعرض سيرته الذاتية على موقعه الخاص بالكلام عن أنه ولد أثناء تظاهرة ضد إسرائيل لاستدراج القلوب، وثم يعرض أنه شيوعي وأحد منظري الشيوعية في سورية وأنه هرب من سورية إلى فرنسا بسبب ملاحقة الأمن له لانتمائه الشيوعي، ويضيف الدكتور المناع أنه درس الطب ووصل إلى السنة الثالثة من أصل 6 سنوات أقله قبل أن يهرب.. طبعاً هناك معلومة نسي أن يضيفها وقامت بالإدلاء بها سيدة من درعا تعرف الدكتور المناع وعائلته وتفيد بأن سبب هروبه ليس عمله الحزبي أو التنظيمي إنما اعتداؤه على قاصر، ومن المعلوم أن هكذا جريمة في حوراننا الغالي وبالأخص في نهاية السبعينات أي قبل أكثر من 30 عاماً كانت تسيل الدماء من أجلها وإليكم إفادة الشاهدة عن هيثم العودات - المناع:
نسخته العراقية: د. ابراهيم الجعفري 

د. عمار القربي: ناشط حقوقي حسب ادعاءاته الشخصية أنه تم استخدامه من قبل أجهزة الأمن السورية للتغلغل ضمن ناشطي حقوق الإنسان والإبلاغ عنهم، ولكن المغريات المادية جعلته يقرر الإنشقاق عن المنظمة العربية لحقوق الإنسان وتشكيل المنظمة السورية لحقوق الإنسان، طبعاً هناك تمويل خاص لكل لجنة من تلك اللجان، ولذلك لا تستغربوا إذا عرفتم أن زوجته بهية مارديني رئيسة لجنة خاصة فيها تسمى لجنة الدفاع عن الرأي، ويقال أن أولادهما لكل منهم لجنة خاصة..! لا يهم. ما بتروح غير على المعترين اللي ما عندهم لجان انسانية. أما ما يلفت الانتباه بسيرة القربي أن هناك من ادعى عليه بأنه قبض مبلغ 10 آلاف دولار أمريكي من سيدة سورية مقابل إيجاد كلية ليتم زراعتها لها بحكم عمله، وبالفعل استطاع أن يحضر كلية من السيد ماهر فروخ من ادلب ولم يعطه أي شيء من ثمن كليته التي تبرع بها للسيدة وقام القربي بالاحتفاظ بكامل المبلغ لأن الموضوع بالنسبة إليه مادي ولا علاقة له بأي انسانية
نسخته العراقية: أحمد الجلبي 

عدنان العرعور: وهو رأس المعارضة السلفية الرجعية ويشبهه البعض بخليفة ابن لادن ومنظّر فكرة "طالبان سورية" وللمفارقة يتحول من ملازم مسرّح من الجيش السوري تسريحاً غير مشرفاً نظراً لإدانته بارتكاب أفعال منافية للحشمة واللواطة مع مجندين تحت إمرته في بلد محافظ مثل سورية، يتحول هذا الشخص إلى شيخ ينادي بتطهير البلد من الفساد، ثم نراه بعد أن يكسب ثقة بعض العامة يقوم بالتحريض بين فئات الشعب السوري على أساس طائفي ويحث على القتل والتمثيل بجثث أفراد الطوائف الأخرى على عكس تقاليد المسلمين والسوريين وتعاليم الإسلام، بل ويريد أن يحول سورية من بلد يستوعب أبناؤه من كافة الطوائف ويوفر لهم الأمان والحماية ويستقبل الللاجئين من جور وظلم واضطهاد باقي دول العالم ليقوم بإرهابهم ببلدهم. تنسب للعرعور العديد من المساهمات في مجازر ارتكبت بحق الجيش والشعب السوري أثناء انتسابه لتنظيم الإخوان المسلمين المسلح في سورية في نهاية السبعينات وبداية الثمانينات.
نسخته العراقية: عمار الحكيم

محي الدين اللاذقاني:  هو آخر من يمكن أن يتكلم عن الفساد أو السلطة من خلال عمله كاتباً لدى رفعت الأسد بطل مجزرة حماة وغيرها كما يدعي المعارضون أنفسهم، فكيف يتحول بوق للسيد رفعت إلى مدافع عن حقوق الإنسان، إذا أردنا أن نعرف حقيقة محي الدين اللاذقاني فما علينا سوى مراجعة ما يكتبه زملاؤه من المعارضة أنفسهم، فنرى ما يدعى بالحركة السورية القومية تقول عن زميلهم اللاذقاني في تصريح عنها: (اذاعت قناة الجزيرة القطرية لقاء بين السيد زهير الصديق والسيد محي الدين اللاذقاني :
 وردا على هذا اللقاء صرح المفوض الاذاعي للحركة السورية القومية الاجتماعية بما يلي :  أولاً : ما حدث في جبهة الخلاص يعتبر اجراء مؤسساتي وهو اختلاف وجهات نظر وليس عداء كما يتمناه البعض .
ثانياً:السيد اللاذقاني معروف عنه التصيد في الماء العكر.وتصريحات وكلام السيد اللاذقاني لا تدل الا على تفرغه لمهاجمة الاخرين.
 ثالثاً:السيد اللاذقاني من بعض اشكال المعارضيين اللذين تنقلوا من تيار الى اخر وحسب الاجواء والمرتبات. وقد كنا دائماً بجانبه لاسترجاع مرتباته المسلوبه من قبل رفعت الاسد واعوانه فترة عمله معهم.لكن تصريحاته الغريبة بحق المعارضة السورية تضع اكثر من اشارة استفهام
..... ولتحي سوريا - المفوض الاذاعي الرفيق يعقوب حداد
نسخته العراقية: موفق الربيعي 

عبد الحليم خدام: أشهر من علم، صاحب صفقة دفن النفايات النووية السامة في الصحراء السورية، بطل الفساد في سورية والهيمنة على صغار التجار، أكبر موزع لموافقات لوحات أرقام السيارات  لأصدقائه وأصدقاء أبنائه، باع الجولان والآن يدعو لضربات عسكرية على غرار السيناريو الليبي على الوطن الذي عمل منه بني آدم. زعيم ما يسمى جبهة الخلاص الوطني

لما الأتاسي: أكيد رئيسة جمعية من أجل الأموال، ولكن بنت الرئيس السابق الفاسد لم تقبل أن تكون رئيسة إلا لجمعية اسمها نجدة سورية والتي أسسها هنري ليفي، ولمن لا يعرف هنري ليفي فليبحث عنه في أروقة إسرائيل.

أعلاه بعض الأسماء من المعارضة السورية وسنوافيكم بالباقي تباعاً ما أن تردنا معلومات عنهم، ونذكر بأن ما تم نشره هو ما وصلنا من بعض المصادر التي تعرف ماضي هؤلاء الأشخاص ونترك لأي معترض حق الرد أو تفنيد أي مما ورد أعلاه من منطلق دعمنا للديمقراطية واحترام رأي الآخرين، بعكس ما يدعو له المذكورين أعلاه 


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